Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa.,

Monday, March 15, 1886


Councilman Molloy Robbed in Pittsburgh.


On Saturday Councilmen F. P. Molloy, George Metz and H. Z. Metcalf, accompanied by Messrs. W. Trout and Charles Szink, of the Vigilant Fire Company, went to Pittsburgh to examine the electric fire alarm signal in use in that city. Messrs. Metcalf and Metz returned the same evening, but the rest of the party remained in Pittsburgh, and on Saturday night they all went to bed together in the same room at the Rush House, kept by Mr. Frank McCoy, late of Newry, this county. Mr. McCoy escorted them to the room and after Messrs. Molloy, Trout and Szink got in bed he turned out the light and shut the door, and left them. Mr. Trout didn't like the idea of going to sleep with the door unlocked, so he got up, obtained a match, lit the gas, locked the door and returned to bed. When the gentlemen awoke in the morning Mr. Molloy's gold watch and chain were missing from the table upon which he left them when he retired. The watch and chain were valued at something over $400. The authorities were notified of the robbery and detectives are now investigating the case, which is a very mysterious one, indeed. Messrs. Molloy, Trout and Szink are yet in Pittsburgh awaiting the result of the work of the detectives.


Police Notes.


On Friday night Officers Fettinger and Miller arrested Wilson Wertz, one of the party that assaulted Walter Rose on Thursday night. He had a hearing Saturday afternoon and was held for trial in the sum of $200. J. Ovis, another of the party, was held in the same sum. Thomas J. Dunn, the principal assailant, couldn't furnish the bail and was sent to jail on Saturday morning.


Tom Engle was arrested by Officers Fettinger and Miller late on Friday night, at the instance of his mother. He was drunk and so abusive that she was afraid to remain in the house with him. Tom is an old offender and has spent a great part of his time in jail. He was sent out again on Saturday morning.


Officers Dotzler and Whittle locked up two inebriates on Saturday night.


The Doors at the Skating Rink Don't Swing the Right Way.


A great crowd attended the Salvation Army meeting in the skating rink last night and when the exercises were over all tried to leave the building at the same time. There is a small vestibule at the door and a small passage-way leading to it, and here there was a fearful jam in which some people were slightly injured. The double doors swing inward and one of them was closed and locked. A couple of policemen stood outside and held the door open and helped the people out. The Salvation Captain was notified to change the doors so as to swing outward, and to keep them unlocked. If he fails to do so the city authorities will attend to the matter.


Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Monday, March 15, 1886, page 1


Our Daily Budget of Local Gleanings From the Lower End of the County.


Engineer Joseph Dingy, of Philipsburg, was in town on last Saturday.


R. K. Bonine is the artist you are looking for, if you want your photograph taken in an artistic style.


The Salvation Army commenced operations again on Saturday evening, and yesterday "played" to crowded houses.


On last Friday morning, at 9 o'clock, a little 3-year-old son Mrs. Graham Closson closed his eyes is death, the result of catarrh fever. The burial took place at 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon.


A message was received here on Saturday morning announcing the serious illness of Mrs. Jesse Brown, nee Thomas, in Virginia, where she with her husband resides. Her brother Harry and sister Mrs. William Study left on Mail train in the afternoon to go to her. A late message arrived after their departure, informing her parents that she was worse, and yesterday morning they, too, left for the bedside of their afflicted daughter. Mrs. Brown's numerous friends in Tyrone will be sorry to learn of her illness.


Last Friday was a red-letter day in the history of Tyrone, and I venture to say that at no other period of its existence was there ever a secret order established within her confines that either succeeded in numbers, stability of character, or general éclat as did the institution of Tyrone Castle No. 79, of the Knights of the Golden Eagle. Grand Chief, G. W. Couch, of Philadelphia, as representative of the Grand Castle, arrived here on Mail Express in the morning, and at once made preparation for a hard but to him an agreeable day's work. He was accompanied by his very estimable wife, who in the absence of her liege lord, attending to his duties, was entertained, as well as the day would permit, by several of the wives of members of Tyrone Castle. The pavements were "sloppy" with slush and the streets muddy, and altogether it was about as disagreeable a day as is generally seen in this "neck o' woods." However, quite a delegation, composed of about forty members of Elmo Castle, headed by District Grand Chief A. C. Lytle; G. V. C., F. Espenlaub; G. H. P., J. E. Decker; G. V. H., E. M. Thomas; G. M. of R., W. M. Brown; G. K. of E., W. Scott Miller; G. C. of E., N. A. Golbrecht; G. W. C., E. C. Morse; G. W. B., W. C. Hoar; G. S. H., H. V. Carles; G. Ensign, --- Bitner; G. First G., C. L. Lytle; G. Second G., W. E. Wise; came down from Altoona on mail and were met by a local committee and escorted to the hall where the exercises were to take place. Sir Knights Chandler and Robbins, and District Grand Chief Graham, of Harrisburg, were also present, and assisted the Grand officers in their work. The afternoon session lasted from 3 till 6.30 o'clock, and at the end of that time just fifty-two persons could be properly addressed as Sir Knights, who knew nothing about the order a few hours before. An adjournment took place till 7.30 o'clock p. m., when thirty more, thinking it the wise thing to do, went through the initiation ceremonies with commendable grace and were also made Sir Knights of the Golden Eagle. During the institution exercises, Sir Grand Herald Stilts arrived from Akron, Ohio, quite unexpectedly, and from that time on, all through the installation of officers, lent a helping hand in the impressive and interesting exercises. It was just about midnight when the gavel of the N. C. fell, and Tyrone Castle, No. 79, of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, adjourned to meet in the G. A. R. hall on Friday, March 19. After the exercises lunch was served at the Boyer House, about fifty visiting Sir Knights participating. Everything passed off pleasantly, and it was not until Fast Line east, and Oyster Express west, which carried most of the Sir Knights to their respective homes, did the scene get down to a normal condition. Grand Chief Crouch and wife, and Grand Sir Herald Stilts left for Philadelphia on Day Express on Saturday, carrying with them the good will of our people, who, in fact, wish all the visiting brethren long continued lives of happiness and prosperity.


Report of Business Before the Court Saturday - Sentences Imposed.


Court met at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, with both the Judges upon the bench, and proceeded to dispose of the business before it in the following order:


Lydia Rowe vs. The City of Altoona - an action for damages for injuries caused by falling through the city bridge at Eighth avenue and Twenty-fourth street, in September, 1885. The jury, which was out when Court adjourned on Friday evening, came in on Saturday morning with a verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of $267.


The following sentences were imposed by the Court upon the parties convicted the early part of last week:


Ed. T. Dunn, of the Central Hotel, Altoona, for selling liquor to men of known intemperate habits, was sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and costs of prosecution, and undergo an imprisonment in the county jail for ten days.


John Jackson, Altoona - larceny. Sent to the House of Refuge in Philadelphia.


John Jackson, of Altoona - carrying concealed weapons. Sentenced same as above.


Joseph Black, of Altoona - carrying concealed weapons. Sent to the House of Refuge in Philadelphia.


Frank Waite, of Tyrone, convicted of taking money from the till in the office of F. D. Beyer, of Tyrone. Sentenced to pay a fine of $20 and costs of prosecution, and to undergo an imprisonment for six months in the county jail.


George Kemberling, of Altoona - larceny. Sentenced to the House of Refuge in Philadelphia.


Elijah Shope, of Altoona - larceny. Sentence suspended during good behavior.


Joseph Wymer, of Central Hotel, Altoona - selling liquor to persons of known intemperate habits. Sentence deferred until 10 o'clock this morning.


Court adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock this (Monday) morning.


A Budget of News from our Huntingdon County Correspondent.


Mr. B. B. Brumbaugh's sale, already announced, amounted to $2,000.


Miss Elma A. Brumbaugh, of Grafton, whose illness we noted in a recent letter, is approaching convalescence.


J. C. Cunningham, of Penn township, is now pulling the ribbons on two of Johnstown's spirited bays.


Chester county has more creameries in its limits than any other county in the State and Huntingdon county has less.


Mr. Wilson Horton, of Todd township, sold all his personal property at auction, on Thursday of last week, and will move to the Cove this spring.


Dr. Higbee should remember that it is so easy to promise and so hard to perform. Therefore, beware of the easiness that ends in difficulty, Doctor.


Hon. P. P. Dewees and his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Browning, have returned to their Orbisonia home from an extended visit to relatives in the South, and the Dispatch says, "much pleased with the trip."


The Semi-Weekly News has entered upon its thirteenth volume. After twelve years of faithful service, during which period the paper increased in circulation and business more than three-fold, it has become one of the leading fireside journals of the county. The editor, Hugh Lindsay, Esq., by courageous and able defense of honest convictions, has endeared himself to a large circle of readers and the contemporary press as well.


When the lamp wick gave out suddenly one dark, stormy night last winter, it was the happy thought of Herman Spang, the young boy who carries the mail from the Marklesburg office to the station, over one- half of a mile, to try a home-made substitute, cut from an old felt hat. The unexpected result was, it answered the purpose as well as a brand new 10 cent one from the store, and consequently no other kind has been used since, now going on three months. Care must be taken, however, to see that the width and thickness is just sufficient to fill the aperture in the burner.


The weary heart of Mr. Michael McCall, of Penn township, ceased to beat on Thursday morning. It can be known only by experience with what a longing heart he looked forward to the rest of death. He was sick so long, and carried with him such corroding and complicated diseases that it was with a feeling of relief he contemplated the approach of death. To him the summons came in its most beautiful form. His suffering, indeed, was long and painful, but death came in the garb of a gentle sleep over his weary heart as it ceased to beat. He was a true Christian and a member of the Dunkard church. A wife and three daughters survive him. He passed away at the age of 45 years, and was laid to rest in the Stone Church cemetery, near his home, on Saturday at 10 o'clock a. m.


"Butter dealers are having a hard time of it," said one of the fraternity the other day. "Everybody thinks we are trying to palm off counterfeit butter on them. I have taken great pains to show my regular customers how to tell genuine butter from the fraudulent article. Counterfeit butter may look nice and smell sweet when the tub is first opened, but after it is exposed to the air for a while a slightly unpleasant smell can always be detected. If a little of it is rubbed between the fingers it will turn white, while the genuine butter will not change color. Now, I have told you something that is new to most people, for I have never seen it in print. In my canvass in Trough Creek and Woodcock Valley I find a great deal of packed butter and am compelled to buy it or none."


A Record of Interesting Happenings at the County Capital.


Court will reconvene at 10 o'clock this morning.


Mr. Joe S. Law, whose illness we noted some time since, is now, we are glad to state, improving.


Owing to lack of orders the Portage Iron Works, at Duncansville, will be run on single turn during the week.


Miss Mattie Neilson, of Latrobe, Pa., is now the guest of her friends, Misses Maggie and Annie Stehley, at their home in East Hollidaysburg.


James Kelly, Esq., Prothonotary of Huntingdon county, visited our town on Saturday last, and while here inspected the Court House, with which he was very much pleased.


Our street lamp-lighter has been forgetting himself again, and been relying too implicitly on the sayings and foretellings of the almanac, and consequently several nights last week, much to the danger and discomfort of the pedestrians, we had no light on the streets. The nights were dark, cloudy and wet, and, although the almanacs promised us moonlight, the promise was all moonshine. In view of this fact we advise Mr. McGinnis to throw away his almanac and take his cue henceforth from things real and not things imaginary.


Remember that to-morrow (Tuesday) evening, at the Opera House, our Baptist friends will give you an opportunity of seeing and hearing one of the most interesting and instructive entertainments of the season - one which you cannot miss without sacrificing a great deal of pleasure and enjoyment. For the small sum of 35 cents you can attend the lecture and entertainment given by San-Ah-Brah, a native of Burmah, who will take you in imagination on a tour of vivid and realistic travels over that old and wonderful country of India - travels which would cost you hundreds of dollars to take in reality. Don't miss this chance of the season to gratify and instruct yourself and aid a good cause.


On Friday morning last, while the family of Mr. Daniel H, Engst were sitting at the table, at their home on Hickory street, North Hollidaysburg, eating an early breakfast, a very unfortunate accident occurred, which may terminate fatally. Willie, a six-year-old child, bright, precocious and inquisitive, thought he would like to examine more closely the shining coffee pot, which stood on the table, full of the scalding fluid. He grabbed the pot and in his haste to bring it close to him he pulled it from the table, spilling the hot coffee over his person and terribly scalding one side of his face and body. The fire and heat penetrated so deep that in places the skin and flesh fell off in flakes from the wounds. His sufferings were intense, and his screams, loud and piercing, brought the neighbors to the scene. The parents were powerless to do anything to soothe or ease the child's pains, and a neighbor named Mrs. Socey, who professes to be able to blow the fire out of burns, was called in and tried her skill. While the woman was going through her maneuvers and manipulations the child's outcries were terrible and heartrending; but when she had finished he seemed to suffer less and rested much easier, showing that there must have been some potency in the woman's cure. The child is living at present writing, but its recovery is very doubtful.


Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Monday, March 15, 1886, page 2


Sad Death of the Young Wife of Mr. Andrew Farren.


It is our painful duty to announce the death of Mrs. Maggie M. Farren, the young wife of Mr. Andrew J. Farren, which occurred at 9.30 o'clock Saturday morning. She had been ill for fifteen weeks and though her friends had feared the worst result the many favorable changes in her condition kept them hoping for and sometimes believing in her restoration to health. The deceased, whose maiden name was Miss Mary M. Brannon, was born in Hollidaysburg, June 20, 1862, and since she was two years of age, her home was in the family of Mr. Joseph Carboy, her uncle, who now resides at No. 1211 Fourteenth avenue. On October 9, of last year, she was united in marriage with Mr. Farren under the most auspicious circumstances, and with every prospect of a bright and happy future. In a few weeks, however, she was prostrated on a bed of sickness, which the most unremitting and tender care of her husband and uncle and aunt could not lessen. She bore up patiently and uncomplainingly to the end and died peacefully and happy. Being so young and her life so bright and full of contentment and love, her taking off is peculiarly sad. Her disposition was sweet and her manners so charming and agreeable that many young friends were attracted to her. In her own home she was the life and hope. Her father died many years ago, but her mother is still living in Hollidaysburg, where her sister, Miss Katie Brannon, also resides. Her brother Thomas lives in Pittsburgh.


Yesterday many friends and acquaintances called at Mr. Carboy's residence to express their condolence. The young bride laid in the casket attired in her bridal dress, but the glow of health and beauty was changed to the pallid hue of death. The remains will be taken to St. John's Catholic church this morning and after requiem high mass the cortege will proceed to St. John's cemetery where the interment will take place.




William N. Richey, an old and well known citizen of Altoona, died in Pittsburgh on Friday, from the effect of an apoplectic stroke. The deceased was born in the town of Bedford May 18, 1824, and was consequently in his 62d year. He was a carpenter by trade, and erected many buildings in this city during his long residence here. About a year ago he joined his sons in Pittsburgh, and remained there until he died. His wife died in this city some eight years ago. He leaves seven children, viz.: J. Calvin, in Nebraska; William L; and Frank, of Pittsburgh; Albert, of Coalmont, Col., and Elwood, Annie and Maggie, of this city. The remains were brought to this city on Saturday night and taken to the residence of Elwood Richey, No. 923 First avenue. The funeral will take place at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Interment in Oak Ridge cemetery.




Mrs. Johanna Oesterle, wife of Frederick Oesterle, died at 8.30 o'clock yesterday morning at the residence of her husband, Fourth avenue between First and Second streets. Her age was 23 years 11 months and 27 days. Death resulted from consumption with which she had been an invalid for six months. The funeral will leave the residence at 8.39 o'clock to-morrow morning to proceed to St. Mary's (German) Catholic church, where requiem mass will be celebrated. Interment in St. Mary's cemetery.




Mr. Jerome McConnell, a brother of Messrs. Frank and Samuel McConnell, of this city, died in Houtzdale on Saturday. He was at one time employed in the upper round house in this city, but had been in delicate health for a long time. His remains were brought here yesterday and taken to the residence of Mr. Frank McConnell. The funeral will take place this morning. Mass will be celebrated over the remains at St. John's Catholic church. Interment in St. John's cemetery.




Both branches of City Council hold regular meetings this evening.


Mr. Peter Miller and Miss Carrie Cronour, both of Gallitzin, were married at that place, on Tuesday last, by Rev. Father Boyle.


The Salvation Army paraded on the east side of the city yesterday afternoon. The army consisted of about twelve men and girls.


Some of our readers may be interested in learning that Dr. H. T. Coffey, of Peoria, Ills., who was born, raised and studied medicine with his father in Hollidaysburg, is attending Court at Pittsburgh as a witness in the Temple will case.


Letters held at the postoffice for postage: J: H. Shane, 199 Clark street, Chicago, Illinois; American Journal of Education, St. Louis, Mo.; Boggs & Buell, 115 Allegheny, Pa.; package, Sister M. Loyala, St. Joseph's Academy, Greensburg, Pa.


A concert and lecture is to be given on St. Patrick's night for the benefit of the church of St. Mary of Mercy, Pittsburgh, the latter to be delivered by the pastor, Rev. M. Sheedy, formerly of this city, and brother of our townsman, Dr. John Sheedy.


We know of more than one reader of The Times who will be gratified to learn that the venerable Father Mollinger, who has been lying seriously ill for several months past at his residence on Troy Hill, Pittsburgh, is now convalescent, with every prospect for his speedy recovery.


The fourth grand reception of the Emerald Beneficial Association, Branch No. 00, will be held in their hall, Schenk Block, Monday evening, April 26, 1886. The committee in charge of the arrangements are S. Stevens, Chairman; P. H. Kelly, Secretary; John McMullen, Treasurer.


Post No. 468, G, A. R. Takes Action.


At a meeting of Fred. C. Ward Post No. 468, of this city, on Saturday evening last, the following resolutions relating to the soldiers' orphans' schools were unanimously adopted:


Resolved, That we, the members of Fred. C. Ward Post 468, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Pennsylvania, hereby extend to his excellency Governor Robert E. Pattison our sincere thanks for his earnest and energetic efforts to ferret out, and investigate the condition and reported bad treatment of the soldiers' orphans now in the various soldiers' orphans' schools of the State and for the great interest he manifests in looking after these wards of the great State of Pennsylvania; and we bid him God speed in his noble and humane work, and earnestly trust that he will continue his investigations until every guilty man, and all those who have in any way been concerned in maltreating and neglecting the orphan children of our late comrades, are exposed and punished.


Resolved, That we deprecate and exceedingly regret the reception given to His Excellency, by the school at Chester Springs, which proves to us that the principal of this school is incompetent and unworthy to fill his high and responsible position, and should be at once dismissed, or the children removed from the school and placed under the care of one who will teach them proper respect for the Chief Executive of the great Commonwealth, of which they are the beneficiaries.


Resolved further, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to His Excellency, Governor Pattison, and be printed in the city papers.


Contract Awarded.


The contract for the erection of the large and handsome hotel, 100 x 35 feet, at Conemaugh Lake, near South Fork, Cambria county, has been awarded to Messrs. Hoover & Hughes, of Philipsburg, who have selected Mr. David McClain, of this city, a thoroughly competent mechanic and reliable gentleman, to superintend the carpenter work of the building. Operations will be commenced today, the first work on hand being the tearing down of the old structure to make room for the new one. The masonry work is to be done, and well done it will be, by Mr. William McClarron, of South Fork.


An Old Soldier Buried.


Robert Cochrane, who was injured on the railroad at Gallitzin about three weeks ago, died from the effect of his injuries on Thursday. He was one of Gallitzin's oldest and most respected citizens. His remains were interred in the Union Cemetery at Gallitzin on Saturday morning. Sergeant Thos. McCloskey Post, G. A. R., attended the funeral and fired the usual salute.


A Broad Top Miner Gives Good Reasons for the Strike.


BROAD TOP, March 12, 1886.
EDITORS TIMES: - In your issue of yesterday, the 11th, there is an article stating that a majority of the 500 miners on a strike in this section favor arbitration to settle our difficulties; also that we intended to be governed by the action of the Clearfield miners in the matter of stopping out. Both statements are incorrect. Arbitration was not thought of, and we are determined to remain out until the ten cents advance is granted, no matter what Clearfield or any other striking miners do.


On the 1st of March the soft coal pool syndicate advanced the price of coal thirty cents per ton, giving as their reasons for the advance that the firm demand made by the Cumberland and Clearfield miners for an advance of ten cents per ton would have to be complied with.


The miners of both places gave the operators until the 8th of March, whereas if they had come out on the 1st of March, and each committee had a copy of either the Philadelphia Press or the Pittsburg Commercial Gazette of February 27, and pointed out the article to the operator for perusal, the ten cents would have been granted on that day. But it is impossible for the Clearfield miners to do anything manly or honorable. By their deceptive, cowardly conduct they are depriving themselves and us of any share of the boom of prosperity that extends through the whole nation at present. We are governed by Clearfield rates of mining. Our respective operators tell us when Clearfield gives the advance they are willing to do the same by us, but as long as the Clearfield operators practice their system of robbing their miners of their just dues they are equally determined to do it here.


Before the advance in the price of coal, on March 1, there was scarcely any wage worker or miner in the country that did not get an advance in wages in the past four months ranging from 10 to 20 per cent. Neither Clearfield, Maryland, nor the miners of this section received any advance whatever. We are digging coal here, or were, for 35 cents per ton. When a miner sent out four tons of coal he had about $1.20 per day after paying for powder, oil and other expenses. But under the advance of 30 cents per ton be put into the treasury of his operator $1.20, not including the large profits of the operators previous to the advance. We ask ten cents, one-third of that amount, and are willing to concede them 20 cents, the other two thirds. But they refuse to give us any portion of it. The divine injunction of the Supreme Being is completely ignored by them, "Do unto others as you would wish others to do unto you;" "Let justice be done though the heavens do fall." We have suffered as much through unjust treatment for the past two years as patient people can submit to, and now we are firmly determined on having a little justice if we have to remain out all summer.




[Since this letter was written the Clearfield miners have come out, having been induced to do so by a committee of striking miners from the Cumberland region. The strike in the soft-coal regions of Eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia is now general, and between ten thousand and twelve thousand men are idle. - EDITORS TIMES ]


Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Monday, March 15, 1886, page 4




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