Last Will and Testament of John Dotter

Elmont, March 24, 1892

Dear Children, in my old and invalid days as you are aware, I have been less fortunate in speculation, looseing heavly of our hard ernings (I say ours because you all help to make what I had). Your mother has been a great factor in our saveings. For your benifit as I intended it I engaged in speculations but unfortunate for you all I have been unsuccessfull in the enterprice and last my money. I trust you will pardon me under these circumstances, I sugest to you my wishes. You can however setle my affairs amongst yourselves, in a way that will give the best satisfaction to you all. I hope you will not engender hard felings amongst yourselves as is sometimes the case whare thare is property to be devided, under my present circumstances thare is but little left to be devided, therefore I hope my wishes will be carried out. My wish is that my just debts shall all be paid, agregating at pressent to about $9.00.00 dollars, but have assetts in notes and wheet amounting to about $3.00.00 dollars, my indebtedness after deducting aforesaid assetts is about $6.00.00. (I don't know what this means)

My wish is that my son JOHN A. DOTTER shall see and adtent to setling up my business affairs of Evry kind, for which he shall be allowed reasonable compensation for his time so employed and also his expences to be paid,

My wish is that my two sons SAMUEL A. & JAMES M. DOTTER shall have SE1/4 sec 3 T40 R3W and the NE1/4 of the NE1/4 sec 10 T40 R3W the home farm containing 200 acres more or less, with all the stock and farming utencils belonging thare to necessary to carry of farming, for which they shall take care of their mother dureing her lifetime, and shall assume all my debts and pay them.

It is also my wish that my son G. A. DOTTER shall have the NW1/4 of the SW1/4 Sec 10 T40 R3W for which thare is alredy a deed made but not acknowledge yet, it is also my with that anything he may owe me at my deth shall be canceled against him and not be required to pay it, it is also my wish that the N1/2 sec 31 T40 R3 and S1/2 of NE1/4 lot No. 1 Sec 3 R3W Shall be equille devided between my sons JOHN A. DOTTER, CHARLES E. DOTTER, THOMAS DOTTER, AND DORA E. LICKLIDER.

Those are my wishes this 24th day of March 1892. You can however now setl my afairs after I am dead to give satisfation to you all so that your mother is comfortably provided for in her old age.

Your Father
John Dotter

It is my wish that my son John A. Dotter shall not be required to give bond in cas it is necessary to Administer on My estate Beliveing that he will administer honestly according to my wishes.

John Dotter


Sept 8, 1897

Children, since I wrote the foregone thare has been quite a change in my affairs, I tharefore make this codicel, in order that you may be governed, of my wishes. S. A. Dotter has received his share of my property. He got the NE1/4 of the SE1/4 & W1/4 L. No. 1 E1/4 Sec 3 T40 R3W containing 80 acres, valued at $400.00. $300.00 I give him, and hold his note for $100. It is my wish that your mother shall be well cared for during her old age, it is also my wish that my son, James shall have 40 acres includeing all the buildings the SE1/4 of the SE1/4 Sec 3 T40 R3W.

My son, G. A. has contracted a debt $300.00 or more for which myself and J. A. Dotter are responsible, it is tharefore my wish that the NW1/4 of the SW1/4 Sec 10 T40 R3W shall pay said debt, besides G. A. has alredy received about $200.00 of my property. After my just debts are paid the principal part I owe to my son J. A. Dotter $50.00 I owe Dr. A. LANE on account of my son, G. A. I owe a small ballance to NANCY CHAPMAN. G. A. owes her a note of $40.00 which is in my hands after all my just debts are paid. All that is left of my property wheather personal or real estate, shall be equally devided between all that have not been provided for in this writing. It is my wish that you be honest and fair with each other.

Your Father
John Dotter

Note: At this time the United States was in the middle of a bad depression. John had had a stroke but remained active, dying on 10 Dec 1900. Will and Codicil on file in Crawford County, Missouri.

Contributed by Joanne.

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