Daniel Webster Homan

Daniel Webster Homan was a member of Friendship Steam Fire Engine Company No. 4. Following are some photos related to this membership.

On June 21, 1916, Daniel Webster Homan enlisted in the Pennsylvania National Guard for the Mexican Emergency. His enlistment expired on June 21, 1919. He was assigned to Company I, 4th Pennsylvania Infantry. During that time he first served in Mexico under John Pershing chasing after Pancho Villa. Later, he was in the 42nd Rainbow Division. While in this company, it became Company A, 149th Machine Gun Battalion. On March 26, 1918, they became Company D, 150th Machine Gun Battalion.

Following are some photos related to his service:

Submitted by Tom.

If you have an interesting photo or picture that you would like to contribute, please contact Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:52:16 PST

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