The History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church

Höhn's Church Records


St. John's Reformed, Commonly Called "Hain's Church," Heidelberg Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania.
This book cost 2 shillings

Book of Baptisms of the congregation in Heidelberg in which are recorded the names of the children, who, according to the commandment of Christ, have been received into the congregation of the Lord (God) in the presence of Christian Sponsors, whose names, together with the names of the parents, are here recorded by the regular pastor.

May God strike their names from the Records of sin and inscribe them in the Book of life—Amen.

Done April 26, 1746.

A correct translation made by Adam G. Lerch.

Date of Baptism Name
A (E)
1747, June 7 Casper, a son of George Arnolt. Sponsors, Casper Haine and wife Margarette.
A (O)
1747 Elizabeth, a daughter of John Olthousael and wife. Sponsor, John Binckley.
1748, Apr. 14 --- , a son of Jacob Alpey. Sponsors, John Weber and wife Anna Margarette.
1756, Mar. 1 --- , a daughter of Philip Au Miller. Sponsors, Michael Grauel and wife.
1745 John, a son of Jacob Boser and wife. Sponsor, John Hauser.
1747 John George, a son of John Binckley and wife. Sponsors, John Roep and wife Susanna.
1748, Aug. 14 John Henry, a son of Henry Binckley.
1749, July 9 --- , a daughter of Henry Boser and wife Anna Magdarlena. Sponsor, Anna Margarette Dorsten, daughter of Casper Dorsten.
1751, July 14 --- , a daughter of Henry Bosert and wife. Sponsor, Susana Bosert, wife of Henry Bosert.
1751, Sept. 13 --- , a daughter of Peter Braun and wife. Sponsors, Anna Elizabeth Brentz, daughter of Henry Brentz.
1753, July 22 --- , a son of Martin Boyer (Beyer) and wife. Sponsor John George Neu (Ney) and wife.
1747 Elizabeth, a daughter of John Peter Dreszler (Dressler) and wife. Sponsors, William Fisher and wife.
1749, Apr. 9 --- , a son of Jacob Doerdenhous (Derdenhous) and wife Susanna. Sponsors, Leonhard Gesell and wife Anna Catharine.
1749, Nov. 19 --- , a daughter (together with his wife) of John Peter Dresler. Sponsor, Anna Margarette Shatten, daughter of Peter Shatten.
1747 John Henry, a son of John Ermentrout, born Nov. 22, 1747. Sponsor, John Henry Ermentrout.
1748 Anna Magdalena, a daughter of Frederick Ermentrout and wife. Sponsors, Jost Hetrich and wife.
1750, Feb. 18 --- , a son of Paul Engel and wife Margarette Elizabeth. Sponsor, Thomas Lanciscus and wife Elizabeth.
1750, Apr. 1 --- , a son of John Ermentrout and wife Elizabeth. Sponsor, John Hain, son of Frederick Hain.
1750, Aug. 5 --- , a son of John Eckert and wife Engel. Sponsor, John Dautrich.
1750, Aug. 19 --- , a son of Frederick Ermentrout and wife Catharine. Sponsor, John George Ermentrout, son of Elizabeth Ermentrout.
1751, Nov. 26 --- , a son of Frederick Ermentrout and wife. Sponsor, John Peter Lamm.
1754, Feb. 10 --- , a daughter of John Eckert. Sponsor, Anna Maria Ruth, daughter of Jacob.
1747 Magdalena, a daughter of Peter Faust and wife, born Mar. 1, 1747. Sponsors, Adam Hain and wife.
1747, June 7 Frantz, a son of William Fisher and wife; Sponsors, Frantz Krick and wife.
1747 John, a son of Christian Frantz and wife. Sponsors, John Fisher and wife.
1749, Apr. 9 --- , a son of John Peter Faust and wife Anna Maria. Sponsors, John Henry Hain (Hen) and wife Anna Christina.
1750, Mar. 11 --- , a son of William Fisher and wife Elizabeth. Sponsors, John Frederick Hain and wife Anna Elizabeth.
1751, July 14 --- , a daughter of John Peter Faust. Sponsor, Anna Elizabeth Faust.
1753, May 3 John George, a son of William Fisher and wife. Sponsor, John George Reichmann.
1746 Catharine Elizabeth, a daughter of Leonard Gesell and wife. Sponsors, Tobias Bechtel and wife Catharine Elizabeth.
1750, June 3 --- , a son of Leonjard Gesell and wife Anna Catharine. Sponsor, John Thomas Lanciscus (gus).
1750, Dec. 9 --- , a son of Peter Grothauser (Greathouse). Sponsor, Henry Hain.
1752, Jan. 1 --- , a son of Michael Grauel and wife. Sponsors, John Eckert and wife.
1754, Mar. 20 Maria Elizabeth, a daughter of Michael Grauel. Sponsors, Anthony (Antonius) Faust and wife.
1756, Jan. 24 --- , a son of Michael Grauel. Sponsors, Conrad Hart and wife.
1745, Dec. 14 Maria, a daughter of George Hain and wife. Sponsor, Mary Hetrick.
1746, June 1 --- , a son of John Christ Hain and wife Maria. Sponsors, John George Groff and wife.
1746 Maria, a daughter of Joseph Hartman and wife Margarette. Sponsor, Maria Hetrich.
1747, July 1 John, a son of Frederick Hain and wife. Sponsor, John Ermentrout.
1747 Anna Margarette, a daughter of George Hep and wife (or perhaps Hen, hence may be Hain). Sponsors, John Mohn and wife.
1747 Anna Catharine, a daughter of George Pettory (Petry or Hettrick) and wife. Sponsor, Anna Catharine Gaul.
1748, Feb. 5 (Likely John), a son of Adam Hain and wife Anna Magdalena. Sponsors, John Weber and wife Anna Margarette.
1748, Apr. 26 Maria Catharine, a daughter of John George Huebler. Sponsor, John Adam Felnig.
1748, July 3 Anna Margarette, a daughter of Peter Hain and wife.
1749, Jan. 11 --- , a son of Frederick Hain and wife Anna Elizabeth. Sponsor, Christopher Ermentrout.
1749, Jan. 14 (Likely John), a son of Anna Christina, wife of John Henry Hain. Sponsors, John Weber and wife Anna Margarette.
1749, May 14 --- , a son of Conrad Hart (Hatt) and wife. Sponsors, Maria Catharine (supposed) Hart.
1750, Jan. 28 --- , a daughter of Adam Hain and wife Anna Magdalena. Sponsors Anna Maria Faust, wife of Peter Faust.
1750, Apr. 15 Anna Barbara, daughter of Conrad Hepy (or Hegy) and wife. Sponsors, John Binckle (written Pinckle) and wife.
1750, July 15 --- , a daughter of Casper Hain and wife Catharine. Sponsor, Elizabeth, wife of William Fisher.
1750, Aug. 5 --- , a daughter of George Hain and wife (Magdaline Elizabeth. Sponsor, Maria Elizabeth Freymeyer, daughter of Jacob Freymeier.
1750, Sept. 16 --- , a son of Henry Hain and wife Christina. Sponsor, Frederick Hain.
1750, Nov. 17 --- , a daughter of Peter Hain and wife. Sponsors, Frederick Miller and wife Susanna.
1751, Dec. 20 --- , a daughter of Henry Hetrick (or Etrick) and wife. Sponsors, Frederick Ermentrout and wife.
1753, Dec. 25 --- , a son of Casper Hain and wife. Sponsor, Peter Fisher, son of William and Anna Maria Kuhl, daughter of Jacob Kuhl.
1753, Dec. 16 --- , a son of Henry Hetrick. Sponsors, William Hetrick and wife.
1755, Sept. 28 Peter, a son of John Heckert (art) and wife Elizabeth Gertrude, born Sept. 15, 1755. Sponsor, Peter Lamm.
1756, Feb. 15 --- , a daughter of Christian (supposed Hain). Sponsors, John Francis Frantz and Catharine Elizabeth Ostin.
1756, Feb. 15 --- , a son of Casper Hain. Sponsors, Frederick Hain and wife.
1757, June 26 George Michael, a son of John Hartman and wife Eva Catharine, born June 5, 1755. Sponsors, Michael Busch and wife Anna Maria.
1757, June 26 Daniel, a son of Henry Hain and wife Christina, born May, 1757. Sponsors, Daniel Rieth (or Ruth) and wife.
1757, Oct. 2 William, a son of John Heckert and wife Elizabeth Gertrude, born Sept. 19, 1757. Sponsors, William Fisher and wife Elizabeth (grandparents).
1757, Nov. 20 William, a son of George Hain and wife Elizabeth, born, Oct. 14, 1757. Sponsors, William Fisher and wife Elizabeth.
1757, Dec. 26 Elizabeth, a daughter of Henry Hetzel and wife Johanna Christina, born Dec. 17, 1757. Sponsors, Elizabeth Schmehl and John Fisher.
1745, Dec. 30 --- , a son of Frantz Krick. Sponsor, John Krick.
1746, July 13 --- , a son of Adam Kintzer (or Rintzer) and wife. Sponsors, John Krick and the wife of Francis Krick.
1746, July 17 Anna Catharine, a daughter of Sebastian Kohlman. Sponsor, Anna Catharine Zerbilin (Zerbe).
1747 Maria, daughter of Frantz Krick and wife. Sponsor, Christianna Maria Fitzmeyerin.
1751, Feb. 10 --- , a daughter of Mathias Knob and wife Anna Maria. Sponsor, Anna Margarette, wife of Jacob Risler.
1753, Mar. 18 --- , a daughter of Peter Knob and wife. Sponsor, Maria Elizabeth, daughter of Michael Ecert.
1757, Nov. 20 John Henry, a son of Christian Kilbach and wife Elizabeth, born Nov. 6, 1757. Sponsors, Henry Brensz and wife Lenah.
1745, Dec. 30 --- , a son of Jacob Lauer. Sponsor, John Krick.
1747, Jan 11. Rachel, a daughter of Casper Lerch and wife. Sponsor, John Adam ---.
1751, Feb. 24 --- , a daughter of --- Lety and wife Anna. Sponsor, Rosini Miller, daughter of Frederick Miller.
1751, Aug. 4 --- , a son of Jacob Lety and wife Anna Maria. Sponsors, John Ludwig Mohn and wife Anna Odilia.
1757, Dec. 11 Appolonia, a daughter of Peter Lamm and wife Anna Margarette, born Nov. 23, 1757. Sponsors, Peter Fisher and Apolonia Heckert.
1746 Eva, a daughter of Casper Moser and wife. Sponsors, John Roch (or Koch) and wife.
1747 Anna Rosini, a daughter of John Martin and wife, Sponsor, Werner Weitzer (Weitzel).
1748, Aug. 14 Magdalena, a daughter of Ludwig Mohn and wife.
1749, Sept. 3 --- , a son of Ludwig Mohn (Mon) and wife Anna. Adilia. Sponsor, John Boutz (brother-in-law).
1749, Nov. 19 --- , a son of John Melchior (Melger) Mell and wife Elizabeth. Sponsor, John Traut.
1750, June 24 Maria Magdalena, a daughter of Adam Rieser and wife. Sponsors, Henry Scherer and wife.
1753, Nov. 24 --- , a son of Michael Ruth. Sponsor, John Adam Moser and Anna Catharine Ruth.
1755, Nov. 30 Maria Magdalena, daughter of Ludwig Ritter and wife. Sponsors, John Schaner and wife.
1746, Oct. 10 Susanna, daughter of Jacob Sentzenbach and wife. Sponsors, John Orth and wife Susanna.
1749, Nov. 19 --- , daughter of Peter Suemond and wife Veronica. Sponsors, Maria Elizabeth Eckert, daughter of John Eckert, and Conrad Find.
1749, Dec. 31 --- , a son of Peter Strohl and wife Anna Margarette. Sponsor, John Philip Michel, son of Ulrich Michel.
1750, Feb. 18 --- , a son of Jacob Schub and wife Anna Lydia. Sponsors, Casper Lerch and wife Anna Margarette.
1750, July 15 John Paul, a son of Casper Stieff (or ft) and wife Anna Maria. Sponsor, Frederick Miller (Miler).
1753, May 3 --- , a son of John Henry Schmidt (Smith). Sponsors, John Frantz, son of Christian Frantz, and Anna Elizabeth Fisher, daughter of Wm. Fisher.
1753, July 29 --- , a son of John Nicholas Schaeffer and wife. Sponsor, Christian Michel.
1753 Christian, a son of Nicholas Schaeffer and wife Julianna, born July 24, 1753. Sponsor, Christian Heck (Hec).
1755, Nov. 30 --- , a son of Frederick Swartz. Sponsor, Yost (Jost) Fox (Fuchs).
1757, Feb. 13 Jacob, a son of Peter Strohl and wife Anna Margarette, born Jan. 28, 1757. Sponsor, Jacob Sutz and wife Anna Maria.
1757 Margarette, a daughter of Nicholas Schaeffer and wife. Julianna, born Jan. 1, 1757. Sponsor, grandmother.
1750, Nov. 17 --- , a son of John Weis. Sponsor, John Zinbrich (or Zinbrech).
1750, Dec. 26 --- , a son of John Zinbrech and wife. Sponsors, John Weis and wife.
1753, Dec. 16 --- , a son of Zacharias Ziegler. Sponsors, Ulrich Michel and wife.

Source: History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church in Lower Heidelberg Township Berks County, Penna. by Rev. W.J. Kershner and Adam G. Lerch. Reading, PA: I.M. Beaver, Publisher, 1916, pp. 27-32.

Submitted by: Nancy.

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