Pay Roll of Captain Conrad Shirman's Company of the Sixth Battalion of Berks County Militia, commanded by Colonel Joseph Hiester, in the service of the United States. Taken from August 10th to the 9th of September 1780.
Captain: Conrad Shirman
Lieutenant: Daniel Rose
Ensign: Henry Crum
Peter Custard
William Deisinger
Martin Withington
Christian Young
Nicholas Deisinger
Henry Piece
Peter Thomas
Drummer: Jacob Gassert
Fifer: Leonard Ruppurt
Nicholas Angst
George Batz
Christian Beringer
Henry Bickley
Simon Boltz
Valentine Boltz
Nicholas Bressler
John Brown
Abraham Deby
Joseph Deby
Nicholas Denninger
George Emerich
George Emrich
Adam Fulmer
Conrad Giesler
Ablrecht Glick
Phil. Adam Groh
Andreas Gros
Daniel Gross
Albrecht Gruber
Peter Hetrich
Frederick Junker
Alexander Klinger
John Klinger
John Lauck
Bastian Leatch
Henry Leatch
Simon Miller
Ludwig Ohrenbaum
John Rau
Christian Read
Frederick Read
Michael Read
Peter Read
Peter Read, Jr.
Conrad Redman
Andrew Reegel
Michael Reegel
Adam Rosmeisel
Frederick Seybert
Nicholas Sheffer
Jacob Shenfelder
Adam Shreck
Tobias Shuker
George Wentzel
Christian Winter
Philip Witmeyer
Source: Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution, Associated Battalions and Militia, 1775-1783. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Volume XIV, William H. Egle, ed., Harrisburg: E.K. Meyers, State Printer, 1888, pp. 297-298.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:08 PST
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