Deed Between Henry Moyer and Henry Moyer Jr.

October 2, 1797, Berks County, PA

THIS INDENTURE, made the nineth day of January in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety BETWEEN Henry Moyer of the township of Tulpehocken in the county of Berks and state of Pennsylvania yeoman, and Anna his wife of the one part and Henry Moyer junt. of the same place yeoman of the other part. WITNESSETH that the said Henry Moyer and Anna his wife as well for in consideration of the natural love and affection which they have and do bear for and towards the said Henry Moyer junt. Their nephew and for the better preferment in the world(?) in for the further sum of two hundred (?) pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to them or one of them in hand well and truly paid by the said Henry Moyer junt. It and before the onsealing and delivery hereof and the receipt and payment where of is hereby acknowledged.

HAVE given, granted bargained soto aliened enfeoffed released and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell alien enfeoff release and confirm unto the said Henry Moyer junt. And to his heirs and assigns, all that certain Messuage plantation and tract or piece of land there unto belonging situate in the said township of tulpehocken and county of Berks aforesaid BEGINNING at a post near a marked white oak a corner of Rudolph Moyer' land thence extending by the same south eighty degrees. West one hundred and seven perches to a post thence by land of Rudolph Moyer junt. South twelve degrees and a half, east two hundred and ninety perches to a marked white oak , thence by land of Leonard Conrad , north seventy eight degrees, east one hundred And forty four perches to a post. Thence by land of Richard Penn esquire. North twelve degrees ,west two hundred and ninety perches to the place of beginning containing two hundred and sixty three acres, and three quarters of an acre, it being part of a larger track of seven hundred acres of land which Thomas Freame with Margaret his wife by indenture of the twelth day of July Anno Domino One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Five on record at Phildelphia in book H Vol 2 page 138, he did grant and confirm unto Rudolph Moyer in fee which seven hundred acres was part of a larger tract of ten thousand acres of land which by record of the 2nd day of October Anno Domino one thousand seven hundred and thirty three recorded at Philadelphia in patent book A Vol 6 pages 195 etc. was granted unto the said Thomas Freame in fee where of the hereby granted premises is a part and where as the said Rudolph Moyer with Barbara his wife by indenture bearing the date the twenty eighth day of July Anno Domino one thousand seven hundred and Fifty Five recorded in the office for recording of deeds in Berks County afore said. in patent book A Vol 5 page 157 etc. thay did grant and confirm the same unto the said Henry Moyer party hereto in fee Together with all and singular the houses outhouses buildings improvements ways woods waters watercourses rights liberties privileges hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversions and remainders untrissucs (?) and profits thereof and also all the estate rights title interest property possession claim and demand whatsoever of him the said Henry Moyer and Anna his wife in law or equity or otherwise of in to or out of the same to have and to hold the above said tract and premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said Henry Moyer junt. His heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behavf of the said Henry Moyer junt his heirs and assigns forever. SUBJECT to aproportionable part of the yearly quitrents (if any) now due and hereafter to become due and pay able for the same to the chief lord or lords of fee thereof and the said Henry Moyer for himself his heirs executors and administration and also for Anna his wife doth covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said Henry Moyer junt his heirs and assigns by these presents that he the said Henry Moyer his heirs the above mentioned and described tract of two hundred and sixty three acres and three quarters of an acre hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said Henry Moyer junt. His heirs and assigns against him the said Henry Moyer junt his heirs and against all and every other person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him them or any of them shall and will WARRANT and for ever defend by the presents IN WITNESS where of the said parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals dated the day and year first above written

Henry Moyer (in german) {seal}
Anna x (her mark) Moyer {seal}

sealed and delivered in the presence of of us

Jacob walganet (?)
Danl Ludwig

WITNESS the nineth day of January Anno Domino 1790

Before the subscriber, one of the justices of the county court of Commom Pleas of Berks County aforesaid came the above named Henry Moyer and Anna his wife and acknowledged the above written indenture to be their act and deed and desired that the same might be recorded as such according to law WITNESS my hand and seal the day and year abovesaid

Danl Ludwig {seal}

Received the day of the date of the above written indenture of and from the above said Henry Moyer junt. The sum of two hundred pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania it being the full consideration money above mentioned Is received to me

Henry Moyer (in german)

WITNESS present at signing and sealing.

Jacob Warjoret (?) (german)
Dan'l Ludwig {seal}

recorded and this record and the orginal compared found to agree exactly the 2nd day of October Anno Domino 1797

Contributed by: Sharon Lee Roach.

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