Deed between Ludwig Albrecht and John Fouse

A Right & title (year 1765) from Lodovick Albright and Mary his wife
of 90 acers of Land
To John Foufe (Fouse)

This Indenture made the 25 day of (?) in the year of our Lord God one thoufand Sivin Hundred and Sixty five and in the fifth year of the Reign of our Sovering Lord George the third by the grace of god of great Britain France and Ierland King Defainder of the faith Between Lodovick Albright of the County of Barks in the provance of Pennfylvania Yeoman of the one part and John Foufe of the County of Orange in the provance of North Carolina Yeoman of the other part Witnefeth that the said John Foufe as well as for the Confideration Sume of Ten pounds as good and Lauful money of Pennfylvania to me in Hand paid at or before the Enfealing and Delivery of thefe prefents the Recpt whereof the Said Lodovick Albright and Mary his wife Doth hereby Acknoledge and thereof do Exonate Aquit and Difcharge the said John Foufe his hairs Extr,e Admr,e and Afs,e have givin Granted bargaind and Sold and by thefe prefents do give Grant Bargain Sell and Confirm unto the Said John Foufe him his hairs Extr,e Admr,e and Afs,e for ever all that Tract or perfal of Land Lying and Being in the County of Barks in Barns Townfhip on Schoolkill Creek in the provance of Pennfylvania Beginning at a Corner Hickory on Valintines Ibblers line then along his line to the beginning Containing 90 acers of Land and all the Estate Right Title Intorieft Claim And demand whatsoever of him the Said Lodnovick Albright and Mary his wife which now have or that or may have of me and to the primefes or any part thereof Uvertion Uvortions (?) Remainder Remainders Unto Is shews prophets thereof and of Every part and parfal thereof Subject only to the payment of the Deed Rentes and he the Said Lodovick Albright and Mary his wife Do give the Said John Foufe him his hairs Extr,e Admr,e and Afs,e a full Right and Title Unto the 90 Acores of Land to his and their only propor Wife and Behoof for Ever And the Said Lodovick Albright and Mary his wife for themfelves their Hairs Extr,e Admr,e and Afs,e Doth Covienant doth Covienant promife Grant and Agree to and and with the Said John Foufe his hairs Extr,e Admr,e and Afs,e that the Said Bargaind primefes are free and Clear of all Incumberances ….. whatsoever and the Said Lodovick Albright and Mary his Wife their hairs Extr,e Admr,e and Afs,e Shall and for Ever Warrant and Defend the Said John Foufe him his hairs Extr,e Admr,e and Afs,e the said Bargaind primefes Againft the Claim and Demand of him the Said Lodovick Albright and Mary his Wife his hairs and afsd for Ever in Witnefs whereof we have hereunder set our hands and affixd our Seals the day and Year firft above written_______

Ludwig Albrecht (seal)
ihr (?)
Anna Marie (?) A Allbregin (seal)

Singde Sealde ande
Delivered in the
Presence of Us

Jacob Boo sen. (?)
Adam Weitzel

picture of signatures

Submitted by Kathy.

Last Modified

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