Deed between Levi K. Moore (Mohr) and Henry Eames (Emes)

This Indenture made the First day of April 1848 between Levi K Moore, blacksmith, of the City of Reading in the county of Berks and State of Pennsylvania and Ellen his wife of the one part, and Henry Eames of the same city, county, and state aforesaid, blacksmith, of the other part.

Witnesseth that the said Levi K Moore and Ellen his wife for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars lawful money of the United States to them have in hand well and truly paid by the said Henry Eames at and before the en sealing and delivery thereof, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, and thereof do acquit and forever discharge the said Henry Eames his heirs, executors, administrations, by these present have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, release and confirm, unto the said Henry Eames, and to his heirs and assigns:

All that certain frame blacksmith shop and part or parcel of a lot of ground marked in the Plan of Reading No.53, and the said part is situate on the South side of Cherry Alley, and on the West of Fourth Street and is bounded and described as follows to wit: Bounded on the east by a part of the said lot the property of Philip Zieber, on the Southern part of said lot No 53, by that property of Samuel Whiskeyman, on the West by another part owned by the said Isaac Eckert and on the North by said Cherry Alley; containing in breadth north and south thirty feet, and in length east and west thirty feet. It being the same part or parcel of a lot of ground which Isaac Eckert and Judith, his wife, by their indenture duly executed under their hands and seals for the consideration therein mentioned did grand and confirm unto the said Levi K Moore, party hereto, his heirs and assigns forever as in and by said in part recited indenture intended to be recorded in the Office for Recordings of Deeds at Reading in and for the County of Berks relation being thereunto had will more fully and at large appears. Together with all and singular the houses, out-house, barns, stables, gardens, orchards meadows, field fences, ways, woods waters, water courses, right liberties, privileges hereditaments and appurtenances, whatsoever thereunto belonging on in any wise appertaining; and the reversions and remainders, rents issues and profits thereof; and also, all the estate, right, title interest, use trust, property possession, claim and demand whatsoever of the, the said Levi K Moore and Ellen his wife, in law and equity, or otherwise howsoever of, in, to, or out of the same: To have and to hold the said part or parcel of the said lot 53 situate as aforesaid with hereditaments, said premises hereby granted and released, mentioned intended so to be, with the appurtenances unto the said Henry Eames his heirs and assigns to and for the only proper use and behoof of him the said Henry Eames his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Levi K Moore for himself, is heirs, executors and administrators does covenant, promise, grant and agree to and with the said Henry Eames, his heirs and assigned, by these presents; that he the said Levi K Moore and his heirs, the said above mentioned and described part or parcel of the said lot No 53 situate aforesaid hereditaments and premises hereby granted and released, or mentioned, or intended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the said Henry Eames his heirs and assigns; against him the said Levi K Moore and his heirs, and against all and every person and persons whomever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same or any part or parcel thereof by from or under him, them, or any of them, shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness thereof, the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals, dated the day and year above written.

Sealed and delivered in the presence is us:

H.B. Boyer and David Medary

Received the day of the date of the above written indenture of and from the above named Henry Eames the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars in gold or silver money, it being the consideration money above mentioned in full.

signed with seal: Levi K Moore and Ellen Moore

Witness present at signing: H.B. Boyer and David Medary

City of Reading, SS

Be it remembered that on the seventh day of April in 1848 before me David Medary Esquire, one of the Aldermans of the said city personally came the above named Levi K Moore and Ellen his wife who severally acknowledges the above written indenture to be their Act and deed and desired that the same might be recorded as such according to law: The said Ellen being of full age, by me duly examined separate and apart from her said husband and the contents thereof being first made known to her, she the said Ellen upon such separate examination as aforesaid, declared that she did voluntarily, and of her own free will and accord, seal and as her act and deed, believes the said deed without any coercion or compulsions of her said husband:

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year above written.

David Medary, Alderman

Recorded May 13th, 1890

James F Dunn, Recorder.

For additional information about Levi K. Moore seed the Descendants of Levi K Mohr (Moore)

Submitted by Diana.

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