Deed between John Kerlin, Sr. and John Kerlin, Jr.

(1779) Recorded June 27, 1787 Book 10, Pages 162-166.

This Indenture made the First day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and seventy Nine Between John Kirlin Sr. of the Township of Amity in the County of Berks and State of Pennsylvania Blacksmith and Elizabeth his wife of the one part And John Kirlin Jr. / Son of the said John Kirlin Sr. and Elizabeth his wife of the same place Blacksmith of the other part Whereas a certain Mounce Jones / alias Moses Jones of Mahanatawny in the County of Philadelphia / Now in the Township of Amity in the County of Berks aforesaid / in his Life Time by force and Virtue of some good Conveyances or assurances in the Law duly had and Executed was Lawfully seized in his Demesne as of Fee of and in Two Certain Pieces or Tracts of Land lying Contiguous to each other Containing Together about Nine hundred and Ninety eight acres be the same more or less And being so thereof seized of said Nine Hundred and ninety eight acres of land Hereditaments and Premises Departed this Life having first -- Made his Last will and Testament in writing (Bearing date on or about the Twenty Ninth Day of March Anno Domini one thousand seven Hundred and Twenty seven -- wherein he did Devise and bequeath unto his Son Andrew Jones in these or the like words Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Andrew Jones my Homestead with the remaining Part of my Land Containing about three Hundred Acres / and To his Heirs and assigns forever / with the appurtenances allowing his Mother’s maintenance -- During her Natural Life with Five Pounds a year Current money of Pennsylvania as Long as she liveth as in and by said last will and Testament duly Proved and Remaining in the Register Generals office at Philadelphia appears And whereas Inguba [163] Inguba Jones Widow and Relict of said Mounce Jones (alias Moses Jones), by her Deed Poll dated the eighteenth day of February Anno Domini one thousand seven Hundred and Twenty eight for the consideration therein Mentioned did grant and Release unto the said Andrew Jones and To his heirs and assigns all her Right and Title / of said Tract of about three hundred acres of Land / Devised unto her by Virtue of said will Together with the annuity of Five Pounds and maintenance as in and by said recited Deed Poll Relation being thereunto had more fully appears. And Whereas Peter Jones and Jonas Jones Children and heirs at Law of said Mounce Jones alias / Moses Jones / Deceased by their Deed Poll dated the eighteenth Day of February Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and Twenty eight for the Consideration therein Mentioned did grant and Confirm unto the said Andrew Jones and to his heirs and assigns all their -- the said Peter Jones and Jonas Jones Right Title to said Tract of about three hundred acres of Land above mentioned as In and by said Recited Deed Poll Relation being thereunto had more fully appears And Whereas the said Andrew Jones and Dorothy his wife by Deed Dated the first Day of August Anno Domini one thousand seven Hundred and forty five for the Consideration therein mentioned did grant and Confirm unto A Certain William Bird and to his heirs and assigns in fee A Certain Piece or Tract of Land containing Two hundred and forty One acres be the same more or Less of being part and Parcel of the above mentioned Tract of three Hundred acres which is part and Parcel of the above mentioned Two Adjoining Tracts of Land /as in and by said Recited Deed Relation being thereunto had more fully appears. And Whereas the said William Bird and Bridgel his wife by Deed Dated the Twenty Ninth day of July Anno Domini one thousand seven Hundred and Forty six for the Consideration Therein mentioned did grant and Confirm unto A Certain Thomas Banfield and to his heirs and assigns in fee A Certain Piece or Tract of Land Containing one Hundred and Ninety one acres be the same more or Less / being Part and Parcel of the above mentioned Two hundred and Forty one acres as in and by said Recited Deed Relation being thereunto had more fully appears And Whereas the said Thomas Banfield and Ruth his wife by Deed Dated the Twenty seventh day of May Anno Domini one thousand seven Hundred and Fifty seven for the Consideration therein mentioned did grant, release and Confirm the said Tract of one Hundred and Ninety one acres of Land and Premises be the same or Less Unto the said John Kirlin Sr. above mentioned (partie to these presents) and to his heirs and assigns in fee as in and by said Recited Deed Relation being thereunto had more fully appears. Now This Indenture Witnesseth that the said John Kirlin Sr. and Elizabeth his wife for divers good Causes and Considerations but more especially for the Consideration of the sum of Five thousand pounds Lawful money of the State aforesaid to them in hand well and Truly paid by the said John Kirlin Jr. at and before the unsealing and delivery of these Presents the Receipt whereof he the said John Kirlin Sr. and Elizabeth his wife Doth hereby acknowledge and thereof Doth acquit, exonerate, and forever Discharge the said John Kirlin Jr. his Executors Administrators and assigns by the Presents have granted Bargained sold Released and Confirmed and by these Presents do grant Bargain sell Release and Confirm unto the said John Kirlin Jr. and to his heirs and assigns All that Messuage Tenement Plantation And Tract of Land situate Lying and being in amity Township in the County of Berks aforesaid lying on the east side of the River Schuylkill Bounded and Described as follows Viz. Beginning at the River Schuylkill thence extending by Land of said John Kirlin Sr. North fifty four Degrees east five perches and three Quarters of a perch to a post Thence north thirty degrees and a half West twenty six perches thence North forty eight Degrees east thirty Two perches to a post thence south forth seven degrees and three Quarters east thirteen perches and half a perch To a post thence North Seventy seven Degrees and a half east degrees four [164] Perches and half a perch to a post thence south sixty Seven Degrees east six perches to a post in the great Road Leading from Philadelphia to Reading thence along said Road and along a line of Land belonging to George Douglass North seventeen Degrees and a half east one hundred and ten Perches to a post thence along said Road and Land of said John Kirlin Sr. North eight Degrees West sixty Nine Perches to a post thence North twelve degrees east one hundred and seventy five Perches to a post set for a Corner in a line of Land belonging to Martin Markwalt [Marquart] thence by the same North seventy two degrees and a half West twenty one Perches to post in a line of Land belonging to Peter Jones thence by the same the seven following courses Viz: South seventeen Degrees and a half West two hundred and eighteen perches and a quarter of a Perch to a post thence south seventyone Degrees east thirteen Perches and half a Perch to a post thence south Seventeen Degrees and a half West Twelve perches to a post thence North Seventy one Degrees West thirteen perches and half a perch to a post thence South seventeen Degrees and a half West thirty five perches and half a perch to another great Road Leading from Philadelphia to Reading thence North forth eight Degrees West sixty four perches thence south seventeen Degrees and a half West Fifty eight Perches to the aforesaid River thence Down the same on the several Courses thereof to the place of Beginning Containing one hundred and Twenty Eight acres of Land be the same more or less /being part of the above-mentioned Tract of one hundred and Ninety one acres / Together also with all and singular the Buildings and Improvements any woods waters water Courses Rights Liberties Privileges Advantages Emoluments Hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever with the above Described Messuage Tenement Plantation and Tract of land. Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted belonging or in anywise appertaining and the Reversions and Remainders Rents Issues, & profits thereof / Excepting the Swedes Church as commonly called with Two acres of Land thereunto belonging as the same is now called and Bounded / Also he, the said John Kirlin, Sr., excepts three Rows of apple Trees adjoining the road leading to said Church during his own Natural life and the Natural life of his wife / & his one fourth of the fishing place forever / which said apple Trees is only excepted and foreprised for the use and behoof of the said John Kirlin Sr. and Elizabeth his wife / Also all the estate right Title Interest use Trust benefit, property Claim and Demand either in law or equity or otherwise howsoever of him the said John Kirlin Sr. and Elizabeth his wife of in to and out of all and Singular the premises hereby granted or any part thereof. To have and to hold all and Singular the above Described messuage Tenement Plantation and Tract of Land Hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned or Intended to be granted with all and Singular the appurtenances [except before excepted] Unto the said John Kirlin Jr his heirs and assigns To the only proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the said John Kirlin Jr. his heirs and assigns forever / Under the proportionable part of the yearly Quitrent hereafter accruing for the hereby granted premises to the Chief Lord or Lords of the fee thereof / And the said John Kirlin Sr and Elizabeth his wife for themselves their heirs Executors Administrators Doth Covenant Promise, grant and agree to and with the said John Kirlin Jr his heirs and assigns by these presents that he the said John Kirlin Sr. and his heirs the above Described Messuage Tenement Plantation, and Tract of one hundred and Twenty eight acres of land be the same more or less Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted Meant mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances (except before excepted) unto the said John Kirlin Jr. his heirs and assigns against him the said John Kirlin Sr. and Elizabeth his wife and their heirs and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever Lawfully Claiming or to claim the same by from or under him these or any of these shall and will warrant and forever Defend by these Presents In Witness whereof the said Parties to these Presents have Interchangeably set their Hands and Seals hereunto Dated the Day and year first above written, John Kirlin (Seal) Elizabeth (her mark) Kirlin (Seal) Sealed & Delivered NB The Interlinings being first interlined [163] before Signing In the Presence of us Jeremiah Wills, Peter Jones…. Received the day of the date of the Within Written Indenture of the Within Named John Kirlin Jr… the Just and full sum of Five Thousand Pounds Lawful Money of the within Named State. It being the Consideration Money within mentioned in full I say received [___] me John Kirlin Witness present Jeremiah Wills Peter Jones … Berks County [Signed ?] the first Day of November Anno Domini 1779 Before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the peace of and for said County came the above-mentioned John Kirlin Sr and Elizabeth his wife and acknowledged the above written Indenture to be their Act and Deed and desired the same might be Recorded as their deed She the said Elizabeth voluntarily consented thereto.

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day & year aforesaid Jacob Weaver (his Seal) Recorded and this record and the original Diligently compared & found to agree exactly word for word [__] June 27th …Anno Domini 1787… [signed] Henry Christ Recot. X

Transcribed by John Kirlin and George Kirlin, September 28, 2010

Submitted by John.

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