Deed between John Bucks and wife Elizabeth and Werner Klein

Pennsylvania Berks County, Land and Property #0020782

Deeds Volume 42, pp. 81-83

THIS INDENTURE Made the thirty first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two BETWEEN John Bucks of Bern Township Berks County and State of Pennsylvania Yeoman and Elizabeth his wife of the one parts And Werner Klein of Upper Bern Township County and State aforesaid and Yeoman of the other parts Witnesseth that the said John Bucks and Elizabeth his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand nine hundred dollars lawful money of the United States to them in hands well and truly paid by the said Werner Klein at and before the ensealing and delivery hereto the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever discharge the said Werner Klein his heir Executors and Administrators by these presents Have granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed released and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell alien enfoeff release and conform unto the said Werner Klein and to his heirs and assigns all that certain Mesuage Tenement & four tracts of lands three of then Contiguous and adjoining and one separate and distinct piece situate in Bern Township Berks County aforesaid bounded and described as follows to wit BEGINNING at pin a line of Philip Strauses land thence by the same North thirty seven degrees East forty one perches to a white oak North fifty nine degrees West seventeen perches to a post North twenty seven degrees East twenty five perches to a post thence by land of Peter Deppy South sixty four degrees East one hundred and sixty six perches to a post North forty two degrees East thirty perches to a post South sixty seven degrees East fourteen perches and two tenths to a post thence by lands of George Egy Esq. South forth three and three quarter degrees East twenty right perches and two tenths to a hickory South fifty six and ...? degrees East seven perches to a post south forty four degrees West fifty ...? perches to a post North twenty degrees West nineteen perches and ...? ...? a white oak South seventy seven degrees West twenty five perches and six tenths to a white oak South ten degrees West twenty perches and a half to a black oak South twenty eight degrees West twenty one perches to a Spanish oak South forty four and a half degrees. West eighteen perches to a stone then by other land of the said John Bucks North seventy three degrees West fourteen perches to a white oak South thirty ad a half degrees West fifteen perches to a post North seventy two and a half degrees West eighty two perches to a post thence by land of the said Philip Strause North fifteen degrees East thirty one and a half perches to a chestnut oak North thirty seven degrees East thirty three perches to the place of Beginning. CONTAINING ninety one acres and seventy one perches neat measure - one of them being the same premises which Peter Spang and Sue his wife in Indenture bearing date the first day of April AD 1814 granted and confirmed unto Benjamin Hause who with Elizabeth his wife by their deed dated the 30th day of March AD 1816 granted and conformed the same unto the said John Bucks the second being part of 119 1/2 acres which itself being part of 291 Ac. 80 pch which the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania & Patent bearing date the 25th day of May AD 1808 Enrolled in the Rolls Office in Patent Books No 63 page 151 granted unto John Mast in fee whosowith Mary his wife by their Deed dated the 8th day of May AD 1809 granted and conformed the said 119 ac. 80 pch unto Jacob Mast in fee who with Mary his wife by their agreement endorsed on the last recited deed dated the 1st day of April AD 1814 granted and conformed the same unto Peter Spang in fee who with Sue his wife by their Deed dated the 1st day of April AD 1814 granted and confirmed thirty acres and nine perches there unto Philip Filbert and John Wagener in fee and the said Philip Filbert and John Wagener and Magdalena his wife by their deeds dated the 30th day of March AD 1815 granted and conformed the same unto the said John Bucks and the third being part of four pieces or Tracts of lands which the Honorable the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania did grant and conform unto John Bucks Lands Grand father to the aforesaid John Buck by Patent under their seal bearing date the 7th day of May 1763 Enrolled in the Rolls Office at Philadelphia in Patent Book A.A. Vol. 14 page 349 and said John Bucks (grandfather) died intestate leaving issue three children the said above named John Bucks & Abraham Bucks and Anna Maria who married Conrad Christ who by their deeds of release did grant convey and release unto the aforesaid John Bucks senior by Deeds under their hands dated the 3rd day of September AD 1785 who with Elizabeth his wife by their Deeds dated the 3rd day of September AD 1806 granted and confirmed the same unto the said John Bucks party hereto And the other BEGINNING at a post by lands of Jacob Mast North twenty six degrees East fifty two perches and three quarters to a pin oak North two degrees West fifteen and three quarter perches to a post thence by a larger tract wherof this is a part South thirty two and a quarter degrees East sixty perches and three quarters to a post thence by lands of late Jacob Masts (Meads?) South seventy nine degrees West fifty six perches and one quarter to East thirty one and a half perches the place of Beginning Containing eight acres and one hundred and thirty eight perches neat measure It being the hart(?) of 52 3/4 which itself is one of the last recited Patents And granted by the same conveyances into the said John Bucks party hereto in fee relation(?) being thereunto had more fully and at large will appears Together with all and singular the houses outhouses buildings barns stables ways woods waters water courses rights liberties privileges hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the reversions and ...? ...? issues and profits thereof and also all the estate right title interests property claim and demands whatsoever of ...? ...?...?...?...? Elizabeth his wife in law or equity or otherwise ...? ...?...?...?...?...? TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said four tracts of land heredet...?...?...?...? premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be ..? in the ...?....?....?....?unto the said Werner Klein his heirs and assigns to the (only?) proper ...? behoof of him the said Werner Klein his heirs and assigns for ever And ...? said John Bucks for himself his heirs To executor and Administrator do ...? covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said Werner Klein his heirs and assigns by these presents that the said John Bucks and his heirs the four above mentioned and described tracts or pieces of land here ditaments (?) and premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances and so to be unto the said Werner Klein his heirs and assigns against him the said John Bucks and his heirs and against all and every other person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him them or any of them shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents IN WITNESS whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands & seals the day & year first above written.

John Bucks (seal) Elizabeth Bucks (seal)

Sealed and delivered in the presence of us

Val. Wagner
Jacob Franck (?)

Recorded the day of the date above written indenture of and from the above named Werner Klein the sum of one thousand nine hundred dollars in gold and silver money it being the consideration money above mentioned in full I say received for me

John Bucks

Berks County Pa - Be it remembered that on the 31st day of March A.D. 1832 (seal) before me Valentine Wagner Esquire one of the Justices of the Peace of said County came the within named John Bucks and Elizabeth his wife and acknowledged the within written deeds to be their act and deed and desired that the same might be recorded as such according to law the said Elizabeth being of full age and by me duly examined separate and apart from her said husband and the contents thereof being first made known to her declared that she did voluntarily and of her own free will and accords seal and as her act and deed deliver the said Indenture without any coercion or compulsion of her said husband. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.

Val. Wagner

Recorded compared and found to agree exactly with Nov. 5th A.D. 1832

Submitted by Bonnie.

Last Modified

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