Deed between John Christian Berger and George Berger

Berks Co. Page 137, Volume 82

Names mentioned in deed- Michael Feick, John Miller, John Boltz, Daniel Berger, Daniel Hiester, Michael Ney, Valentine Zwiezig, Henry Seller, Kasper Berger, Salome Berger and Daniel Potteiger,

This indenture made the Thirteenth day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Fifty between John Christian Berger of Upper Tulpehocken Township Berks County and State of Pennsylvania Yeoman and Salome his wife of the one part and George Berger of the Township County and State aforesaid farmer of the other part Witnesseth. That the said John Christian Berger and Salome his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Three Thousand Dollars lawful money of the United States, to them in hand will and fully paid by the said George Berger at and before the insealing and delivery hereof the receipt where of we do hereby acknowledge and thou of do acquit and forever discharge the said George Berger his heirs executers and administrators by these presents, have granted bargained sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell alien enfeoff release and confirm, unto the said George Berger and to his heirs and assigns all that Certain Messuage Tenement? and Tract of Land Situated in Upper Tulpehocken Township Berks County and State aforesaid Bounded and described as follows to wit. Beginning at a corner of Michael Feick thence by the same South seventy seven degrees West one hundred and ninety four perches and nine tenths to a white oak. Thence by land of John Miller, North seven degrees and a half West, one hundred and two perches to a black oak. By the same and land of John Boltz. North sixty four degrees East twenty seven three perches to a tree. By the same North seventy eight degrees. East four perches to a white oak. By the same North fourth degrees West four perches and a half to a white oak stump. By the same North fifty eight degrees. East fourteen perches. By the same and land of Daniel Berger. North seventy eight degrees East to a stone. Thence by land of Michael Ney. South seventy six degrees East, Thirty four perches to a hickory. Thence by land of Daniel Hiester South twelve degrees and a quarter West, on hundred and nine perches to the place of the Beginning. Containing one hundred and six acres strict measure. It being apart of a large tract of land which was surveyed in pursuance of a Warrant granted to Henry Seller dated the 21st of December A.D. 1737?. Who by deed dated the 7th day of May 1753.Conveyed the same to Valentine Zwiezig Who by deed dated the 7th day of June 1753. Conveyed the same unto Andrew Ebert who by deed dated the 21st of November 1761. Conveyed the same unto Kasper Berger. Who with Catharine his wife by deed dated November the 18th 1806 granted and conveyed the same unto John Christian Berger Party hereunto. The same was granted By the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by patent Enrolled in Patent Book No 4 Page 47 to Harper Berger September 23rd 1785. Together with all and singular the house, out houses, barn, stables, gardens, orchards, meadows, fields, fences, ways, woods, waters, water courses, rights, liberties, privileges hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever unto belonging or in any way appertaining; and the revisions and remainders rents issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, titles, interest, use, tract, property, possessions claim and demand whatsoever of them said John Christian Berger and Salome his wife in law or equity or otherwise howsoever in of in, to, or out of the same; to have and to hold the said tenement Messuages and Tracts of land of one hundred and fifty six acres, hereditaments and premises hereby granted and released or mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said George Berger his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behalf of him the said George Berger his heirs and assigns forever. Never the less subject to certain rights privileges and performances, reserved and restricted in an agreement dated February the 8th A.D. 1850 for the above named John Christian Berger and Salome his wife or for either of them during their natural life. And the said John Christian Berger and Salome his wife for themselves, their heirs executers and administrators do covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said George Berger his heirs and assigns. By these presents that they the said John Christian Berger and Salome his wife and their heirs the said above mentioned and described Messuages Tenements and Tracts of Land hereditaments and premises hereby granted and released as mentioned , or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said George Berger his heirs and assigns, against heirs the said John Christian Berger and his heirs and against all and every person and persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part or parcel thereof by from or under heirs them or any of them shall and will Warrant and forever defend by these presents. In Witness Where of the said parties to these presents have here unto interchangeably set their hands and seal, dated the day and year first above written.

Johan Christian Berger (old German Script)

Salome X Berger- (x her mark)

Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us

Daniel Potteiger
Daniel Berger? (Old German Script)

Received the day of the date of the above Indenture of and from the above named George Berger the sum of Three Thousand Dollars in Gold and Silver Money it being the Consideration money above mentioned in full

Johan Christian Berger

Witness present at Signing

Daniel Potteiger Daniel Berger

Berks County SS Be it remembered, that on the Thirteenth day of February Anna Domino 1850 before me Daniel Potteiger Esquire one of the Justice of Peace of the said county personally cause the above named John Christian Berger and Salome his wife and acknowledged the above Indenture to be act and Deed, and desires that the same might be recorded as such, according to Law. The said Salome being of full age by me in due form of Law Examined Separate and apart from her said her husband and the full contents of the above Deed being first by Me made known to her did and that she did voluntarily of her own free will and accord seal and as her act and Deed deliver the said deed without any coercers or compulsion of her said Husband in Testimony Whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal the day and year above written

Daniel Potteiger

Recorded compared and found to agree exactly this 10th day of May AD 1865 Isaac Sauchs R

Submitted by: Bill.

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