Deed between John Bucks and Benjamin Bucks

Deed Book Volume 0079

THIS INDENTURE Made the twenty ninth day of March, Anno Domini one thousand Eight hundred and forty seven Between John BUCKS of Centre Township in the County of Berks and State of Pennsylvania Farmer and Catherine his wife of the one part and Benjamin Bucks of the same place, Farmer, of the other part. WITNESSETH that the said John BUCKS and Catherine his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand six hundred and forty-five Dollars so [thence?] in hand paid by the said Benjamin BUCKS and [Supre? before?] the (unreadable) and delivering (unreadable) the [receipt?] (unreadable) do thereby acknowledge and thereof Request and (unreadable) discharge the said Benjamin BUCKS his heirs Executors and Administrators by these presents have Granted bargained sold Alined enfoeffed released And Confirmed And by these presents Do grant bargain sell aline enfoeff and confirm unto the Said Benjamin BUCKS and his heirs and assigns ALL that certain land or pieces of land situated in Centre Township in the County of Berks and State aforesaid Bounded as followed viz BEGINNING at a stone thence by land of Peter DUNKLEBERGER North Eighty two degrees East Twenty five Perches to a stone thence by land of George RAAP North six degrees and a half East forty Perches to a White oak thence Sough Eighty seven degrees East Forty(?) two perches to a stone thence North Seven degrees and a half East seventy three perches then by the land of the (unreadable) John BURKSTOFAUG(?) (OR John BUCKS to [unreadable]} this is a S land thence by the same South six degrees and a half West Twenty three perches and a half to a stone thence South thirty six degrees and a half East thirty nine perches and four tenth to the place of Beginning Containing forty one acres and sixteen perches strict measure It being a part of a larger tract of land Containing Two hundred and seventy five acres and one hundred and sixty five perches Which ABRAHAM BUCKS and DANIEL BUCKS by their Indenture bearing date the 8th of January Anno Domini 1814 for the consideration therein Mentioned did grant and confirm the same unto the said John BUCKS party (unreadable), and to his heirs and assigns forever (unreadable) and by the said (unreadable) Indenture Recorded in the offices of Reading Deeds (?) at Reading in and for Berks County in Deed Book A vol 46 page 523 (unreadable) Relation(?) being (unreadable) had May More fully appear (?) Together with all and singular other the houses, out houses, buildings, barns, stables, (unreadable) (unreadable) Waters Water courses rights Liberties, privileges hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever (unreadable) belonging (unreadable) appurtaining and the (unreadable) and remainders rents (unreadable) and (unreadable) thing. And also all the estate right title interest properly claim and demand whatsoever of them the said John BUCKS and Catherine his wife in law or equity or otherwise howsoever of (unreadable) of the same. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract of land Containing forty one acres and sixteen perches strict measure. Hereditaments and premises hereby granted (&?) Mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenanced, unto the land of Benjamin BUCKS his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said Benjamin BUCKS his heirs and assigns forever And the said John BUCKS and Catherine his wife for themselves their heirs Executors and Administrators decovenant(?) Farmer (?) grant and agree to and with the Benjamin Bucks his heirs and assigns by these presents that they the said John BUCKS and Catherine his Wife and their heirs the above mentioned and described tract of land hereditaments and (unreadable) (unreadable) granted or Mentioned or Intended so to be , with the a[[appurtenances, unto the said Benjamin BUCKS his heirs and assigns against him the said John Bucks and his heirs and assigns all and any other person and persons whomseover lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part of parcel shall and will Warrant and forever defend by these presents IN WITNESS making the said (unreadable) to those presents to the (unreadable) have (unreadable) their hands and seals dated the day and year above mentioned.

Johannes Bucks (seal) Catherine Bucks (her mark) (seal)

Sealed and Delivered in the (unreadable) (unreadable)

(Unreadable name)
Mich K. Boyer

Received on the day of the date of the above written Indenture and year the above named Benjamin BUCKS the sum of thousand six hundred and forty five Dollars, Lawful money of the United States being the consideration Money above mentioned in full

Johannes Bucks

Witness present at signing

(Unreadable name)
Mich K. Boyer

Berks County S.S. Best Remembered that on the 29th day of March A.D. 1847 before me the (unreadable) one of the justices of the peace (unreadable) for the said county came the above named John Bucks and Catherine his wife and acknowledged the above written Indenture (unreadable) Act and Deed and (unreadable) that the same Might be recorded as such according to Law. The said Catherine being full age and by me duly examined separated and apart from her said husband and the contents (unreadable) first made known to her declare that she did voluntarily and of her own freewill (unreadable) and (unreadable) and (unreadable) deliver the said Indenture without any coercion or compulsion of the said husband In testimony (unreadable) I have (unreadable) as my hand and seal the day and year above written.

Mich K. Boyer (seal)

Recorded Compared and found to agree exactly this 28th day of January, (year unreadable)

Isaac Lauch, R(ecorder)

Submitted by Bonnie.

Last Modified

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