Patent to John Buck

Patent Book AA-4, p. 349, 350, 351, 352

THOMAS PENN AND RICHARD PENN Esquires true and absolute Proprietaries and Governors in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and County's of Newcastle Kent and Sussex on Delaware To all unto whom these presents shall come greeting WHEREAS in pursuance of a Warrant under the Seat of our Land Office bearing date the 12 day of October, 1742, there was surveyed unto John Buck of the County of A certain Tract of Land situate in Bern Township formerly of Lancaster now in the County of Berks Beginning at a marked white Oak Thence by Vacant Land South thirty eight degrees West forty Perches to a Post and South seven Degrees East one hundred and thirty eight Perches to a marked Spanish Oak Then by Vacant Land North East one hundred & four Perches to a Post Thence by Vacant Land & land of John Moyer North Twenty Degrees West ninety eight Perches to a marked Hickery and North fifty two perches by land of the said John Moyer to a marked Hickery then by vacant land North seventy four Degrees forty four perches to a marked Chestnut Oak Then by land of Johannes Mast South thirty Degrees West ten perches to a marked Chestnut Oak and North seventy Degrees West sixty four perches to the Place of Beginning containing two hundred and twenty one acres of Land & Allowance of Six acres more or less for Roads AND WHEREAS in pursuance of a Warrant under the Seal of our Land Office bearing date the 21 day of November 1751 There was surveyed unto the said John Buck a certain tract of land situate in the County of Berks as aforesaid Beginning at a marked Chestnut Oak a corner of Jacob Heck's land then by the same North sixty six perches to a marked black Oak Thence by Sebastian Gream's Land West one hundred and ten perches and a half to a marked Chestnut Oak in a Line of Jacob Mast's Lands Thence by the same South thirty eight perches to a marked black Oak & South twenty six degrees West fifty eight Perches to a Post in a Line of Jacob Masts Land Thence by the same North eight degrees East one hundred and thirty eight Perches to the Place of Beginning containing fifty two Acres and three Quarters of an Acre of Land & allowance of six acres more or less for Roads etc. AND WHEREAS in Pursuance of a Warrant under the Seal of our Land Office bearing date the 6th day of June 1754 there was surveyed unto John Buck aforesaid a certain Tract of Land situate in Bern Township in the said County Beginning at a marked white Oak a corner of George Gechlines Land The tree by the same south thirty Degrees East twenty Perches to a marked black Oak a corner of Stophel (? S-ophel) Menings Land Thence by the same North eighty degrees East thirty seven Perches to a marked black Oak & North sixty Degrees East seventy Perches to a marked black Oak thence by Land of Jacob Masht North thirty degrees West Sixty two Perches to a Stone in a line of John Meyer's Land. Thence by the same South eighty five Degrees West eighteen Perches to a marked Chestnut Oak in a line of said John Buck's other Land South twenty Degrees East fourteen Perches to a Post & South West eighty nine Perches to the Pace of Beginning containing twenty eight Acres and fifty Perches of Land & allowance of Six Acres more or less for Roads etc. AND WHEREAS in the Year 1762 a Survey was made unto the said John Buck of a certain Tract of Land situate in Bern Township aforesaid NOW in Pursuance of a Warrant under the Seal of our Land Office bearing date the 16th day of February 1763 our Surveyor General was required to accept the said Survey to make Return thereof into the Secretary's Office in Order for Confirmation to the said John Buck which is described as following viz.: Beginning at a marked black Oak Thence by Vacant Land North sixty Degrees West seventy seven Perches to a marked Black Oak Thence by Jacob Bucks Land North twenty five Degrees East thirty two Perches to a marked Hickery Thence by the same and Land of Samuel Philbert North fifteen Degrees East one hundred fifty two Perches to a post in a Line of Jacob Mast's Land Thence by the same South seventy seven Degrees East sixty one Perches to a marked white in a Line of John Bucks other Land thence by the same south thirty eight Degrees West forty Perches to a Post and South seven Degrees West forty Perches to a Post and South seven Degrees West one hundred seventy one Perches to the place of Beginning containing sixty five Acres & allowance of six Acres more or less for Roads etc. AS in and by the several surveys thereof remaining in our Surveyor Generals Office & from thence Certified into the Secretaries Office may assure NOW at the Instance and Request of the said John Bucks that we would be pleased to grant him a confirmation of the same KNOW YE that in consideration of the Sum of fifty eight pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to our Use paid by the said John Buck the Receipt whereof we hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever discharge the said John Buck his Heirs and Assigns by these presents and of the yearly Quitrent hereinafter mentioned and reserved WE HAVE given granted released and confirmed And by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors DO give and grant release and confirm unto the said John Bucks his HEIRS AND ASSIGNS the four described Tracts or Pieces of Land The first of them containing Two hundred and twenty one acres & Allowance more or less the other of them containing fifty two Acres & three Quarters & Allowance & the third containing twenty eight Acres and fifty Perches and the fourth and last of them containing Sixty five Acres & Allowance more or less of land as the same are now set forth bounded and limited as aforesaid With all Mines Minerals Quarries Meadows Marshes Savannahs Swamps Cripples Woods Underfeeds Timber & Trees Ways Waters Watercourses Liberties Profits Commodities Advantages Hereditaments & Appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and lying within the Bounds and Limits aforesaid [ Three full and clear fifth Parts of all Royal Mines free from all Deductions and Reprisals for digging and refining the same and also one fifth Part of the Ore of all other Mines delivered at the Pitsmouth (?) only excepted and hereby reserved] and also free Leave and Right and Liberty to and for the said John Bucks his Heirs and Assigns to Hawk Hunt Fish and Fowling upon the hereby granted Land & Premises or upon any Part thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said four described Tracts or Pieces of Land The first containing Two hundred & twenty one acres The Second containing fifty two Acres & three Quarters the third containing twenty eight Acres & fifty Perches and the fourth containing Sixty five Acres of Land & Premises hereby granted to accept as before accepted with their appurtenances unto the said John Buck his Heirs and Assigns To the only Use and Behoof of the said John Buck his Heirs and Assigns for ever TO BE BEHOLDEN of us our Heirs and Successors Proprietaries of Pennsylvania as of our Manor of Ruscomb in the County of Berks aforesaid in free and common Sociage (?) by Fealty only in Lieu of all other Services YIELDING AND PAYING therefore yearly unto us our Heirs and Successors at the Town of Reading in the said County at or upon the first day of March in every Year from the first day of March last past one half penny sterling for every acre of the same Or Value whereof in Fair Current (?) according as the Exchange shall then be between our said Province and the City of London to such Person or Persons as shall from Time to Time be appointed to receive the same AND in case of nonpayment thereof within ninety Days and after the same shall become due That then it shall and may be lawful for us our Heirs and Successors our and their Receiver or Receivers unto and upon the hereby granted Land and Premises to Reenter and the same to hold and possess until the said Quitrent & all Arrears thereof together with the Charges accruing by Means of such Nonpayment & Reentry be fully paid and discharged. WITNESS James Hamilton Esquire Lieutenant Governor of the said Province Who by Virtue of certain Powers and Authorities to him for this Purpose, inter alia, granted by the said Proprietaries hath hereunto set this Hand and caused the Great Seal of the said Province to be hereunto affixed at Philadelphia this seventh day of May in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & sixty three The Third Year of the Reign of Kind George the Third over Great Britain Etc. And the forty fifth year of the said Proprietaries Government James Hamilton L. G..

Recorded the 14th day of May 1763

Submitted by Bonnie.

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