Deed between John Bobb and Daniel Bobb

Berks County Recorder of Deeds; Berks County, PA

Deed Book 418 pages 418 to 22 - Written December 27, 1774, Recorded November 1, 1913

This Indenture made the twenty-seventh day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-four [1774].

Between John Bobb of the township of Douglass in the County of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania, Taylor, Eldest son of Conrad Bobb late of the township of Hereford in the county of Berks in the said province, yeoman, deceased and Margareth his wife, Abraham Bobb of the township of Douglass Aforesaid, Joiner another son of the said deceased, and Catharine his wife and Anna Bobb of the township of Hereford, aforesaid, Spinster, only daughter of the said deceased of the one part and Daniel Bobb of the same place, Miller, another son of the said deceased of the other part:

Whereas, the Honorable John Penn, Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esquire, true and absolute Proprietors and Governors in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and Counties of new Castle Kent and Sussex on Delaware in and by their Paten or Grant under the Great Seal of the said Province bearing date the ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty six [1736] for the consideration therein mentioned did grant and confirm unto Christian Beidler and to his heirs and assigns, a certain tract of land situate at Gowessioppin[sic] on a Branch of Perkiomie[sic] Creek (then in the said County of Philadelphia, but now) in the township of Hereford in the County of Berks aforesaid.

Beginning at a white oak in a line of Peter Beidler land, thence by vacant land the five several courses and distances next mentioned viz" north west fifty-four perches to a post, thence south west sixty-eight perches to a hickory, thence northwest one hundred perches to a post thence north east one hundred and thirty-four perches to a post thence south east one hundred and fifty-four perches to a post, thence south west by vacant land fifty-two perches to a corner of the said Peter Beidler land and the said course by the said land fourteen perches to the place of beginning, containing one hundred acres and the allowance of six acres for Roads and Highways with the appurtenances. To hold the same to him the said Christian Beidler his heirs and assigns forever under the yearly quit rent of the one half Penny Sterling for every acre of the same as in and by the said recited patent entered in the office for Recording of Deeds for the city and County of Philadelphia in Patent Book A Vol. 8 page 86, relation being thereunto had more fully and at large appears. And whereas the said Christian Beidler having erected a messuage or tenement and Water, Corn or Grist Mill thereon did with Susanna his wife by Indenture under their hands and seals bearing date the eleventh day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty-four [1744] for the consideration therein mentioned grant and confirm unto the said Conrad Bobb (by the name of John Conrad Popp) and to his heirs and assigns. All that the said messuage or tenement Water or Corn or Grist Mill and above mentioned tract of land situate bounded and described as aforesaid Containing one hundred acres and allowances aforesaid with appurtenances. To hold to him the said Conrad Bobb his heirs and assigns forever. Subject to the yearly Quit Rent aforesaid and all other the reservations in the said recited Patent mentioned and reserved as in and by the said recited indenture entered in the office aforesaid Book G. Vol. 11 p. 204. Relation being thereunto had more fully and at large appears by force and virtue of which said recited Indenture or of some other good conveyance or assurance in the law duly had and executed the said Conrad Bobb became in his lifetime seized in fee (among [other] real estate) of and in the said messuage or tenement and Water Corn or Grist Mill aforesaid, and tract of land above described with the appurtenances and being so thereof seized died intestate bearing issue four children to wit" The aforesaid John, Abraham, Anna and Daniel to whom the lands and tenements of the said deceased by the laws of this Province of Pennsylvania respecting Intestate Estates did descend to be divided by equal partitions among them allowing the said John Bobb as the Eldest son two shares, the whole Subject to the Dower of Elizabeth Moyer formerly Elizabeth [nee Stauffer] Bobb widow and relict of the said Conrad Bobb, deceased.

Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said John Bobb and Margaret his wife; Abraham Bobb and Catharine his wife and Anna Bobb for and in consideration of the sum of six hundred pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to them in hand paid by the said Daniel Bobb at and before the ensealing and Delivery hereof the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever discharge the said Daniel Bobb his heirs, executors and administrators by these presents have and each and every one of them hath granted bargained sold aliened released quitclaimed and confirmed and by these presents do and each and every of them doth grant bargain sell alien release quitclaim and confirm unto the said Daniel Bobb (in his actual quiet peaceable possession now being) and to his heirs and assigns. All and every the shares purports and dividends of them the said John Bobb, Abraham Bobb and Anna Bobb of and in the said Messuage or Tenement and Water Corn or Grist Mill and tract or parcel of land above described containing one hundred acres and allowances aforesaid

Together with all and singular the houses, out houses, mill, dams, mill ponds, mill races, Banks, Wears, Tree boards, Ways, woods, water, water courses, rights, liberties, Improvements, Hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appurtaining. And the reversions and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate right title interest property claim and demand whatsoever in law or equity of them the said John Bobb and Margaret his wife, Abraham Bobb and Catharine his wife and Anna Bobb of in to or out of the same and every part thereof. To have and to hold the said several shares, purports and dividends of them the said John Bobb Abraham Bobb and Anna Bobb of and in the said messuage or tenement and Water Corn or Grist Mill and tract piece or parcel of land above described containing one hundred acres and allowances aforesaid, Hereditaments and premises hereby granted and released or mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said Daniel Bobb his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Daniel Bobb his heirs and assigns forever Subject to the payments of the yearly Quit-Rent aforesaid now due or hereafter to become due and payable to the Honorable the Proprietors of the Province aforesaid their heirs and successors for the same and the said John Bobb, Abraham Bobb and Anna Bobb for them and their heirs executors and administrators respectively, severally and not jointly nor the one for the other or for the heirs executors or administrators of the other do covenant promise and grant to and with the said Daniel Bobb, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns by these presents that they the said John Bobb, Abraham Bobb and Ann Bobb and their heirs respectively request and at the proper costs and charges in the law of the said Daniel Bobb his heirs and assigns make do and execute or cause or procure as to be all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable act or acts Deed or Deeds, Device or Devices in the law whatever for the further better more perfect and absolute assurance and confirmation of their respective shares and purports hereby granted and released or mentioned or intended so to be unto the said Daniel Bobb his heirs and assigns forever as by him or them or by his or their council learned in the laws shall be reasonably advised, devised or required.

It witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals dated the day and year first above written

Signed by:
Anna X (her mark) Bowman
Abraham X (his mark) Bob
Katharin L. Bob
John Bobb
Margaret X(her mark) Bob

Recieved the day of the date of the above written Indenture of the above named Daniel Bobb the sum of six hundred Pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania. It being the consideration above mentioned in full, We say recieved

Signed by John Bobb and Abraham Bobb

Berks SS. This 7th day of April 1783 before me the subscribers one of the Justices , came John Bowman and Anna Bowman formerly Anna Bobb his wife and severally acknowledged the above Indenture to be their act and deed and desired the same might be recorded as such according to law, the said Ann Bowman being of full age secretly and apart examined and the contents first made known unto her thereunto voluntarily consented.

The twenty seventh day of December 1774 before me the subscriber of his magistrates Justice of the peace for Berks County came John Bobb and Margaret his wife, she being secretly and apart examined did acknowledge the foregoing instrument to be their act and deed, desired the same might be recorded as such.

Recorded November 1 A. D. 1913 by Wilson B. Zeller, Recorder

Widow's Release

DB 418 p. 21, Signed Dec. 7, 1771 Recorded November 1, 1913

Know All Men by these presents that I Elizabeth Moyer, within named formerly Elisabeth Bobb, widow and Relict of the within named Christian Bobb deceased for divers good causes and consideration and especially for and in consideration of the sum of Five Shillings lawful money of Pennsylvania to me in hand paid by the within named Daniel Bobb at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have remised, released and forever quitclaimed and by these presents do remise, release and forever quitclaimed unto the said Daniel Bobb and to his heirs and assigns, All and all manner of Dower ad Rights and title of Dower or other interest right or title whatsoever which I the said Elizabeth Moyer now have, may, might should or right ought to have or claim of in to or out of the within mentioned messuage or tenement Water, Corn or Grist Mill and tract of land containing one hundred acres and allowance, Hereditaments and premises within mentioned and every part or parcel thereof with the appurtenances and all and all manner of Action and Actions Write and writs of Dower or other actions and right to making distress whatsoever so that neither I the said Elizabeth Moyer or any other person or persons for me or in my name right or stead any manner of Dower of writ or action of Dower or right or title of Dower or other interest claim and demand whatsoever for or in the said Messuage or Tenement Water, Corn or Grist Mill and tract of land or any part or parcel thereof at any time hereafter shall or may have claim or prosecute against the said Daniel Bobb his heirs and assigns.

In Witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Moyer have hereunto set my hand and seal, dated the twenty seventh day of December Anno Domini 1774.

Signed Elizabeth X (her mark) Moyer

The twenty seventh day of December Anno Domini 1774 before me the subscriber one of the majesty's Justice of the Peace of the County of Berks came the above named Elizabeth Moyer and acknowledged the above written Release to be her act and deed and desired that the same might be Recorded as such according to law. Witness my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid

Signed George Douglass

Recorded November 1, A. D. 1913 by Wilson B. Zeller, Recorder

Submitted by Betty.

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