Extracts from (John) Adam Fisher Land Purchases and Sales

March 2, 1787. Thomas Grant,. Esq., High Sheriff of Northumberland County, sold, as land of Benjamin Weiser, located on the Isle of Kew (Que), Penn Township, Northumberland County, to Adam Fisher of the same township for £740, area about 236 acres.

Witnesses: John Boyd, L. Keene.

Source: Northumberland County Deed Book "C," page 469.

May 22, 1787. Mortgage. Adam Fisher of Penns Township, Northumberland County, and Margaret, his wife, for £800, grant to Christian Fisher and Jacob Reed of Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, and Christian Noecker of Heidelberg Township, Dauphin County, two tracts in Penns Township on the Isle of Kew (Que), one beginning at the Middle Creek (now mouth of Penns Creek} and Susquehanna River and along the river, 167 acres, Which Jacob fisher and Mary Elizabeth, his wife, sold to Adam Fisher on Dec.30, 1734. The other adjoining the above tract on the north, the river on the east, the land of Jabetz Weiser on the north, and the Middle Creek on the west, 226 acres, being the tract which Thomas Grant, Sheriff, sold as the estate of Benjamin Weiser on March 1st, to Adam. Fisher. Provided, however, that if Adam Fisher pays the said £800 to Christian Fisher, Jacob Reed, and Christian Noecker by March 15, 1789, then this indenture is to be void.

Witnesses: Christian Lower, Jacob Fisher.

Source: Northumberland Deed Book "C," page 468.

July 8, 1811. Adam Fisher of Penns Township, Northumberland County, and Margaret his wife sold to Christian Fisher, same Township, for £1000, tract in Penns Township on Susquehanna River adjoining George Fisher, along Back (Penns) Creek to where it empties in the river, thence up the river, 184 acres and 40 perches, it being part of a larger tract on the Isle of cue, which the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on April 24, 1795, granted to Adam Fisher.

Witnesses: Jacob Lechner, Chas. Drum.

Source: Patent Book 23, page 454) (Northumberland Deed Book "Q," page 471.

Note: This was the lower part of the Isle of Que property. This was practically the same tract that Adam bought from his father in 1784.

July 8, 1821. Adam Fisher of Penns Township, Northumberland County; and Margaret his wife, sold to George Fisher (their son) of Penns Township, for £1000, tract in Penns Township on Back Creek, adjoining Conrad Weiser, north 79 east to bank of Susquehanna River, thence down its several courses to the division line of Christian Fisher, thence up Back Creek, 164 acres and 40 perches, it being a part of the larger tract with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on April 24, 1795, granted to Adam Fisher.

Witnesses: Jacob Lechner and Charles Drum.

Note: Part of this tract was purchased from the Banjamin Weiser estate in 1787.

Source: Patent Book 23, page 454. Northumberland Deed Book "Q," page 472.

Submitted by: Harrison

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