Extracts of Deed from Rev. Henry M. Muhlenberg to Jacob Fisher

October 16, 1773, Rev. Henry Muhlenberg at Philadelphia, clerk, and Mary, his wife (she being one of the daughters of Conrad Weiser, late of the town of Reading, Berks County, Esquire, deceased) sold to Jacob Fisher, yoeman, of Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, Pa.

Whereas, Thomas and Richard Penn, by patent of October 17, 1750, granted to Conrad Weiser, two tracts Mahoniah (Mahanoy) on the east bank of the river Susquehanna, Northumberland County, then in Lancaster County, and three islands in the river Susquehanna opposite the said two tracts, containing in the whole 866 acres, which Conrad Weiser became seized of, as also several other tracts, more especially a tract, then in Cumberland County nearly opposite the above recited tract on the west bank of the river Susquehanna, now in Northumberland County, about 725 acres; all which several tracts and several islands in the whole about 2642 acres and 36 perches;

Conrad Weiser being so seized made his will, stating "Item, I give devise and bequeath unto my children, Philip, Frederick, Peter, Samuel, Benjamin, Mary Muhlenberg and Margarat Fricker, all those my lands lying beyond the Kittocktinny mountain, and my grants to lands lying beyond the said mountain, to be divided in the manner following, that is to say to my son Philip two eighty parts or shares of the whole, and to each of my other children one eight part or shares by virtue of which Henry Muhlenberg and Mary his wife became seized of 1/8 undivided part of the said lands; the said Philip Weiser being seized of 2/8 parts died intestate and his 2/3 parts descended to his children, Conrad Weiser, Jr. (Captain John Conrad Weiser), Peter Weiser, Jr., and Jabitz Weiser; and whereas the said Frederick Weiser, Peter Weiser, Samuel Weiser, Benjamin Weiser, Conrad Weiser, Jr., Peter Weiser, Jr., Jabitz Weiser, Henry Muhlenberg and Mary his wife, and Anthony Fricker and Margaret his wife, by indtenture of seven parts, dated September 24, last, 1773) Frederick Weiser of the lst part, Peter Weiser of the 2nd part, Samuel Weiser of the 3rd, Benjamin Weiser of the 4th part, Conrad Weiser, Jr., Peter Weiser, Jr., and Jabitz Weiser of 5th part, Henry Muhlenberg and Mary his wife of 6th part, and Anthony Fricker and wife Margaret of 7th part, made a partition;

Unto Henry Muhlenberg and Mary his wife in right of said Mary, was allotted as their eighth, tract at mouth of the Middle creek (now Penns Creek) and on Susquehanna River, 167 acres, being part of the tract of about 725 acres, and also an island in the river Susquehanna opposite the north part of the tract, 273 acres, being island granted to Conrad Weiser Esq., by Prorietary Patent on October 17th, 1750.

Now Henry Muhlenberg and ovary his wife, for £425 sold to Jacob Fisher all that tract of 167 acres and the island of 273 acres.

Witnesses: Benjamin Miller and Abraham Shoemaker.

Source: Northumberland Co. Deed Book 'C', page 224.

Bond of Benjamin Weiser to Jacob Fisher

November 27, 1773. Benjamin Weiser, Esq., of Northumberland County, Pa. is bound to Jacob Fisher of Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, Pa. in the sum of £200; Whereas Henry Muhlenberg, minister or Clerk, and Mary his wife, for £425 paid to them by Jacob Fisher did by indenture of October 16, 1773, did transfer and make over to Jacob Fisher 137 acres, and another tract in the island in Northumberland County; and Whereas, the above Benjamin Weiser, by dividing the whole tract of land, formerly the property of Conrad Weiser, Esq, deceased, between the children of Conrad Weiser, Esq., deceased., did allow to Jacob Fisher an open road on the land of Benjamin Weiser; the condition of this obligation being that Banjamin Weiser will keep an open road, beginning at the line of Jacob Fisher near Middle Creek and thence upward on Middle Creek to a branch of Penns Creek, one perch wide.

Witnesses: D. Levan and John Rose

Source: Northumberland Deed Book "C", page 223.

Submitted by: Harrison

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