Deed between Herper Berger and Henry Groh

1794; Volume 14, Pages 439-441

This Indenture made the twenty fourth day of June Anno Domini One thousand seven hundred and ninety Between Henry Groh of Tulpehocken Township in the county of Berks, State of Pennsylvania Yeoman of the first & Herper Berger of the same place Yeoman of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Henry Groh foresaid In consideration of the sum of fifteen Pounds eighteen Shilling & 1 1/2 lawful Money of Pennsylvania to him the said Henry Groh well and truly in hand paid by the said Herper Berger at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he the said Henry Groh doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof doth aquit and forever discharge the said Herper Berger his heirs and assigns by these presents, Hath granted bargained sold aliened released enfeoffed and confirmed and by these Presents doth grant bargain sell alien release enfeoff and confirm unto the said Herper Berger & to his heirs and assigns All that certain Piece or Tract of land situate lying and being in Tulpehocken Township in the County of Berks aforesaid bounded and described as follows to wit, Beginning at a small white oak marks a corner in a line Between the said Henry Grohs & Herper Bergers other land thence along the said Bergers line North seventy five degrees and a half .... Forty five perches and a half to a post& North fourteen degrees and a half West Nineteen perches to a stone lot for a corner in the big Road, thence by the said Henry Grohs other land South fifty seven degrees West forty seven perches to a white oak and South five degrees East four perches & two tenth to the place of the Beginning. Containing three Acres & twenty nine perches “flrich” measure./ It being part & parcel of a larger tract of one hundred and thirty five Acres of land & the allows of six ..... /or Roads & be the same more or less which a Proprietary Warrant dated the____day of _____of _____ was surveyed unto Leonard Read, who is since deceased intestate leaving __George Read, his oldest son, Nicholas, Frederick, Leonard & Peter his other sons, & Mary Margaret hid only daughter, to and among whom, according to the Laws of this State in such case made and provided, the Estate of the said deceased, descended, who, with Henry Seller who was then intermarried with the said Mary Margaret, by their Indenture of Release duly executed bearing date 23rd day of May 1763 for the consideration therein mentioned did grant release & confirm unto Simon Groh, (father of the said Henry Groh party hereto / all that the above mentioned Tract of one hundred thirty five Acres of Land & allows? All Aforesaid _______________the above described Tract of three Acres & twenty nine perches of land___ measure hereby granted /more or less, And the said Simon Groh being so there seized , also departed this life Intestate leaving a Widow, to wit, Catharine, & _____ five Children, viz the said Henry Groh, George, Catharine, intermarried with Adam Groh, Christina & Margaret: the lawful Heirs & Representatives of the said deceased,, to and amongst whom his Estate descended. And the said Henry Groh Preferring his Petition on the 111th day of March 1788 to the Justices of the Orphans Court of the County of Berks aforesaid praying the said Court to award an Inquest to part and divide the said estate among the said children if the same Court be done without spoiling the whole __and the said Inquest finding that Partition of the said Estate ____ not be made without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof therefore the same was valued at the sum of four hundred Pounds Gold or Silver Money, And at an Orphans Court held at Reading in &for the Bounty of Berks aforesaid the 10th day of June in the Year last above said the said Valuation was confirmed to remain firm and Stable forever, And John Long and John Reigle of the said County being approved of us Sureties? To enter into Bonds with the said Henry Groh for the payment of the shares and dividends of the other children of the said intestate upon Sealing & delivery of which Bonds the said Henry Groh should Seals? And enjoy the Real Estate of his said father valued as aforesaid to him his Heirs and Assigns forever which was done on the 12th day of August 1788 afores? According to Law. Together with all and Singular the Houses Outhouses Edifices and Buildings thereon erected and built Profits Commodities Advantages Emoluments Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining and the Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Dues and Profits thereof and also all the Estate Right Title Interest ___ Trust property Possession Claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said Henry Groh of in and to the same or every or any part thereof and also all Deeds Evidences and Writings touching or concerning the same or any part thereof and now in the Custody and Possession of him the said Henry Groh or which he can or may come by without suit at law or Equity To Have and to hold the said Price and Parcel of Land Hereditaments & Premises hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said Herper Berger his Heirs & assigns to the only proper the benefit and behoof of him the said Herper Berger or his Heirs & assigns forever. Under and subject to the yearly Quit Rent noe due and hereafter to become due and payable for the same to the Chief Lord or Lords of the Free? Thereof for ever. And the said Henry Groh for himself his heirs Executors and Administrators do covenant promise and grant to and with the said Herper Berger his Heirs and assigns, that the said Henry Groh his Heirs and Assigns and all and every other person and Persons his or their Heirs anything having or claiming in the said Premises above granted or meant mentioned or intended so to be or any part thereof by ____ or under him them or any or either of them shall and will from him to him and at all times hereafter upon the reasonable request and at the proper costs and charges of him the said Herper Berger his Heirs & Assigns make do and Execute or cause and procure to be made done Executes all and every such further and other lawful and Reasonable Act and Acts thing and things Conveyances and Assurances in the Law whatsoever for the further better more sure and perfect granting conveying and assuring of all and Singular the said Premises with the appurtenances unto the said Herper Berger his heirs and Assigns for ever as by him the Herper Berger his Heirs or Assigns or his or their Counsel learned in the said shall be reasonably advised devised and required. And he the said Henry Groh for himself and his Heirs---The said Piece or parcel of Land above described and Premises unto the said Herper Berger his Heirs and Assigns Against him the said Henry Groh and his Heirs and against all and every other Person and Persons whom so ever lawfully claiming said Premises or any par thereof by from or under him them or any of them shall and will Warrant and for ever Defend by these Presents. In Witness whereof of the said parties to these Presents have hereunto interchangeably set their Hands and Seal the day and year first above written. Henry Groh (German script) Sealed and delivered in the Presence of Jacob _____ ________ Lang. Received on the day of the date of the above Indenture of the above named Herper Berger the sum of fifteen Pounds eighteen Shillings & one Penny half Penny__ in full for the consideration Money above said Henry Groh. Witnesses present at signing Jacob ____ _________ Lang Berks. County Be it remembered that on the fifteenth day of February Anno Domini One thousand Seven hundred and ninety four 1794 before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the court of the Commonwealth clerk for said County personally came the above named Henry Groh and acknowledged the above Indenture to be his Act and Deed and desires that the same may be Recorded according to Law. Witness my Hand and Seal the day and year above written. Daniel Ludwig Recorded and this record & the original compared found to agree exactly__ this 26th day of June Anno Domini

Names-Henry Groh, Simon Groh, Christina Groh, Margaret Groh, Adam Groh, Herper Berger, George Read, Nicholas Read, Frederick Read, Leonard Read, Peter Read, Mary Margaret Read

Transcribed October 28, 2011 by William Regli

The document was very difficult to read so there are many errors in the transcription. There were several signatures in German Script that could not be translated.

Submitted by Bill.

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