Deed between George Stoner and Jacob Gerst (Kerst)

Jacob KERST bought indentures of the estate of Jacob STONER, from the deceased's son, George STONER, in June 1809 per the following deed:

This INDENTURE made the seventeenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine between George STONER of Union Township in the county of Berks and State of Pennsylvania, yeoman, of the one part and Jacob GERST[sic KERST] of the same place, yeoman, of the other part; WHEREAS Abraham STONER and Anna, his wife, by indenture bearing date the eighteenth day of March Anno Domini 1795 for the consideration therein mentioned, did grant, release and confirm fifty-six acres and thirty eight perches of land besides the usual allowance of six per cent for roads &c unto Jacob STONER, his heirs and assigns forever, as in and by the said in part recited indenture (remaining yet to be recorded), relation thereunto being more fully may appear, who being so thereof lawfully seized in his demesne died intestate, leaving widow named Elizabeth and issue five children to wit: the above named George STONER, Elizabeth STONER, Caty STONER, Polly STONER, and John STONER to whom the same did descend and some. AND WHEREAS at an Orphan's Court held at Reading in and for the County of Berks on the 17th day of November Anno Domini 1808, on the petition of his eldest son, above said George STONER, the same was on the sixth day of January their next ensuing granted and confirmed unto the said George STONER his heirs and assigns forever, us by the records and proceedings of the said Court, relation thereunto being had more fully may appear; NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that the said George STONER for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and ten pounds lawful money of the State of Pennsylvania to him in hand paid by the said Jacob GERST at and before the presenting and delivery hereof the receipt whereof he doth hereby, to acknowledge and thereof acquit and forever discharge the said Jacob GERST his heirs, executors, and administrators by these presents hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, eufoeffed, released, and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, eufeoff, release and confirm, unto the said Jacob GERST and to his heirs and assigns a certain tract piece/parcel of land situate in Union Township aforesaid bounded and limited as follows to wit:; viz., Beginning at a Stone at a corner of Samuel DERR's land and running thence by the same according to the present position of the Magnetic needle, south forty-three degrees, west forty-six perches to a stone in a line of the late Abraham STONER's, and, thence by the same South forty-seven degrees East twenty-nine perches and five-tenth to a stone a corner of George STONER's other land thence by the same North forty three degrees, line of BIRD's land thence by the same south eighty-nine and --- perches to a Chestnut Oak north eighty degrees West thirty-two, east sixty-four perches to a Chestnut in a part of the above recited fifty six acres and thirty eight perches. Together with all and singular the improvements, ways, woods, waters, water courses, rights, liberties, privileges, heredictaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversions and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof and also all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever of him the said George STONER, in law of equity or or out of the sme to have and to hold the said tracts or parcels of land containing ten acres heredictamentes and premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended to be with the appurtenances unto the said Jacob GERST his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said Jacob GERST his heirs and assigns forever. And the said George STONER for his use of his heirs, executors, and administrators doth covenant promise grant to and with the said Jacob GERST, and his heirs and assigns, by their priority, rights that the said George STONER and his heirs, the said above mentioned and described tract pieces or parcel of land heredicatments and premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be, with the appurtenances unto the said Jacob GERST his heirs and assigns against him the said George STONER his and his heirs and against all and every other person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under them or any of them shall and will warrant and forever defend by these present to be witness whereof the said George STONER to these presents hath thereunto set his hand and seal the day and date first above written sealed and delivered:


in the presence of us,

Sam LUDWIG and Ludwig WORMAN

Received on the day the date of the above written indenture of and from the named Jacob GERST, the sum of one hundred and ten pounds, it being the consideration money above mentioned in full, I say received:


Witness presented at signing:

Sam LUDWIG and Ludwig WORMAN

Berks County SS;

Be it remembered that on the seventeenth day of June, Anno Domini 1809, before me, the subscribed one of the justices of the peace in and for the said County of Berks, came the above named George STONER and acknowledged that the above written indenture to be his act and deed and desired that the same might be recorded as such according to law per wiitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date first above said. Ludwig WORMAN. Recorded compared and found to agree exactly the 19th day of Auguset 1873.

Charles Hill, Recorder

Submitted by Diana.

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