Deed between George and Mary Kerst and Henry Frees

THIS INDENTURE made this fourteenth day of May, 1808, between George Kerst (Jr.) of the township of Union in Berks county and State of Pennsylvania and his wife Mary Kerst of the one part and Henry Frees of the township of E Nantmell in Chester County and State aforesaid of the other part WHEREAS the said George Kerst by virtue of his father's will bearing the date of 29th day of May 1807, registered at Reading in the County of Berks the sixth day of November one thousand eight hundred and seven (1807) became legally seized of and in a certain plantation and tract of land situate and being in the said township of Union bounded or mentioned to be in a patent bearing date 27th day of January 1804, patent book N53, page 259, by land of said George Kerst, Mark Bird, John Angstadt and others containing seventy-five acres, twenty-one perches and allowance of John H Kerst for roads etc., reference to the said will and patent had will more fully appear.

NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH the said George Kerst, and Mary his wife, for and in the consideration of the sum of seven hundred pounds, good and lawful money of the state of Pennsylvania from Henry Frees at and before the signing and sealing of this deed, receipt of which the same George Kerst and Mary his wife doth hereby acknowledge and therefore do acquit exonerate and forever the said Henry Frees his heirs and assigns and administrators by these present hath granted bargained aleined eufoffed and released and confirmed by these present doth grant bargain eufoff and release and confirm unto the said Henry Frees his heirs and assigns a part of the aforesaid tract..... beginning at a black oak tree a corner of John DeHaven deed and running from thence by land of the said DeHaven and Samuel Kerst north seventy one and half degrees West one hundred twenty five perches and three tenths stone heap, thence by other land of George Kerst south fifteen and half degrees West twenty nine perches and five-tenths stone heap, thence by the land of Brooks & Co south thirty eight and half degrees East six perches and three-tenths the Black Oak stood, thence South thirty six degrees East one hundred and forty five perches White Oak Stump, thence north forty-four degrees East thirty perches Black Oak thence by land of John DeHAVEN decd, north forty nine and a half degrees West forty eight perches and five tenths black oak, West north forty and half degrees East one hundred twenty perches and four tenths to the place of beginning containing eighty (80) acres, be the same more or less, together with all and singular the buildings, improvements, woods, ways, water, watercourses, rights, easements, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining and all the reversions, profits thereof and all the estate interest and title of the said George Kerst and Mary his wife in and to the same.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above bounden of deposit a tract of land containing as aforesaid with the improvements and appurtenances aforesaid unto Henry Frees, his heirs and assigns, to the only proper use, and behoof of the said Henry Frees his heirs and assigns forever, AND the said George Kerst and Mary his wife, do hereby covenant that they and their heirs hereby granted premises or interest to be done the said Henry Frees his heirs and assigns against him the said George Kerst and his heirs and against every other person lawfully claiming unto it or any estate or title in or to the same, by from or under him them or any of them shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents.

In witness whereof the said George Kerst and Mary, his wife, hath thereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written,

George Kerst(seal),
Mary- X her mark- Kerst (seal)

Sealed delivered in presence of them with witness Matthew Haber, assessed the day of the above written indenture, the full consideration money above mentioned to George Kerst,

Clement Brook and Mathias Kaler of said county, JP.

On the sixteenth day of May 1808 before Me, Matthew Kaler, Justice of Peace in and for county of Berks, personally appeared the above George Kerst and Mary his wife, and acknowledged the above written indenture to their act and deed for the interest that the same might be recorded as such according to law and the said Mary being of full age separately and apart from her husband by me fully examined and the contents of the said writing to her made known, voluntarily consented thereto. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day and year first above written.

Matthew Kaler (seal)

recorded and this compared to the original exactly, this day, 5/31/1808.

NOTE: George Kerst Jr was married to Mary Ergood, dau of Jacob Ergood and Anna Retge of Union Twp. This land was sold shortly before his death (He died the next month, and was buried 6/13/1808 at St Gabriel's Cemetery in Douglassville). He still had about 29 acres of land adjacent to this piece, which his estate(his 5 children) sold in 4/1827 to Jonathan Jones. His widow Mary remarried Frederick Houck.

His 5 children were:

Elizabeth m Robert Stratton
Samuel b 2/13/1799 m Susan ???
Jacob b 6/20/1800
Eleanor b 10/11/1801 m Samuel Millard
Ann/Hannah b 9/1803 m John Millard

Submitted by Diana.

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