Deed between Georg Haag and Benjamin Bucks

April 1, 1861
Deed Book Volume 0079, page 217

THIS INDENTURE Made the first(?) day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty one between George HAAG of the township of Bern in the County of Berks and State of Pennsylvania Yeoman and Maria his wife of the one part and Benjamin BUCKS of the township of Centre, County and state aforesaid Yeoman of the second part. WITNESSETH that the said parties of the (unreadable) (unreadable) (unreadable) (unreadable) and in consideration of the sum of Five Hundred and forty five Dollars and forty (two?) cents lawful money of the United States of America unto them well and surely paid by the (said?) part one (of? and? ) the second part at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt (unreadable) (unreadable) is (unreadable) Acknowledged, Have granted, bargained, sold, alined, enfoeffed, released (?) and confirmed and by these presents Do Grant, bargain sell, aline enfoeff release and confirm unto the said part one of the second part his heirs and Assigns ALL THAT CERTAIN MESSUAGE and tract of land Situate in Centre Township in the County and State aforesaid Bounded and described to viz BEGINNING at a stone corner then by Land of Samuel H. ALTHOUSE North eighty five degrees East forty nine perches to a pin oak, thence by George HAAK other land North three degrees West thirty one perches and nine tenth (unreadable) thence by Land of Benjamin BUCKS North eighty seven degrees and a half West forty two perches to a wite oak by the same South seven degrees and half West forty perches and one tenth to the Place of BEGINNING Containing ten acres and thirteen perches strict measure. It being (the?) (unreadable) (unreadable), or part of the same, which Maria FAUST and Valentine GRIM Administrators by sale Jacob FAUST deceased Indenture bearing date the seventeenth day of December one thousand eighteen hundred and twenty two for (unreadable) (unreadable) (unreadable) mentioned did grant and confirm unto the said George HAAG (unreadable) (unreadable) (unreadable) (unreadable) (unreadable) And aligned (unreadable) Relation being thereon (unreadable) had more fully at Large appeared together with all and singular the Improvements (unreadable) waters water curses rights Liberties privileges hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto .....

[I can't read enough to make any more sense than is already here. Maria Haak, George's wife, swears she was not coerced into the agreement - and the deal is made.]

Witnessed by Jacob Haag, George K. Haag, and signed by George Haag and Maria Haag. Deed recorded the 28th day of January, 1865.

Submitted by Bonnie.

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