Deed between George Adam Witman and Martin Moyer

This indenture, made the 13th of January in the year of our Lord 1804 George Adam Witman, of the township of Robinson[sic] in the county of Berks and State of Pennsylvania, yeoman, of the one part and Martin Moyer, of the same place, yeoman, of the other part. Whereas Edward George by divers conveyances in the law became vested in possession of and intitled to 75 acres of land, be the same more or less, adjoining the land of John Scarlet and Richard George, deceased, and taken up under and by a warrant of survey unto Michael George bearing date the elven day of April in the year of our Lord 1751 and surveyed unto him by Benjamin Lightfoot in pursuance thereof, and also another tract of land containing 80 acres (be the more or less) lying in the Township of Robinson[sic], aforesaid, and adjoining the aforementioned 75 acres by a warrant of survey unto the said Edward George, bearing the date the 29th of Sept 1766 surveyed unto him by Benjamin Parvin, AND WHEREAS the said Edward George by a certain indenture under his hand and seal bearing date the 1st day of Dec in the year 1781 AD, for a certain consideration therein mentioned, did grant and convey the above mentioned two tracts of land unto John George and to his heirs and assigns forever and Whereas the said John George by certain indenture dated the 16th day of April 1782AD for the consideration therein mentioned, did grant and confirm the aforesaid two tracts of land unto George Adam Witman and to his heirs forever subject to the exceptions therein excepted. Now this indenture witnesseth that the said George Adam Witman for and in consideration of 441 pounds 6shillings and 3 cents to him in hand well and truly paid by the said Martin Moyer at and before the sealing and delivery hereof the receiot whereof George Adam Witman doth hereby acknowledge, aquit, and forever discharge the said Martin Moyer, his heirs and assigns by these presents hath granted, bargain, bargained, and sold, enfoeffed and confirmed unto the said Martin Moyer and by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien enfeoff release and confirm unto the said Martin Moyer and to his heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract of land lying and being in the township of Robinson[sic] aforesaid, beginning at a corner of Christian Donehower's land, south 69 degrees west 24 perches to a heap of stones thence by other land of George Adam Witman, south 9 degrees and 3/4, East 76 perches thence south 40 degrees and a quarter West 26 perches to a corner thence South 8 and 1/2 degrees East 39 perches to a corner thence north 88 degrees east 31 perches thence south 3/4 degrees West 97 perches to a corner, thence north 88 degrees east 47 perches thence north 2 degrees west 76 perches to a corner thence north 33 degrees west 48 perches to a stone north 57 degrees east by land of John Scarlet and land of Richard Jacobs one hundred and 24 perches to an oak tree thence north 70 degrees West 140 perches to the place of beginning - CONTAINING 98 acres 11 perches, being part of the two above mentioned tracts of lands.

To have and to hold the above mentioned tract of land containing 98 acres and 11 perches foresd, hereditaments and apurtenances hereby granted, or intended so to be, unto the said Martin Moyer, his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Martin Moyer his heirs and forever. Subject nevertheless to the purchase money and yearly quit-rent now due and hereby after to become due and payable to the honorable propriataries, their heirs and successors for the same. And the said George Adam Witman doth hereby covenant for himself his executors administrators and assigns and with the said Martin Moyer the said tract of land with the appurtenances against all and every other persons lawfully claiming or to claim the same by from or under him them or his heirs shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents in.

In witness whereof I have to these presents hereunto set my hand and seal dated the day and year first above written

signed: George Adam Wittman (seal)

Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us:

John Bear
G.... ...(illegible)

Received the day of the date of the above written indenture, the sum of 441 pounds 6shillings and three pence, the consideration money in full mentioned in said indenture

Signed: George Adam Wittman

John Bear

Berks County SS

Be remembered on the 30th day of January AD 1804, before me the subscriber, one of the Justices of the Peace in and for said County came the with named George Adam Wittman and acknowledged the within Indenture to be his voluntary act and deed and desired it might be recorded as such.

Witness my hand, seal the day and year first above written

James W Sponagle, recorder

Rees Moore (seal) Recorded the 2nd day of April 1895.

Submitted by Diana.

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