Deed from Frederick Wambeck to Abraham Wanger et al.

This Indenture made the fifth day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy three – Between Frederick Wambeck of Douglas Township in the County of Philadelphia, Cordwainer, and Elizabeth his Wife of the one part and Abraham Wanger of Union Township in the County of Berks, Yeoman, Nicholas Bunn of Douglas Township in the County of Berks, Conveyancer, Peter Yocum of the same place, Yeoman, Jacob Kopp of Emity Township in the County of Berks, Yeoman, Conrad Fisher of Douglas Township in the County of Philadelphia, Innholder, Jacob Yocum of the same place, Wheelwright, Barthomew Wambeck of the same place, Cordwainer, John Baker of Douglas Township in the County of Berks, Cordwainer, John Fritz of the County of Philada , Blacksmith, Philip Roth of the same place, Taylor, John Hoffman of Douglas Township in the County of Berks, Weaver, George Neyman of Douglas Township in the County of Philada , Yeoman, Yost Seisse of Douglas Township in the County of Berks, Yeoman, George Bechtel of the same place, Yeoman, and Henry Eagel of the same place, Yeoman, of the other part.

Witnesseth, that the said Frederick Wambeck and Elizabeth his Wife for and in consideration of the Sum of Twelve Pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to them well and duly in hand paid by the said Abraham Wanger, Nicholas Bunn, Peter Yocum, Jacob Kopp, Conrad Fisher, Jacob Yochem, Bartholomew Wambeck, John Baker, John Fritz, Philip Roth, John Hoffman, George Neyman, Yost Seisse, George Bechtel and Henry Eagel at or before the Sealing and Delivery hereof The receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Hath granted bargained & sold released and by these presents Doth grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said Abraham Wanger, Nicholas Bunn, Peter Yocum, Jacob Kopp, Conrad Fisher, Jacob Yochem, Bartholomew Wambeck, John Baker, John Fritz, Philip Roth, John Hoffman, George Neyman, Yost Seisse, George Bechtel and Henry Eagel and their heirs and assigns A Certain piece or Tract of Land, Situate in Douglas Township in the county of Philadelphia Beginning at a Gum Tree in a line of Nicholas Bunns Land thence by the same and land of Peter Yocum North Thirty one Degrees East thirty two perches and a half of a perch to a post, thence by land of Frederick Wambeck South four perches West seventeen perches to a post, thence by land of Christena Levergood & South Thirty one degrees West fifteen perches and three feet to a post, thence by said Frederick Wambecks Land North seventy two degrees West seven perches and an half a perch and four feet to the place of Beginning. Containing One Acre and Eleven Perches (Part of one acre and seventy nine perches of Land which John Greiss with Clara his wife by their Indenture of release bearing date the first day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty three for the consideration therein mentioned, did grant release and confirm unto the above named Frederick Wambeck in Fee as in and by the same Indenture of release may more fully and at large appear Together also with all and singular the Buildings, Improvements Ways Woods Waters Water-courses Rights Liberties Priviledges Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever unto belonging or in anywise appertaining And the reversions and remainders Rents Issues & Profits thereof (only excepted and foreprized that the said Frederick Wambeck reserves for him his heirs and assigns forever free liberty of a Wagon Road along the line of Christina Levergood’s land through the hereby granted premises to carry his Hay out of the Meadow adjoining the hereby granted premises)

To have and to hold the said above described piece or Tract of Land Hereditaments and Premises with the appurtenances for the use of an English and German School unto the saids Abraham Wanger, Nicholas Bunn, Peter Yocum, Jacob Kopp, Conrad Fisher, Jacob Yochem, Bartholomew Wambeck, John Baker, John Fritz, Philip Roth, John Hoffman, George Neyman, Yost Seisse, George Bechtel and Henry Eagle their heirs and assigns To the only proper use and Behoof aforesaid of them the said Abraham Wanger, Nicholas Bunn, Peter Yocum, Jacob Kopp, Conrad Fisher, Jacob Yochem, Bartholomew Wambeck, John Baker, John Frits, Philip Roth, John Hoffman, George Neyman, Yost Seisse, George Bechtel and Henry Eagle their heirs and assigns forever. And the said Frederick Wambeck doth covenant for him and his heirs to and with the said Abraham Wanger, Nicholas Bunn, Peter Yocum, Jacob Kopp, Conrad Fisher, Jacob Yochem, Bertholomew Wambeck, John Baker, John Fritz, Philip Roth, John Hoffman, George Neyman, Yost Seisse, George Bechtel and Henry Eagel their heirs an assigns that he the said Frederick Wambeck and his heirs the said above described One Acre and Eleven perches of Land Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted for an English and German School as aforesaid with the appurtenances unto the said Abraham Wanger, Nicholas Bunn, Peter Yocum, Jacob Kopp, Conrad Fisher, Jacob Yochem, Bertholomew Wambeck, John Baker, John Frits, Philip Roth, John Hoffman, George Neyman, Yost Seisse, George Bechtel and Henry Eagel their heirs and assigns against him the said Frederick Wambeck and Elizabeth his Wife and his heirs and assigns against all and every other person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him them or any of them shall and will warrant and forever defend ny these presents.

In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals hereunto, dated the day and year first above written.

Frederick (+ his mark) Wambeck {Seal}
Elizabeth (+ her mark) Wambeck {Seal}

Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us -

Saml Potts
John Shultz

Received the day of the date of the above Indenture of the above named Abraham Wanger, Nicholas Bunn, Peter Yocum, Jacob Kopp, Conrad Fisher, Jacob Yochem, Bertholomew Wambeck, John Baker, John Fritz, Philip Roth, John Hoffman, George Neyman, Yost Seisse, George Bechtel and Henry Eagel the Sum of Twelve pounds it being the full consideration money above mentioned. I say received by me.

Frederick (+ his mark) Wambeck

Witness present at signing –

Saml Potts
John Shultz

Memorandum that on the twenty seventh day of November in the year of our Lord 1773 before Samuel Potts Esqr One of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Philada came the above named Frederick Wambeck and Elizabeth his Wife, and acknowledged the above written Indenture to be their Act and Deed and desired that the same might be recorded as such according to Law. The said Elizabeth being of full age, secretly and apart examined, and the contents of the above Writings, first made known unto her, she willingly consented thereunto, as Witness my hand and seal the day and date aforesaid.

Saml Potts {Seal}

Recorded 24th Decembr 1773

Source: Philadelphia Co., PA Deed Book I, pages 156-157

Submitted by: Jane.

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