Deed between Daniel Hill and Jacob Hill

Windsor Township, Berks County, Book b3, p. 76, recorded May 31, 1777.


To all people to whom these presents shall come DANIEL HILL of Windsor Township in the County of Berks sendeth greeting. Whereas the [honble] the proprietaries in or about the year one thousand seven hundred and thirty seven by one SEVEN SHILLING warrant (according to the method of that time) commanded the Surveyor General to survey and lay out to a certain ROBERT JONES the quantity of two hundred and twenty five acres of land near the Blue Mountains adjoining lands then of WILLIAM INGELS and JOSEPH INGELS (and which was then in the County of Philadelphia but since the division of the County lies in the aforesaid Township of Windsor and County of Berks) and to make return thereof to the Secretarys Office and whereas the said ROBERT JONES together with ELISABETH his wife by a certain instrument of writing bearing date the twentieth day of February in the Year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven for and in consideration of the sum of forty five pounds to them the said ROBERT JONES and ELISABETH his wife then paid did assign bargain sell and make over to the said DANIEL HILL his heirs and assigns for ever the above tract of land situate and lying as aforesaid to hold to him the said DANIEL HILL his heirs and assigns for ever subject to and under all the proprietary demands due for said lands.

Now know ye that the said DANIEL HILL for and in consideration of the sum of eighty five pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to him in hand paid by JACOB HILL of the aforesaid Township of Windsor and County of Berks at and before the ensealing and delivery of their presents the receipt whereof he the said DANIEL HILL doth hereby acknowledge and thereof doth acquit and for ever discharge the said JACOB HILL and heirs and assigns by their presents.

He the said DANIEL HILL hath granted bargained and sold aleined released and confirmed and by their presents doth grant bargain and sell alien release and confirm unto the said JACOB HILL his heirs and assigns all the above mentioned tract of Land beginning at a post thence south fifty degrees east two hundred and twenty six perches by land of HUGH JONES and vacant land to a post thence forty degrees north east one hundred and seventy perches by vacant land to a post thence north fifty degrees west two hundred and twenty six perches by vacant land of THOMAS SHEPPARD to a post thence south forty degrees west one hundred and seventy perches by land of THOMAS BELLANCE to the place of beginning containing in the whole two hundred and twenty six acres and eighty five perches of land with the usual allowance of six percent for roads, etc., as by the surveyors draught of the same may more fully appear together also with all singular the buildings improvements ways woods waters water courses rights libertys privileges heredetaments and appurtenances herewith belonging or on any wise appertaining and the reversions and [remamoers] thereof and all the estate right title interest use possession claim and demand whatsoever of him, the said DANIEL HILL of in and to the hereby granted premises and all writings and evidences touching and concerning the same.

To have and to hold the above mentioned tract and quantity of land heredetaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted with the appurtenances unto the said JACOB HILL his heirs and assigns for ever under all and singular the consideration money interest quit rents and other reservations.

Now due or hereafter to become due for the hereby granted lands and premises unto the [honble] the said proprietaries, and the said DANIEL HILL and his heirs the said tract of land and premises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted with the appurtenances unto the said JACOB HILL his heirs and assigns against him the said DANIEL HILL and his heirs and against all other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him them or any of them (under the aforesaid) shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these presents in witness whereof the said DANIEL HILL hath hereunto set his hand and seal the tenth day of March in the Year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven.

DANEL HILL (seal) sealed and delivered in the presence of FRANCES YARNALL, JOHN DICKERT, EDW JAGZ. Received March 12th, 1767 of the above named JACOB HILL the sum of eighty five pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania it being the full consideration money above mentioned I say received by me. DANEL HILL witt. present FRANCES YARNALL, EDW JAGZ (seal) Berks County on the twelfth day of March in the Year of Our Lord 1767 before me. SEBASTIAN ZIMMERMAN Esq. one of his majesty’s justices for the County of Berks came the above named DANIEL HILL and acknowledged the above written deed [poll] to be his act and deed and desired it may be recorded as such given under my hand and seal this day and year above written. SEBAST. ZIMERMAN. Recorded and this record and the original diligently compared and found to agree exactly word for word and figure for figure the 31st day of May 1777.


Submitted by Walter.

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