Deed between Daniel Berger and Samuel Henne

Date of Record April 2, 1895
Year of Deed 1895
Page Volume 207, pages 519-520

This Indenture, made the First day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety five Sarah Epting and her husband Frank Epting Davilla Berger and Melinda his wife John Berger and Catharine his wife Louisa Batteiger and her husband Eli Batteiger Rebecca Haag and Wm. Haag her husband, Amelia Blatt and Reuben Blatt her husband Isaac Berger and Jefferson Berger and Carolina his wife All of berks Co. Pa. legal heirs and representatives of Daniel Berger deceased and Samuel Henne of the village of Strausstown County of Berks and State of Pennsylvania carpenter of the second part; Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of nine hundred and eighty five Dollars ($985)lawful money of the United States of America well and truly paid by the said part of the second part to the said parties of the first part at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released, conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, release, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns.

All that certain lot of ground situate on the south side of main Street in the Village of Strausstown County of Berks and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at the public alley at a corner of Albert Batteiger's lot thence along said lot Northerly to the State road thence along said state road easterly thirty feet to the second described lot herein thence southerly along said second described lot to the said public alley thence westerly along said public alley thirty feet to the place of the Beginning.

Also all that certain building lot adjoining the above described lot, described as follows viz: Beginning at a Public alley a corner of the above described lot thence along the said first described lot northerly to the State road or main street of the said village thence along said State road easterly twenty eight feet to lot of Elizabeth Kantner thence southerly along said Elizabeth Kantner's lot to aforesaid Public alley thence along said public alley twenty eight feet to the place of Beginning.

Together with all and singular the buildings improvements woods ways rights liberties privileges Hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and revisions, remainder and remainders rent issues and profits thereof and of every part and parcel thereof. And. Also all the estate right title interest property possession claim and demand whatsoever both in law and equity of the said parties of the first part of and to the said premises with the appurtenances.

To have and to hold the said premises with all and singular the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever.

And the said Sarah Epting Davilla Berger John Berger Louisa Batteiger Rebecca Haag Amelia Blatt Isaac Berger and Jefferson Berger their heirs executors and administrators do by these presents covenant, grant, and, agree to and with said part of the second part his heirs and assigns forever that they the said Sara Epting Davilla Berger John Berger Louisa Batteiger Rebecca Haag Amelia Blatt Isaac Berger and Jeff. Berger their heirs all and singular the Hereditaments and premises herein above described and granted or mentioned and intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second apart their heirs and assigns against them the said Epting Davilla Berger John Berger Louisa Batteiger Rebecca Haag Amelia Blatt Isaac Berger and Jeff. Berger their heirs and against all and every other person or persons whom sever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof Shall and will Warrant and forever defend.

In Witness Whereof the said parties of the first part to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals dated the day and year first above written.

Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Henry W. Clay J. P. , O. Z. Berger and Bernard Clay.

Sarah X Epting, Frank X Epting, Davilla Berger Malinda A. Berger, John R. Berger, Katie Berger, Louisa X Potteiger, Elias Potteiger, Reuben F. Blatt, Amilia X Blatt, Jeffer Berger, Carolina X Berger, Isaac Berger W. W. Haag and Rebeca Haag.

Received the day of the date of the above Indenture of the above named Samuel Henne the sum of Nine Hundred and eighty five Dollars. It being th consideration within mentioned in full

Witnessed by
Henry W. Clay J. P.
J H Weible

State of Pennsylvania Berks County ss

On the first day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety five before me the subscriber a Justice of the peace in and for the county of Berks came the above named Sarah Epting Frank Epting Davilla R. Berger and Malinda wife John Berger & Catharine Berger Eli Batteiger and Louisa Batteiger W. W. Haag & Rebecca Haag and have acknowledged the above Indenture of deed to be their act and deed and desire the same night be recorded as such and the said Sarah Epting Malinda Berger, Catharine Berger Louisa Potteiger and Rebecca Haag being of full age and separate and apart from their husbands by me examined and the full contents of said Indenture being first by me made known to them declared upon such separate examination that they did voluntarily and of their act and deed deliver the said Indenture.

Submitted by Bill.

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