Deed between Andreas Haag and Michael Werlin

THIS INDENTURE made the Seventh Day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two *December 7, 1772*

Between Andreas Haag the Younger, of the Township of Maxatawny in the County of Berks in the Province of Pennsylvania yeoman and Anna Christina his wife of the one part and Michael Werlin the Younger of the same place yeoman of the other part

Whereas Conrad Maninsmith and Agnes his wife by Deed indented under their hands and seals bearing date the nineteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four *April 19, 1764* (intended to be recorded in the office for recording of Deeds at Reading in and for the County of Berks -- aforesaid) did for the consideration therein mentioned grant and confirm unto Andreas Haag party hereto, and to his heirs and assigns

A certain piece of parcel of Land situate in the Township of Maxatawny aforesaid (bounded and limited as follows, to wit,

Beginning at a marked black Oak in a Line of Daniel Levan's land thence by the same and land of Theobald Kemp North eighty degrees East one hundred and sixteen perches and one half of a perch to a black Oak in a line of David Hottenstein's land thence by the same South ten degrees East sixty perches to a Stone a Corner of other land of the said Andreas Haag thence by the same South eighty degrees West one hundred and sixteen perches and one half of a perch to a Stone set for a Corner of the said Conrad Manismith's land and thence by the same North ten degrees West sixty perches to the place of Beginning

Containing forty-three acres and one hund and ten perches [part of one hundred acres of land which Caspar Wister and Catherine his wife by indenture of the thirtieth day of March *March 30, 1736* Anno Domini 1736 (recorded at Philadelphia in Book G Vol 1 page 122) granted, under the yearly Quitrent of one shilling sterling **ent, unto Christian Manismith (the Father of the said Conrad Manismith) in Fee which one hundred acres is part of the third described of several tracts of lands which the Honorable the Proprietaries of the Province aforesaid by their patent bearing date the thirtieth day of January *January 30, 1732* Anno Domini 1732 (recorded at Philadelphia aforesaid in Patent Book A Vol. 6 Page 162) granted, under the yearly Quitrent aforesaid unto the said Caspar Wistar in Fee] and the said Christian Manismith by his Last Will and Testament in Writing under his hand and seal bearing date the twenty-eighth day of July *July 28, 1739* Anno Domini 1739 (which since his decease hath been duly proved and remaineth in the Register General's office at Philadelphia) did give and devise all his land and Plantation, interalia (whereof the Said one hundred acres was part) unto the said Conrad Manismith in Fee] with the Appurtenances to hold to him the said Andreas Haag his heirs and assigns forever under the proportionable part of the yearly Quitrent aforesaid

And whereas John Hergerader (alias Hercherader) and Anna Maria his wife by deed indented under their hands and seals bearing Date the second day of the Sixth month in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty four *June 2, 1764* (intended to be recorded at Reading aforesaid) for the Consideration therein mentioned did grant and confirm unto the said Andreas Haag (alias Hawk) party hereto, and to his heirs and assigns All those their Messuages Tenements and Two tracts of land in Berks County aforesaid, One of them situate in Maxatawny Township aforesaid

Beginning at a marked black oak in a line of Christian Morrasmith's (Monasmith’s) land thence by the same and other land of the said John Hercherader respectively North eighty degrees East one hundred and forty nine perches to a Post thence by Vacant Land South ten degrees East ninety eight perches to a Post thence by the same and George Bort's land respectively South eighty degrees West two hundred and sixty perches and a half to a Post set for a Corner of a Tract of Land lately sold by the said Hercherader to Jacob Levan Esq. thence by the same North twenty degrees West fifty three perches to a post on a line of Conrad Monasmith's land thence by the same North eighty degrees East one hundred and twenty perches and a half to a post then North ten degrees West forty six perches to the place of Beginning

Containing one hundred and twenty one acres and sixty perches and the usual allowance of six acres Ment for Roads and Highways.

And the other of them situate on a Branch of Saucon Creek in the said county

Beginning at a marked black oak a Corner of Land late of the said Christian Monasmith (then) belonging to his son Conrad Monasmith, thence by the same North ten degrees West one hundred and six perches to a Post, and North eighty degrees East one hundred and sixty perches to a Post thence by Andreas Fischer's land and Vacant land North ten degrees West seventy-four perches and a half to a post, thence by Vacant land South eighty degrees West two hundred and seven perches to a marked black oak thence South ten degrees East twenty-four perches to a Stone and South East one hundred and ninety one perches to the place of Beginning

Containing one hundred and thirty six acres and one half of an acre and the usual Allowance aforesaid [The former is a part or parcel of the first mentioned tract of one hundred and forty seven acres of land which the Proprietaries aforesaid by their patent or grant of the thirtieth day of November Anno Domini 1748 *November 30, 1748* (Recorded at Philadelphia in Patent Book A. Vol 15. Page 200) did grant and confirm unto the said John Hercherader in Fee and the latter is the whole of the last mentioned tract of one hundred and thirty six acres and a half of land by the same Patent granted to the said John Hercherader as aforesaid] with the Appurtenances To hold to him the said Andreas Haag his heirs and assigns, forever subject to the proportionable Part of the yearly Quitrent in and by the said last recited Patent reserved

Now this indenture witnesseth that the said Andreas Haag and Anna Christina his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand and five hundred Pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to them in hand paid by the said Michael Werlin at or before the ensealing and delivery hereof the Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever Discharge the said Michael Werlin his heirs executors and administrators by these presents have granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed released and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell alien enfeoff release and confirm unto the said Michael Werlin (in his actual possession now being) and to his heirs and assigns All those above described three tracts or pieces, of forty three acres and one hundred and ten perches, one hundred and twenty one acres and sixty perches and allowance aforesaid, and one hundred and thirty six acres and one half of an acre and allowance aforesaid, of land

Together with all and singular the Houses outhouses buildings barns stables gardens orchards Meadows pastures fields fences ways woods waters watercourses rights liberties privileges hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining

And the reversions and remainders rents issues and profits thereof and also all the estate right title interest of in to or out of the same and every part and parcel thereof

To have and to hold the said above described three tracts or pieces of forty three acres and one hundred and ten perches, one hundred and twenty one acres and sixty perches and allowance aforesaid, and one hundred and thirty six acres and one half of an acre and allowance aforesaid, of land hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said Michael Werlin his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said Michael Werlin his heirs and assigns forever subject nevertheless to the proportionable part of the yearly Quitrent now due and hereafter to become due and payable to the same to the Chief Lord or Lords of the Fee thereof

And the said Andreas Haag for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said Michael Werlin his heirs and assigns that he the said Andreas Haag and his heirs the said above described three tracts or pieces of forty three acres and one hundred and ten perches, one hundred and twenty one acres and sixty perches and allowance aforesaid and one hundred and thrity six acres and one half of an acre and allowance aforesaid, of land hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said Michael Werlin his heirs and assigns against him the said Andreas Haag and his heirs and against all and every other person and persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim shall and will warrant and forever Defend by these presents

And further that he the said Andreas Haag and his heirs and all and every other Person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim any Estate Right Title or Interest of into or out of the premises or any part thereof shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter upon the reasonable request and at the proper Costs and charges in the law of the said Michael Werlin his heirs and assigns make execute and acknowledge or cause so to be all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable Act or acts Deed or deeds and Devices in the Law whatsoever for the further and better assurance and confirmation of the said above described three tracts or pieces of land hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said Michael Werlin and his heirs and assigns as by him or them or by his or their Counsel learned in the law shall be reasonably advised devised and required

In Witness whereof the said parties to the presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals Dated the day and year first above written Andreas Hawk {signature} {seal} Anna Christina [x] Hawk {Seal}

Sealed and Delivered

[Before the ensealing and delivery hereof the words "the Younger" between the first and second lines from the top of this Deed being first interlined in the presence of Wm Green, Sebast Zimerman.

Received the day of the date of the above written indenture of the above named Michael Werlin the sum of one thousand and five hundred pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania

It being the consideration money above mentioned in full of Andreas Hawk {signature}

Witnesses present at the signing Wm Green, Sebast Zimerman ---//--- Berks Co. Pa.

Be it remembered that on this third day of December Anno Domini 1773 Before me Sebastian Zimerman Esquire one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace of the County of Berks came the above named Andreas Haag and Anna Christina his Wife and acknowledged the above written indenture to their act and deed and desired the same might be recorded as such according to law;

She the said Anna Christina being of full Age secretly and apart examined and the contents thereof first made known to her, voluntarily consenting. Witness my hand and seal, Sebast Zimerman {seal} Recorder

*different hand* and this record and the original diligently compared and found to agree exactly word for word and figure for figure the 23rd day of February Anno Domini 1786 *February 23, 1786* -- Henry Christ, Reco.

Source: Berks County Deed Book 9, pp. 290-292.

Submitted by: Bill

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