Bible of John Stauffer and Elizabeth (Keely) Stauffer

John Stauffer was born the 4th day of July Anno Dom. 1792 at 4 o'clock A.M. His Godfather and mother were Frederick Hoof and Susanna his wife.

Elizabeth Keely was born the 1st of October, Anno Dom. 1798, her godfather and mother were Conrad Boyer and Elizabeth his wife.

John Stauffer was intermarried to Elizabeth Keely the 1st to Elizabeth Keely the 1st day of December Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixteen [1816] unto them were children born:


Mary Ann Stauffer born the 10th of February AD 1818 at half past nine P.M. Baptized by Rev. F. Herman.

William Stauffer born the 19th of September A. Dom. 1819 at 8 o'clock exactly in New Moon sign of Virgin. Baptized by Rev. F. Harman and his Godfather and mother were Jacob Keely Senr. and his wife Catharine, 31 October 1819.

Frederick Hoof Stauffer was born the 21st January A. Dom 1822 in the morning. Baptized by Rev. Fred Herman and his Godfather and mother were his father and mother.

Esther Stauffer was born the 22 November A. Dom. 1823 at 6 o'clock A.M. Baptized by Rev. F. Herman and her Godfather and mother were Jacob Witman and Esther his wife.

John Keely Stauffer was born the 27 December A.D. 1825 at 4 o'clock A.M. Baptized by Rev. F. Herman and his Godfather and mother were his grandfather Jacob Stauffer and Susanna his wife.

Henry Franklin Stauffer born the 11th January A. D. 1829 at a quarter past eleven in the evening. Baptized March 3rd following, by Rev. L. F. Herman Senior [unreadable, could be Sponsors] F. Herman and his wife.

Maria Elizabeth Stauffer was born on the 19th of February A. D. 1831 [unreadable] evening 7 o'clock. Baptized by Rev. L. Fred Herman (Senr.) on 1st day of May following. [Balance unreadable]

Amanda Stauffer born the 6th December A. D. 1833, Friday morning at 7 o'clock, sign of [unreadable]. Baptized by Rev. Fred Herman (Senr.) the 23d March 1834. Sponsors Sam'l B. Boyer and Esther his wife.

Abner Stauffer born the 11th October (the Election Day) at 3 o'clock in the morning A. D. 1836 sign of [blank] Baptized January 15, 1837 by Rev. F. Herman (Senior) Sponsors his father and mother.

Minerva Stauffer born on Friday the 3 May 1839 at 4 o'clock P.M. Baptized July 7, 1839 by Rev. Henry [unreadable] Sponsors her father and mother.

Image of the Birth record


Mary Ann Stauffer died the 20th May A. Dom. 1821 at 6 o'clock A.M. old 3 years 3 months and 10 days

Mother-in-law - Catharine Keely died August 22, 1838 aged 59 years 4 months 18 days. Funeral text Job. 19 Chap: 25 and 26

Father - Jacob Stauffer died March 20th, 1830 at 11 o'clock in the night. Buried 23d. Age 84 years 10 months 18 days. Funeral text Isaiah 57 Chap: 2nd verse "He shall enter into Peace, they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his [balance unreadable]

Mother - Susanna Stauffer died 26 May 1842 at half past 6 in the evening. Buried on Sunday 29, May aged 74 years 5 months 3 days. Was widowed 3 years 2 months 6 days. They had children 2 sons and 4 daughters. Two of the daughters died before their parents. [Balance unreadable]

Father-in-law - Henry Keely died the 21 April 1842 aged 60 years, [?] days.

Brother-in-law - John Keely died on May 12, 1838 buried at Boyertown Church.

Sister Maria widow of Jacob [unreadable] died 29 April 1845 of Irsipelas(?) aged 54 years 7 months 2 days.

Lydia widow of John Keely and daughter of George Hoff was married to James Bactman(?) and died 30 September 1845 aged 40 years 2 months, buried at the Lutheran Church in Swamp.

Harried wife of Charles Hagy and daughter of Henry Keely died 15 February 1846 aged 35 years and 2 days. Left her youngest son only 15 days old who was baptized on the day of his mother' funeral and named James Keely Hagy.

John K. Stauffer died March 13/93 [1893]

Image of the Death record

Submitted by Betty.

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