Archived Surnames List #1

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BADER 1730-1780 Maxatawney  Contact
HUNTZINGER 1751-1802 Brunswick  Contact
FAUST 1774-1847 Brunswick  Contact
KOCH 1778-1860    Contact
HIESTER 1730-Present      Bern  Contact
PATTON 1749-Present Caernarvon  Contact
GORDON 1800-Present Caernarvon  Contact
SCHARMAN 1836- Upper Telpehocken  Contact
DEGLER 1850 Census Upper Telpehocken  Contatc
SCHARMAN 1850 Census Spruce W  Contact
STRAUSS 1732-Present Bernville  Contact
WENTZEL 1728-1785 Hereford  Contact
STRAUSS 1779 Hereford  Contact
SITLER 1776 Richland  Contact
MILLER 1835 Ruscombmanor  Contact
MILLER 1850 Ruscombmanor  Contact
SHADE 1770-1790 Reading  Contact
BRAUNEWELL 1790-1845 Womelsdorf  Contact
HOWELL 1760-1800    Contact
MOORE 1756-1800    Contact
RADEBACH 1750-1801 Telpehocken  Contact
ALTHOUSE 1800-1870    Contact
KISSINGER 1800-1870    Contact
BOICE 1770-1860 Robeson  Contact
DIEM/DEIM 1770-1800 Robeson  Contact
HARTMAN 1720-1830 Berks County  Contact
FRY 1720-1830 Berks County  Contact
HARTMAN 1720-1830 Snyder County  Contact
BEUCTHEL 1720-1830 Snyder County  Contact
BUSH 1760 Amity  Contact
BUSH 1760 Douglas  Contact
DENGLER 1760 Douglas  Contact
GRESH 1740-1760 Amity  Contact

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