Walter Wall





Wall, Walter, The name Wall is a corruption of DeVal and it was introduced into Ireland by the Normans in 1169. The bearers of this name settled in the south of Ireland and has estates in Waterford and Cork. The family seat was Coolnamuck, Waterford. They were sold under the Encumbered Estate Act of 1852 and are now held by the Ormand Buttlers. The name is still carried in the original form by the Italian and French descendants of the family. Sometimes it is written DelVal, notably in Merry DelVal, secretary to Pope Pius X, who is a direct descendant of the Waterford branch. The name was introduced into Spain by Richard Wall, born in Waterford, Ireland, in 1693, died at Granada in 1778. He entered the Spanish navy while still a youth and rose to the rank of major general. He served as private agent of Spain at Aix-La-Chapelle, was minister to the Court of St James, and later minister of foreign affairs to Ferdinand VI and Charles III.It is to his antiquarian zeal that the world is indebted for the preservation of the Alhambra.

Walter Wall was born in New Jersey, and he and his brother James Wall came to what is now Forward township, Allegheny county, Penna, and took up six hundred acres of land in 1782. He spent the remainder of his life there. He married and had children: James Wall; Isaac Wall, of further mention; John Wall; Hannah Wall; Rebecca Wall; Rachel Wall.

Isaac Wall, son of Walter Wall, was born on the Wall homestead in Forward township; he married first Mary Maxwell; second, Mary Smith. Children by first marriage: Rebecca Wall; John Wall; Maxwell Wall, of whom further mention.

Children by second marriage: Margaret Wall, Araminta Wall; Isaac Wall. Maxwell Wall, son of Isaac Wall and Mary Maxwell Wall was born on the Wall homestead in Forward township in 1803. He followed the occupation of farming all his life, was an ardent supporter of Whig principles and later joined the Republican party.

He married Elizabeth Jobb, born in Forward township in 1811, a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. She was the daughter of James Jobb and Nancy Gray Jobb: the former born in Allegheny county; the latter born in Philadelphia; and a granddaughter of Robert Jobb, a native of France, who was the first of the family to make a home in Forward township. Mr and Mrs Wall had children: Isaac Wall, of further mention; Margaret Ann Wall, deceased; Araminta Wall, deceased; Sarah Melissa Wall, deceased; Hannah Rebecca Wall, deceased; Mary Elizabeth Wall.

Isaac Wall, son of Maxwell Wall and Elizabeth Jobb Wall, was born in Forward township, Allegheny county, Penna, on the Wall homestead, October 28, 1835. He was educated in public schools and under Professor Lind who was later an instructor at Washington and Jefferson College. Mr Wall also became a farmer and was the owner of one hundred twenty two acres of the old Wall homestead and also of another farm of one hundred and seven acres. He is now living retired. He has always given his political support to the Republican party, has served as supervisor of roads, has been a delegate to conventions and has been generally active in the interests of the party.

Mr Wall married first in 1863 Margaret Bean who died in 1872; she was of Allegheny county, Penna. He married second Sarah M Cramer, a daughter of the Rev Jonas K Cramer. Children by the first marriage: Lina Wall married Isaac N Wykof of Elizabeth township; Lewis Wall, deceased; Ada May Wall, deceased; Margaret Wall, deceased. Children by the second marriage were: Francis Cramer Wall, deceased; Lillian Vaughn Wall; Susan Pearl Wall; Theresa Mabel Wall; Maxwell Keller Wall; Ella Lorena Wall.

Genealogical and personal history of western Pennsylvania;Vol. 3 editor-in-chief, John W. Jordan. p1486
Contributed by Marta Burns.

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