James Gabbey Templeton, D.D.S.





Templeton, James Gabbey D.D.S., Dean of the Pittsburg Dental College, was born November 10, 1833, in the township of Independence, Washington County, son of Alexander and Margaret N. (Gabbey) Templeton. He is of Scotch-Irish ancestry, being fifth in descent from Alexander Templeton, who, born near Perth, Scotland, settled in Lifford, County Donegal, Ireland. Alexander Templeton married a Miss Crawford; and their son Joseph, Dr. Templeton's great-grandfather, immigrated to this country, settling in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Joseph's son John, who located in Cross Creek township, Washington County, married Ann Templeton, of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.

Alexander Templeton, a son of John and the father of Dr. Templeton, was born in Cross Creek township, June 7, 1806, and was educated in the common schools of his native town. He devoted the most of his active life to farming and sheep-raising, and was ranked among the well-to-do citizens of Cross Creek. His wife was a daughter of James Gabbey, of Antietam, Md. Both were members of the United Presbyterian church. Their children were: John, who died aged thirteen years; James G., the subject of this sketch; Thomas B., who died in the Mount Pleasant Hospital, Washington, D.C., in 1864, and is buried in Arlington Cemetery; Jane Ann, the wife of David Brown Lee, of Washington County; Hugh A., also deceased; Esther M., the wife of John Scott, of Washington County; Mary Emily, of whom there is no special record; and Alexander Brown, who died when eighteen months old.

James Gabbey Templeton attended Cross Creek Academy and Westminster College, acquiring in those institutions the solid foundation on which the superstructure of his technical knowledge was firmly established. During seven years of his student life he taught school, reading medicine in the vacation time. He subsequently studied dentistry in the office of Dr. Sill, now of New York City, and practised for eight years in New Castle, Pa., in the meantime attending lectures. In 1869, after a course of study at Jefferson Medical College, he entered the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, from which he graduated in 1870. In the same year Westminster conferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts. He remained in New Castle until December, 1872, when he opened an office in Pittsburg, where he has now been in practice for a quarter of a century. Dr. Templeton has a broad knowledge of the theory and practice of medicine, and he is a skilful and conscientious dentist. He keeps in touch with the progress of the day, and has few equals in his profession. Having attended meetings of dental associations in all parts of the country, he is well known and highly respected among his fellow-workers. He is also connected with several important professional organizations. A member of the Northern Ohio Dental Association, he has been honored with election to the office of vice-president, and he has read some interesting papers before the society. He was a member of the Lake Erie Dental Association, and was vice-president and president of the Pennsylvania State Dental Society, of which he is still a member. He was active in organizing the Odontological Society of Western Pennsylvania, and filled the president's chair for some time; and he is a member of the American Dental Association. Dr. Templeton was married June 3, 1863, to Laura Jane, daughter of Russell Van Orsdel, of Allegheny. She died March 12, 1896, leaving three children. These are: Anna M., the wife of Robert S. Smith, of Pittsburg; Nannie Belle, the wife of Walter M. Lindsay, attorney of Pittsburg; and Mary Etta. Mrs. Templeton was a member of the United Presbyterian church of this city, in which the Doctor has been Ruling Elder for twenty years, and for a long time the superintendent of the Sabbath-school.

Biographical review: containing life sketches of leading citizens of Pittsburg and the vicinity, Pennsylvania. Boston: Biographical Review Pub. Co., 1897, Author: Anonymous, Submitted by C. Anthony.

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