Edwin W. Stowe





Stowe, Edwin W., attorney-at-law, with an office at 518 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, was born here, July 18, 1869, son of the Hon. Edwin H. and Emma (Vick) Stowe. His paternal grandfather, Hiram Stowe, was a lifelong resident of Pennsylvania, and well-known in financial circles. Hiram for many years was the cashier of the Beaver Bank, and died in that town in 1876, at the age of fourscore years. He married a Miss Darragh, a descendant of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. She survived him a score of years, dying in 1896, at the advanced age of ninety years. They had five daughters and two sons.

The Hon. Edwin H. Stowe, one of the sons of Hiram Stowe, born and reared in Beaver County, after his admission to the bar practised law in Pittsburg for many years. He is now Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, being the oldest judge in commission in this State. In the last three elections, while the nominee of the Republicans, he was indorsed by the Democrats, showing the high regard with which he is held throughout the city regardless of party. His wife, Emma, born and educated in Pittsburg, was a daughter of Charles Vick, an artist of note, who emigrated from England to this county in early days, and was the owner of a large amount of real estate in Allegheny. Mr. Vick afterward settled in Pittsburg, where his death occurred before reaching the prime of life. He had a large family of children, thirteen in number. Three children were born to Judge and Mrs. Stowe, of whom Edwin W. and Percy V. are living. Both parents are members of the Presbyterian church. The mother is a prominent worker in many benevolent organizations, being the manager of the Home for Aged Protestant Women of Pittsburg; of the Ridge Avenue Orphan Asylum of Allegheny; of the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society; and a member of the National Woman's Christian Conference.

Edwin W. Stowe took full advantage of the opportunities offered him for obtaining an education. After leaving the public schools of his native city, he attended the Western University of Pennsylvania and Trinity College. In 1888 he began the study of law, registering with his father; and in June, 1893, he was admitted to the bar. He has since been actively engaged in law business, and for the past six years has been Indictment Clerk for Allegheny County. In politics he is a stanch Republican, but he has never taken any active part in local affairs. Mr. Stowe was united in marriage, July 12, 1892, with Miss Agnes, daughter of Alfred and Sarah (McOuiston) Walton. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Stowe is identified with any religious organization by membership, while both are regular attendants of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Stowe is a manager of the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society.

Biographical review: containing life sketches of leading citizens of Pittsburg and the vicinity, Pennsylvania. Boston: Biographical Review Pub. Co., 1897, Author: Anonymous, Submitted by C. Anthony.

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