William Roseburg





Roseburg, William, of Pittsburg, who has been connected with the bank of Pittsburg for nearly half a century, has been a resident of this city since his birth, which occurred June 15, 1824, at the foot of Wood Street. His maternal grandfather located here in 1791, and his paternal grandfather two years later. The latter, John Roseburg, a native of Ireland, who emigrated to the United States in early manhood, settled at first in New York, where he was engaged as a contractor for several years, and where he married. In 1793 he came to this city, bringing a large family, and here rounded out a long life, having been more than fourscore years of age at his death. Samuel Roseburg, the father of William, who was born in York City, Pa., learned the carpenter's trade from his father. After settling in Pittsburg, he prosperously followed the business of contractor and builder until his demise, March 15, 1855. He also served the city as Postmaster for four years, and was the Recorder of Allegheny County during two sessions. Both he and his wife were members of Dr. Bruce's church on Seventh Avenue, of which his father was the first Ruling Elder. After coming to this city, he married Miss Isabella B. Miller, who was born in Pittsburg. She was a daughter of Alexander Miller, who came from Scotland, his native land, in 1791, and at once located in this place. The site of Pittsburg was almost in its primitive condition of wilderness; and he was obliged to carry a gun to protect himself from the Indians, who were numerous and unfriendly. Mr. Miller was a mechanic and manufacturer, and until his death, at the age of seventy-five years, one of the most influential residents of the district. Samuel Roseburg and his wife had seven children, of whom there are now living: William, the subject of this biography; Annie R., the widow of the late John B. Herron; Agnes G., the wife of George A. Kelley; Emma B., who lives in Lawrence, Kan.; and Jennie, the wife of Alexander R. Banks, of Topeka, Kan. William Roseburg received his early education under private instructors in one of the select schools of the city. Afterward for some years he attended the Western University of Pennsylvania, and in September, 1842, was graduated from Jefferson College, Pennsylvania. During the succeeding five and a half years he worked in his father's office at the court-house. In 1848 he accepted the position of corresponding clerk in the bank of Pittsburg. In this capacity he showed such efficiency and zeal that he was soon made exchange clerk. In March, 1866, he was promoted to the post of cashier, which he has since held, performing his responsible duties with fidelity and ability, and to the satisfaction of all concerned. Mr. Roseburg is a stockholder in several leading railway companies of the country, and was at one time president of the Etna & Sharpsburg Railway Company. He is a stanch Republican in politics, and has been closely identified with that party since its formation.

In 1856, December 31, Mr. Roseburg was married to Miss Margaret J. Watson, daughter of Robert and Margaret Watson, of Allegheny. He has four children living, namely: Samuel L., a dealer in glass, doing business in Pittsburg; William Roseburg, Jr., who is engaged in business in New York; Margaret, who is the wife of D, B. McClelland, of New York; and Robert, who is in South Carolina. Mrs. Roseburg died in Allegheny, at the family residence on Allegheny Avenue, November 10, 1886. She was a member of the Episcopal church, of which Mr. Roseburg is also a communicant.

Biographical review: containing life sketches of leading citizens of Pittsburg and the vicinity, Pennsylvania. Boston: Biographical Review Pub. Co., 1897, Author: Anonymous.

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