Harvey A. Lowry





Lowry, Harvey A., was educated in the city schools of the Seventh Ward and in Curry University. He began to work for his living as an employee of the Pan Handle Railroad, remaining with the company for twelve years and finally being engineer. In 1890 he resigned in order to accept the position of Deputy in the Sheriff's office, being appointed by William H. McLeary on the Allegheny District. After the expiration of his term he was promoted by Sheriff Richards to the Pittsburgh City District, the most important one in the county, and in which he served until he became Sheriff of the county. To the latter office he was elected in November, 1896. It is an honorable distinction that he is the youngest man that has ever filled the office, which is the highest and most remunerative in the county. Previous to this, he was Councilman for his Ward for four terms, and served on the Committee on Public Safety, Corporations and Surveys. He was one of the two candidates who in 1896 were elected to the Council without opposition, having the support of the Municipal League. He is now favorably mentioned as the successor of Mr. Von Bonhorst in the office of County Recorder.

On September 2, 1880, Mr. lowry was united in marriage with Miss Clara B. White, daughted of Willian J. White, an ex-chief of the Pittsburgh Fire Department. Mr. and Mrs. Lowry have five children--Grace K, Edith W, Olive, Lois and Harvey Addison. Edith W. is now a student at the high school. Harvey Addison Lowry, the youngest child, is six years old. Mr. Lowry is an active member of both the Young Men's Republican Tariff Club and the Americus Club. He belongs to the K. of P. Knights of Golden Eagle, The American Mechanics, the Knights of Krassan and the Order of the Elks. Mrs. Lowry is a member of the Fifth United Presbyterian Church which her husband also attends and supports. The family residence is 5487 Hays Street, East End.

Biographical review: containing life sketches of leading citizens of Pittsburg and the vicinity, Pennsylvania. Boston: Biographical Review Pub. Co., 1897, Author: Anonymous, Submitted by Robert Lowry Nicklin.

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