Rev. Albert D. Light





Light, Rev. Albert D., the pastor of Millvale Borough Presbyterian Church, was born at Lebanon, this State, November 1, 1856, his parents being Asa and Catherine (Snyder) Light, both natives of Lebanon. On both sides of the family Mr. Light is descended from early settlers of German origin, who came to Pennsylvania about the time of the Revolution. His paternal grandfather, David Light, born in Lebanon County, after following the occupation of farmer for some time, lived in retirement. David had a family of six sons. The maternal grandfather was Jonas Snyder, also born in Lebanon County. Both grandfathers died at about the age of seventy-two, and both their wives are still living. Asa Light, who was a coach-maker of Lebanon, served in the Union artillery during the late war, and died in 1864 in the hospital at Baltimore from an injury caused by a kick by a horse. He was a member of the Evangelical Association, as is also his wife, who is still living. She married for her second husband John Gilbert, and bore him two sons — Harry and Grant Gilbert. The children of her first marriage were: the Rev. Albert D., Aaron, and Amelia Light.

The Rev. Mr. Light spent his boyhood in Lebanon, and there prepared for college in the high school. He then attended Lafayette College at Easton, Pa,, graduating in 1880. Later he took a course of study in Drew Theological Seminary at Madison, N.J., from which he graduated in 1882. He then taught school for three years, being principal of the Betts Military Academy at Stamford, Conn,, for a year, and of Sewickley Academy for two years. On June 10, 1885, he was ordained and installed pastor of the Millvale Presbyterian Church, which had at that time a membership of only one hundred and eighty-four persons. Since Mr. Light has been pastor the membership has increased to three hundred and ninety, the last two years being years of especial progress. In the last year more members were added to the church than to any other society in the district. Mr. Light belongs to the Presbytery of Allegheny, of which he was the moderator from 1894 to 1895. He is unmarried. A natural talent for music possessed by him has been developed by a fine musical training. His voice teacher was Mr. Clement Tetedoux, who is well known in Pittsburg as having trained many of the finest vocalists of the city. The Rev. Mr. Light's voice is a tenor. He has taught vocal music since he was seventeen years of age, a period of twenty-three years, thereby supporting himself at college during his literary and theological. His home is at 47 Lincoln Avenue, Millvale.

Biographical review: containing life sketches of leading citizens of Pittsburg and the vicinity, Pennsylvania. Boston: Biographical Review Pub. Co., 1897, Author: Anonymous, Submitted by C. Anthony.

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