Adolph Lewin, M.D.





Lewin, Adolph M.D., a physician and surgeon of Pittsburg, was born at his ancestral home in Wronke, Posen, Germany, February 25, 1871, son of Hermann and Pauline (Nochen) Lewin. The father, who came to Pittsburg from Wronke in 1881, and now lives in retirement, was a tailor by trade. Both he and his wife are members of the Hebrew church. They have six children, namely: Robert and Maximilian, merchants; Hulda, now Mrs. Hermann Moser; Yetta, who married Mr. Meyer; Dr. Adolph L., the subject of this sketch; and Rachel, now Mrs. Henry Silvins.

Adolph L. Lewin received his early education in the public schools and in the gymnasium at Wronke. Upon coming to America, he entered the preparatory department of the Western University of Pennsylvania. At the end of his Sophomore year at the University he took special courses in the College of Pharmacy, studied with Dr. Carrington, of the United States marine service, and Dr. James Stoner, and graduated from the medical department in the class of 1892. Subsequently he was assistant to the chair of chemistry for two years, and was for one year resident physician in the West Pennsylvania Hospital. Then he took a six months' course in the Johns Hopkins University in pathology and bacteriology, after which he began practice on Butler Street, his present home. Two years after, being well versed in the German language, he entered the University of Berlin for a course, studied under Koch, Leyden, and other professors of world-wide reputation, and subsequently took the degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery with high honors.

Having made bacteriology his especial study while in Berlin, upon his return to Pittsburg Dr. Lewin was appointed instructor in bacteriology and lecturer on histology. While going again into general practice, he became also associate to the chair of clinical medicine in the medical department of the Western University, with which he has been connected for four years. He is now pathologist to the Western Pennsylvania Hospital, and also assistant obstetrician to the Rememan Maternity Hospital. In addition to these many offices of distinction, Dr. Lewin is a member of the Allegheny County Medical Society; also of the Austin Flint Medical Club, of which he has been the secretary and censor. Another society with which he is connected is the State and American Medical Association. He has done considerable experimental work in tuberculosis and diphtheria, and has written on these subjects and on the subject of city water. The Doctor is a member of Solomon Lodge, No. 231, F. & A. M., and of the K. of H.; and he is an honorary member of Three Keys of Berlin, which is a Masonic lodge.

Biographical review: containing life sketches of leading citizens of Pittsburg and the vicinity, Pennsylvania. Boston: Biographical Review Pub. Co., 1897, Author: Anonymous, Submitted by C. Anthony.

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