William B. Kroesen, M.D.





Kroesen, William B. M.D., Etna, was born August 17, 1839 in Allegheny City, Pennsylvania. His father, John Kroesen, a native of Martinsburg, Virginia, came to this county with his father Isaiah Kroesen when he was but fifteen years old. John, a cooper by trade, married Anna Otterson and eight children blessed their union. The subject of this memoir was educated in his native town; read medicine with Dr. Oldshoe and Dr. Jacoby, and took his first course of lectures at the Eclectic Pennsylvania Medical College, graduating in 1865. After practicing at Talley Cavey a number of years, he took a post-graduate course in the medical college of Physicians and Surgeons, Cincinnati, graduating in the class of 1873. He then located in Etna, where he now enjoys liberal patronage. He married Jane Wiggins and has two children: Cora J. and George T.

Dr. Kroesen enlisted in April, 1861 in the three months service, and on the expiration of his term re-enlisted in Co. D, 103d regiment, for three years. He was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant of Co. K, and participated in all the engagements of his regiment until wounded at the Battle of Fair Oaks. He served three terms as school director, and in 1888 organized the first fire department, of which he is chief. He organized G.A.R. Post No. 38, and is past medical director of the G.A.R. in Pennsylvania. He is also a member of the A.F. and A.M.A., O.U.W., I.O.O.F., G.A.R., U.V.L., A.O. of H. and R.A. He has represented the I.O.O.F, R.A. and G.A.R. in national encampments, and erected two councils of the R.A.

A Genealogical and Biographical History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 1889. Cushing, Thomas, ed. Reprinted 1993, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore.

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