Thomas T. Kirk, M.D.





Kirk, Thomas T., M.D., a prominent physician and surgeon of Pittsburg, was born November 1, 1860, in East Springfield, Ohio, son of James and Eleanor ( Taylor ) Kirk. Of Scotch descent, he traces his genealogy to his great-grandfather, Michael, who was born and bred in Scotland. Michael Kirk emigrated while still a young man to the north of Ireland, where his son John was born. Four years after this event he came with his family to America, and settled first in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Then, about the year 1810, he moved to Jefferson County, Ohio. John Kirk made his home in East Springfield about 1830. His son James, who was born about the year 1830, married Eleanor Taylor, daughter of Thomas Taylor, one of the early pioneers of Ohio, and became the father of eight children. James Kirk and his wife are members of the Methodist church. They still live at East Springfield, and carry on the old farm where Thomas T. Kirk was born.

Thomas T. Kirk, named after his grandfather, Thomas Taylor, received his early education in the common schools of his native town, and then entered Scio College at Scio, Ohio. Having decided upon the medical profession, he began to read medicine under the direction of Dr. J. C. M. Floyd, of Steubenville, Ohio, and subsequently attended the Long Island Hospital Medical College. At this college he took three years' full work, during which time he also had the advantage of much practical work at the hospital. He graduated in the class of 1886, and at once came to Pittsburg, where he soon established himself in a lucrative practice near his present residence. In 1888 Dr. Kirk bought a lot of land at 4908 Liberty Avenue, and built the house where he now lives. Also a business man, the Doctor has been largely interested in real estate. He is one of the organizers of the State Bank of Pittsburg, and is a member of its Board of Directors. The bank is to be located at the corner of Liberty Avenue and State Street, more than a mile distant from any other similar institution, and in a growing and thriving district. The building, one story high, is constructed of brick, with a handsome stone front. The capital stock is fifty thousand dollars.

Dr. Kirk is much sought after in Pittsburg society, and is a member of many lodges and associations. He belongs to the Medical Society of Allegheny County. When young in his practice he joined several beneficiary orders in the city, the most of which he has been obliged to give up through stress of business. In 1892 he was made a Mason at Dallas Lodge, No. 508, of Pittsburg . He is now a member of the Zerubbabel Chapter, No. 162; of the Ascalon Commandery, No. 159; of the Lodge of Perfection; and of the Pennsylvania Consistory.

Dr. Kirk was married June I, 1.886, to Miss Mary Florence Ingram, of Smithfield, Ohio, daughter of the Rev. M. J. Ingram of the East Ohio Conference. He has now one child, Donald Ingram Kirk. Mrs. Kirk died March 20, 1896. Dr. Kirk belongs to the Friendship Park Methodist Church, and is treasurer of the Board of Trustees. While the new church was being built, in 1895, he was one of the members of the Building Committee.

Biographical review: containing life sketches of leading citizens of Pittsburg and the vicinity, Pennsylvania. Boston: Biographical Review Pub. Co., 1897, Author: Anonymous.

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