John M. Cooper, D.D.S.





Cooper, John M., D.D.S., a prominent, popular, and progressive dentist of Pittsburg, was born November 15, 1854, at Murrysville, Westmoreland County, son of Joshua Cooper. The Coopers descend from an old Pennsylvania family that came here from Ireland in the commencement of the eighteenth century to escape religious persecution. Joshua Cooper succeeded to the occupation of his forefathers, becoming one of the substantial agriculturists of Westmoreland County as well as one of its most respected residents. To him and his wife, whose maiden name was Sarah McWilliams, eight children were born. Of these six reached maturity, namely: Francis, a farmer, who lives on the old homestead in Murrysville; Hannah, who married John Sowash, and has a daughter; John M., the subject of this biography; Sarah, who is the wife of J. Collins Grear, a merchant of Claridge , Pa.; Agnes, who married Dr. Stewart, of Pitcairn, Pa. ; and Joshua, who died in 1893, leaving a widow.

John M. Cooper received his early education in a private academy of his native town. Afterward he attended the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery at Philadelphia, being graduated therefrom with a creditable record in 1882. The Doctor at once located in Pittsburg, where he has steadily risen in his profession, establishing a reputation for thorough and superior workmanship, and becoming one of the leading dentists of the city. On October 4, 1882, soon after coming here, Dr. Cooper was married to Miss Jennie Greer, daughter of the Rev. J. C. Greer. The Doctor is not active in political circles, but is a strong Prohibitionist in principle. In religion he adheres to the faith of his forefathers, being a United Presbyterian. He carries on his professional work after the most approved methods and with the best appliances, in handsomely furnished apartments.

Biographical review: containing life sketches of leading citizens of Pittsburg and the vicinity, Pennsylvania. Boston: Biographical Review Pub. Co., 1897, Author: Anonymous.

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