Alexander C. Cochran





Cochran, Alexander C., lawyer; born at Allegheny City, Pa., Mar. 20, 1846; son of John Turner and Anna (Richardson) Cochran; educated in public and private schools and Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; studied law at Columbia Law School, and admitted to bar, 1866; married Mary Virginia Andrews, of Allegheny City, June 1, 1869. Practiced at Pittsburgh, 1866-74; member Forty-fourth Congress (1875-77), Twenty-third Pennsylvania District; defeated for Forty-fifth Congress; Democrat. Member special committee to South Carolina to investigate Tilden-Hayes election and one of the objectors on the part of the House in the South Carolina case, before the Electoral Commission; member special committee to investigate whisky frauds in St. Louis. Appointed general solicitor Missouri Pacific Ry., 1888; vice president Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain lines, Oct. 1, 1904, to Dec. 1, 1909, when retired from railway service; also was general solicitor Cotton Belt and International Great Northern Ry. Judge advocate Missouri National Guard on staff of Brigadier General Clarke. Member American Bar Association, Missouri State Bar Association. St. Louis Bar Association. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Athletic (one of governors), St. Louis Country. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 7 Westmoreland Pl.

The Book of St. Louisans, Publ. 1912. Transcribed by Charlotte Slater)

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