Ameisen, Arthur, of the firm of Ameisen & Kremery, who conduct an Austro-Hungarian law and collection business in Pittsburg, was born at Cracow, Austria, July 25, 1870, son of Leo and Emily (Mandel) Ameisen. His father is still living in Cracow, which has been his home for many years, the ancestral residence being know as Newsandec. Mr. Ameisen received his education in the public schools of Cracow and in the gymnasium of St. Ann. Subsequently he entered the office of a newspaper owned by his uncle, where he remained for about three years engaged in editorial work. During this time he became familiar with the French and English languages, both of which he speaks fluently. On May 21, 1891, he came to the United States, and immediately entered the Autsro-Hungarian consular service, in which he remained until January, 1895, working under Max Schamberg, who was then Consul. Mr. Schamberg had been carrying on an extensive Autro-Hungarian law and collection business. This, on retiring from the consularship in 1895, he transferred to Messrs. Ameisen & Kremery, who are continuing it at the same office where it has been carried on for the past thirty years. Mr. Ameisen, who had previously become familiar with the details of the business, has been able to carry it forward most successfully. He has fifteen correspondents in Autria-Hungary, and manages all the business for the many people of that country who are settled here. The work is conducted in six different languages.
While in the consular service Mr. Ameisen began reading law, and was the first student enrolled in the recently organized law department of the Western University of Pennsylvania. He began his course of study there in 1895, and graduated in June, 1897, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Laws. An article written by him and published in the Western University Courant, entitled "Suggestions to the Educators of the Bar," advocating a reform and the enlargement of the curriculum of legal studies attracted much attention and favorable comment from lawyers and judges throughout the State. Mr. Ameisen was editor of the legal department of the Western Pennsylvania Courant throughout his entire course in the college, and conducted it in a most able manner.
Biographical review: containing life sketches of leading citizens of Pittsburg and the vicinity, Pennsylvania. Boston: Biographical Review Pub. Co., 1897, Author: Anonymous.