Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

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Allegheny was the first county in Pennsylvania to be given a Native American name. It was named after the Lenape word for the Allegheny River. The meaning of "Allegheny" is uncertain. It is usually said to mean "fine river". Stewart says that the name may come from a Lenape account of an ancient mythical tribe called "Allegewi", who lived along the river before being taken over by the Lenape.
Allegheny County was officially created on September 24, 1788, from parts of Washington and Westmoreland counties. It was formed to respond to pressure from the increase in settlers living in the area around Pittsburgh; this was designated as the county seat in 1791.


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PAGenWeb State Coordinator
Nancy Janyszeski

PAGenWeb Assistant State Coordinator/County Coordinator (Eastern Counties)
Mary Ann Lubinsky

Allegheny County Coordinator
Linda J. East

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This page was last updated 9 Dec 2024