Contributed by Carl F. Breth II,
Transcribed by Vi P. Limric

Old company I was organized at Perrysville (now Port Royal. They

were mustered into service 9 Sep 1861, at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg

Pa.. On 11 Nov 1863, all went into Company A, except the

supernumeraries who went to PA. to recruit.  Upon their return they

were formed into two companies in Dec 1863.

DEWITT, CALVIN, Captain, Enlisted 14 Sep 1861, age 21, resigned 19

Jan 1863. resided Harrisburg Pa.

MCCLELLAN, R.M., 1st Lieut., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, resigned

16 Nov 1862, poor health, died 19 Jul 1865.  Resided Juniata Co.

SPANOGLE, DAVID, 2nd Lieut., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, resigned

11 Mar 1862 at Camp Griffin Va.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

TUCKER, CAMPBELL, 1st Lieut., Enlisted 26 Oct 1862, transferred 

to old company G and D.  Promoted to second lieutenant,

then 1st lieutenant, on General Hancock's or General Smith's staff,

because there was no vacancy in the regiment, transferred.

STEWART, JOHN, 1st Sergt. Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, resigned 22

Oct 1862, commissioned second lieutenant, 21 Mar 1862, resided

Perrysville, Juniata Co.

WIX, JAMES M., 2nd Sergt. Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, Re-enlisted

as a veteran in Co. A.  Discharged 15 Jul 1865.  Promoted to 2nd

sergt. 6 Ap 1861, to 1st sergt. 21 Apr 1862, to 2nd lieutenant 4

Mar 1864, to captain 19 Feb 1865.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co. 

Committed suicide at Hastings Neb. Sept 1884.

RITNER, I. NEWTON, 3rd Sergt. Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, age 20, promoted

to 3rd sergeant 13 Sep 1861, to clerk at Hancock's headquaters, 30

Sep 1861, to 2nd sergeant 21 Apr 1862, wounded Jun 1862, scalp

wound slight, transferred to Old Company A, to recruiting, to

Lieutenant Old Company A  7 Oct 1862, to 1st lieutenant 18 Nov

1862, to  Camp Curtin, Pa. 24 Jan 1863, discharged 19 Nov 1863. 

Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

BURDGE, MOSES, 4th Sergt, Enlisted 9 Sep 1861, promoted to

4th sergeant 12 Sep 1861, to 3rd sergeant 12 Apr 1862.  Died 6 Dec

1862.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co. 

THOMPSON, JOHN M., 5th Sergt, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, promoted

to sergeant major 11 Jan 1862, to color sergeant 3 Sep 1862, to

second lieutenant 24 Oct 1862, to first lieutenant 19 Nov 1862,

wounded 11 May 1864, transferred to Co. A., promoted to captain 1

Sep 1864, to brevet major lieutenant colonel 13 Mar 1865, wounded

in seven places 19 Sep 1864, discharged 18 Jan 1865.  Died 15 Mar

1874.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

HOHN, JOHN, 1st Corpl., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861 promoted to 1st

corporal 9 Sep 1861, to 4th sergeant 30 Mar 1862, discharged on

account of disability, 18 Sep 1862, then joined Company E as a

substitute.  Died 8 Jul 1895.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

WEITZELL, MARTIN, 2nd Corpl., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, promoted

to 2nd corporal, to 5th sergeant 18 Sep 1862, to 1st sergeant 24

Jul 1864, re-enlisted to new company H, 28 Feb 1864, discharged 23

Oct 1864, resided Perrysville, Juniata Co., died Wellington Kas. 23

Mar 1889.

FRY, WILLIAM, 3rd Corpl., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, promoted to

3rd corporal 9 Sep 1861, detailed as wagonmaster 15 Oct 1861, was

color corporal from 10 Mar 1862 till 5 May 1862, discharged for

fever 6 Jun 1862.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

MCDONALD, DAVID L., 4th Corpl., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, 

promoted to 5th corporal 19 Sep 1861, discharged because of

disability 27 Oct 1862.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

ENSLOW, JAMES, 5th Corpl., Enlisted 9 Sep 1861 promoted to

5th corporal, died in hospital at Camp Griffin, Va. 3 Jan 1862. 

Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

ZELL, O.P., 6th Corpl., Enlisted 12 Sep 1861, re-inlisted

24 Dec 1863, transferred to Co. A., died at Lancaster while on

veteran's furlough 2 Feb 1864.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata


BARTLEY, SAMUEL B., 7th Corpl., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, age 23,

promoted to corporal 9 Sep 1861 to 5th sergeant 3 Feb 1862, to 1st

sergeant 4 Mar 1864, wounded 1 Jun 1864, discharged 24 Oct 1864,

transferred to Company A, promoted to General guide, then to

corporal Pioneer corps.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

HENDERSON, J.D.W., 8th Corpl., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, age 20,

promoted to corporal 9 Sep 1861, to 5th sergeant 1 Mar 1863, to

commissary sergeant 24 Dec 1863, wounded at Rapahannock Station, 7

Nov 1863, transferred to Co. A., discharged 24 Oct 1864.  Resided

Perrysville, Juniata Co.

MINNICHAN, HENRY B., Color Corpl., Enlisted 9 Sep 1861, promoted to

corporal 30 Mar 1862, re-enlisted 24 Dec 1863, transferred to

Company A, wounded and taken prisoner 10 May 1864, parolled 14 Sep

1864, discharged 24 Oct 1864.  Resided Perryville, Juniata Co. 

KOPE, W.W., Musician, Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, age 18, taken prisoner

at White Plains Va., 24 Jul 1863, exchanged 15 Jul 1863, was

captured by Mosby while picking berries, transferred to Co. A.,

discharged 17 Jun 1865.  Resided East Waterford, Pa.  


RUPP, J.M., Musician, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, age 18, transferred to

Company A., discharged at expiration of term 24 Oct 1864.  Resided

Perrysville, Juniata Co.

WISE, EMANUEL, Band, Enlisted 9 Sep 1861, Drum major of the

Regiment, discharged with the band 9 Aug 1862, died 8 Jan 1880

McCoysville Pa.  Resided McCoysville, Pa.

WILDMAN, JOSEPH, Teamster, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, age 18, transferred

to Co. A., discharged 24 Oct 1864, expiration of term.  Resided

Juniata Co. Pa.

RUSSELL, JAMES E., Cook, colored, came to the regiment to cook for

Captain DeWitt, then Captain Campbell.  Left the regiment at

Harrison's Landing Va. and enlisted in a Massachusetts Regiment. 

He served 22 months.


ANDREWS, JAMES, Enlisted 8 Jan 1863, wounded 7 Nov 1863 and

10 May 1864, lost his arm in 64, transferred to Company A.,

discharge 18 May 1865, surgeon's certificate.  Resided Allentown,


ATTIG, WILLIAM, Enlisted 9 Sep 1861, age 28, transferred to Company

A, wounded in head 7 Nov 1863, also hurt in the collision at Mount

Washington MD, died at Harwood Hospital 24 Nov 1863, Washington

D.C.  Resided and buried at Millerstown Pa.

BARTLEY, JESSE B., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, transferred to

Company A., wounded 1 Jun 1864, in his side by a shell, first going

through his knapsack.  Discharged 24 Oct 1864.  Resided

Perrysville, Juniata Co.

BARTON, HOLBERT A., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, transferred to

Company A, discharged 24 Oct 1864.  Killed 26 Jan 1866 at Manayunk

Pa., hit by bridge on top of car (railroad), buried Port Royal, Pa.

BARTON, JOSIAH L., Enlisted 9 Sep 1861, age 27, transferred to New

Company F and then H.  Promoted to Q.M. Seergeant 1 Sep 1862, to

lieutenant in the New Company F. 16 Mar 1864.  Dropped from rolls

as killed 10 May 1864, was captured, taken up on the rolls of New

Company H.  Discharged 12 Mar 1865.  Resided Juniata Co. 

BAUSMAN, DAVID L., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, transferred to

Company A.  Wounded 5 May 1864 in Wilderness, transferred to

Invalid corps 25 Nov 1864, died 1 Feb 1882 at DuBois, Pa.  Resided

Perrysville, Juniata Co.       

BEATY, GEO. W., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, re-inlisted 28 Feb

1864, transferred to Company A., killed in action 12 May 1864 at

Spottsylvania, 63 steps in front of where the tree was shot off,

buried on the field, taken up and buried at Fredericksburg, Va. 

Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

BENDER, JOHN H., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, died 17 Aug 1862 at

Chestnut Hill Hospital, Philadelphia, buried at Woodland cemetery,

grave 112.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co. 

BOSSERT, DAVID, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, age 24, transferred to Company

A., discharged 24 Oct 1864.  Died 31 Aug 1887 at home, Turbitt

twp., Juniata Co.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

BOYER, ABRAM A., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, age 23, discharged on

surgeon's certificate 6 Jun 1862. Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

BRYNER, GEORGE, Enlisted 16 Sep 1861, transferred to

Company A., discharged on surgeon's certificate 11 May 1863. 

Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

BRYNER, JAMES M., Enlisted 1 Oct 1861, transferred to

Company A., Discharged 24 Oct 1864, expiration of term.  Resided

Juniata Co.

BRUMBAUGH, CHARLES, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, re-inlisted 26 Dec

1863, transferred to Company A., promoted corporal 2 Feb 1864,

killed at Spottsylvania Va. 10 May 1864.  Resided Perrysville,

Juniata Co.

CAMPBELL, JAMES A., Enlisted 6 Sep 1861, transferred to

Company A., wagon master Hancock's brigade.  Discharged  24 Oct

1864, expiration of term.  Died 31 Jan 1897.  Resided Juniata Co.

CLARK, JOHN W., Enlisted 28 Aug 1862,  Died 23 Dec 1862 in

hospital at Hagerstown, MD.  Resided Juniata Co. 

DELANEY, DAVID, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, wounded 7 Nov 1863, at

Rapahannock Station, transferred to Company A., discharge 24 Oct

1864, at expiration of term.  Resided Perryville, Juniata Co.

DEVINNEY, DAVID P., Enlisted 6 Sep 1861, deserted from Camp

Curtin, Pa. 14 Sep 1861.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

DIVEN, GEORGE, Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, age 20, transferred to Company

A, discharge 17 Jun 1865, general order of the war department. 

Resided East Waterford Pa.

DONAHOE, PATRICK, Enlisted 16 Sep 1861, discharged 2 Nov 1862 on

surgeon's certificate for disability. 

ENSLOW, JOHN H., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, transferred to Company A.,

died 24 Nov 1863.  Resided Perryville, Juniata County.

ENSLOW, SAMUEL F., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, age 26, discharged 2 Jan

1863 on surgeon's certificate for disability.  Resided Perryville,

Juniata Co.

EARNEST, DAVID S., Enlisted 16 Sep 1861, transferred to Company A,

promoted to corporal 6 Jun 1864, discharged 24 Oct 1864 at

expiration of term.  Resided Millerstown Pa.

FLICKINGER, SAMUEL, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, died 3 May 1862 near

Yorktown Va. buried at Yorktown, Va. grave 260  Resided

Perrysville, Juniata Co.

FULTON, JOHN, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, discharged 31 Jul 1862 on

surgeon's certificate, died 25 Mar 1880, buried Concord, Pa. 

Resided Perrysville Juniata County.

GILES, WILLIAM, Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, deserted from camp 1 Sep

1862.  Resided Juniata Co.

GINGERICK, ISAAC N., Enlisted 16 Sep 1861, transferred to Company

A., discharged 22 May 1863 on surgeon's certificate.  Resided

Perryville, Juniata county.

GLACE, SAMUEL A., Enlisted 9 Sep 1861, discharged 5 Jan 1863 on

surgeon's certificate, died 27 Jan 1863 and buried at McCoysville,

Pa.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

GROSS, EDMOND, Enlisted 16 Sep 1861, re-enlisted 24 Dec 1863,

transferred to Company A., promoted to corporal 18 Jun 1865,

discharged 1865.  Resided Perryville, Juniata County.

HALLOWELL, ROBERT A., Enlisted 9 Sep 1861, discharged 3 Nov 1862,

on surgeon's certificate, died 21 Apr 1891 at Asylum at Harrisburg

Pa. buried at Bellwood, Pa.  Resided Perryville, Juniata Co.

HARSHBERGER, ABRAM., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, age 50, resigned 14 Sep

1861, in favor of Captain Dewitt, died 5 Nov 1893 and buried at

Milroy, Pa.  Resided Juniata Co. 

HELLER, GEORGE E., Enlisted 9 Sep 1861, age 30, promoted to

corporal 30 Mar 1862, died 25 Aug 1862 in hospital, buried at

Middletown Pa.  Resided Millerstown, Pa.

HOWELL, JOHN D., Enlisted 12 Sep 1861, age 42, promoted to

commissary sergeant 12 Sep 1861, transferred to New company F,

promoted to 2nd lieutenant 8 Dec 1863, wounded 12 May 1864, to 1st

lieutenant 3 Jul 1864, acting Regiment quartermaster since 14 Aug

1864, discharged 15 Jul 1865.  Resided Juniata Co.

HUGHES, DAVID M., Enlisted 11 Sep 1861, transferred to Company A.,

taken prisoner 29 Jun 1862, while in hospital at Savage Station Va.

and died in the hands of Rebels. Resided Perryville, Juniata Co.

HURD, WM. F., Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, age 18, transferred to Company

A., transferred to invalid corps 12 Nov 1863. Resided East

Waterford Pa. 

HURRELL, JAMES G., Enlisted 16 Sep 1861, re-enlisted 24 Oct 1863,

transferred to Company A., Wounded 5 May 1864 and in having his leg

amputated he died the same day.  Resided Perryville, Juniata Co.  

JACOBS, JAMES G., Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, age 41, transferred to

Company A., discharged 19 Jun 1865, died 2 Apr 1881, at Soldier's

Home, Dayton Ohio.  Resided East Waterford Pa.

JOHNS, BENJAMIN F., Enlisted 16 Sep 1861, re-enlisted 28 Feb 1864,

transferred to Company A, wounded 12 May 1864, promoted to corporal

1 Mar 1865, taken prisoner 6 Apr 1865, discharged 16 Jul 1865. 

Resided Juniata Co.

JOHNS, DAVID H., Enlisted 16 Sep 1861, age 34, promoted to corporal

14 Jan 1863, re-enlisted 29 Feb 1864, transferred to New Company E,

wounded 10 May 1864, promoted to sergeant 1 Nov 1864, to 2nd

lieutenant 14 Jul 1865, discharged 15 Jul 1865.  Resided Juniata


KENDRICKS, MARTIN H., Enlisted 11 Sep 1861, discharged 18 Sep 1862

for disability.  Resided Perryville, Juniata Co.

KIDD, JAMES, Enlisted 9 Sep 1861, transferred to Company A.,

discharged 24 Oct 1864, expiration of term.  Resided Juniata Co.

KISTLER, ABRAM, Enlisted 14 Sep 1861, discharged 29 Nov 1862 for

disability.  Resided Blain, Perry Co. Pa.

KISTLER, JOHN A., Enlisted 14 Sep 1861, transferred to Company A.,

discharged 24 Oct 1864.  Resided Blain, Perry Co. Pa.

KREIDER, JOHN, Enlisted 14 Sep 1861, taken prisoner 29 Jun 1862,

returned to Regiment 10 Aug 1862, promoted to corporal 18 Sep 1862,

re-enlisted 26 Dec 1863, transferred to Company A., killed 12 May

1864 at Spottsylvania Va.  Resided Juniata Co.

KURTZ, DAVID M., Enlisted 8 Sep 1861, died 14 Oct 1862 in hospital,

buried Arlington Va. or Point Lookout, grave 12760.  Resided

Juniata County.

LOUDEN, DAVID, Enlisted 28 Aug  1862, promoted to corporal 20 Jun

1864, transferred to Company A., discharged 17 Jun 1865.  Resided

East Waterford, Pa.

LAYMAN, FREDERICK, Enlisted Sep 1861, transferred to 4th Cavalry

before he left Camp Griffin, Va. 1862.

MAUGER, W.H.,  Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, taken prisoner 27 Jun 1862,

returned to the regiment 7 Nov 1862, re-enlisted 24 Dec 1863,

transferred to Company A., promoted to corporal 4 Mar 1864, wounded

10 May 1864, promoted to sergeant 24 Oct 1864, to 1st sergeant 20

Feb 1865, wounded 6 Apr 1865, promoted to 2nd lieutenant 15 Jul

1865, discharged 15 Jul 1865, died 21 Sep 1880.  Resided Juniata

Co. Pa.

MAURER, REUBEN, Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, age 36, transferred to

Company A, discharged for rheumatism 23 Mar 1863.  Resided East

Waterford, Pa.

MILLER, PETER L., Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, transferred to company A,

killed at Spottsylvania Va. 12 May 1864.  Resided East Waterford


MILLIKEN, ABRAM, Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, age 19, transferred to

Company A, discharged 17 Jun 1865, died 12 Apr 1895 in Tuscarora

Twp., Juniata Co. Pa., buried McCullock Mills.  Resided East

Waterford, Pa.

MILLIKEN, JAMES, Enlisted 9 Sep 1861, transferred to Company A,

promoted to corporal 30 Mar 1862, discharged for disability 24 Jan

1863.  Resided East Waterford, Pa.

MILLIKEN, JAMES G., Enlisted 9/11 Sep 1861, discharged for

disabitity 28 Feb 1962/63.  Resided East Waterford, Pa.

MORELAND, WM. A., Enlisted 14 Sep 1861, transferred to company A,

discharged 24 Oct 1864, expiration of term.  Resided East Waterford


MOYER, JOHN, Enlisted 13 Sep 1861, transferred to Company A,

wounded 6 Apr 1865 at Sailor's Creek Va., discharged 6 Jul 1865. 

Resided Perryville, Juniata Co.

MCALLISTER, HUGH F., Enlisted 18 Sep 1861, discharged 29 May 1862

for disability.  Resided McAllisterville, Pa.

MCCLELLAND, THOMAS, Enlisted 13 Sep 1861, promoted to corporal 6

Jan 1862, to sergeant 18 Sep 1862, transferred to New Company E. 4

Dec 1863, killed 10 May 1864 at Spottsylvania Va.  Resided Juniata


MCCONNELL, GEORGE, Enlisted 9 Sep 1861, discharged 18 Apr 1862 for

disability.  Resided Juniata Co.

MCCORMICK, S. HOWARD, Enlisted 9 Sep 1861, age 16, re-enlisted 24

Dec 1863, transferred to Company A., wounded 10 May 1864 at

Spottsylvania Va., promoted to corporal 30 Aug 1864, to sergeant 71

Dec 1864, discharged 15 Jul 1865.  Resided Juniata Co.

MCMULLIN, JOHN, Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, age 24, transferred to

Company A., discharged 17 May 1865, died 28 Oct 1895, Spruce Hill,

Juniata Co.  Resided East Waterford Pa. 

MCFARLAND, MATTHEW, Enlisted 16 Sep 1861, age 23, transferred to

New Company H., promoted to corporal 6 Jun 1863, discharged 31 Oct

1864 expiration of term.  Resided Juniata Co.

MCKEE, JOHN L., Enlisted 1 Sep 1862, discharged 1 Nov 1862. 

Resided Perryville, Juniata Co.

NANGLE, JOS. R., Enlisted 16 Sep 1861, transferred to Company A,

detailed in Ambulance Corps., discharged 24 Oct 1864, expiration of

term.  Resided Mifflin, Pa.

PATTERSON, JOHN A., Enlisted 16 Sep 1861, died 16 Jul 1862 at

Harrison's Landing Va. of typhoid fever, buried Glendale Va., grave

37 or 136A.  Resided Juniata Co. 

PATTERSON, JOHN P., Enlisted 16 Sep 1861, transferred to Company

A., wounded 7 Nov 1863, in head, at Rapehannock Station Va.,

paralysis of right arm and leg. discharged 19 Jul 1864.  Resided

Millerstown Pa.

PATTON, JOHN HARVEY, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, re-enlisted 28 Feb 1864,

transferred to Company A., wounded 12 May 1864 in right thight at

Spottsylvania Va. promoted to corporal 24 Oct 1824, discharged 15

Jul 1865.  Resided Spruce Hill, Pa.

PECK, DAVID PORTER, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, age 22, transferred to

Company A., detailed in ambulance corps, discharged 24 Oct 1864,

expiration of term, died 18 Nov 1889, Blain, Perry Co. Pa.  Resided

East Waterford, Pa.

PLANK, SIMON A., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, age 21, transferred to

Company A., dicharged 24 Oct 1864, expiration of term.  Resided

Juniata Co. Pa.

POLLOCK, JOHN, Enlisted 23 Aug 1862, age 18, transferred to Company

A., killed 12 May 1864 at Spottsylvania Va.  Resided East

Waterford, Pa. 

REESE, JACOB, Enlisted 8 Sep 1861, discharged 22 Oct 1862, died Oct

1862 or 63.  Resided Millerstown Pa. 

RICE, THEO. A., Enlisted 3/16 Sep 1861, died 14 Aug 1862 at

Chestnut Hill Hospital, buried at Woodland cemetery, Philadelphia,

grave 104.  Resided Perryville, Juniata County.

RICHARDSON, JOSEPH, Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, age 35, transferred to

company A., deserted at Emmittsburg Md., 7 Jul 1863, sentenced to

Dry Tortugas, discharged 18 Jun 1864, died 21 Sep 1881, buried Peru

Mills, Pa.  Resided East Waterford Pa.

RHINE, JOS. M., Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, age 19, transferred to

Company A, promoted to corporal 21 Nov 1864, discharged 17 May/Jun

1865.  Resided East Waterford, Pa.

ROSE, JOS. M., Enlisted 30 Sep 1862, deserted at Gettysburg Pa. 8

Jul 1863.  Resided Cumberland Co. Pa.

RUNYON, JACOB R., Enlisted 6 Sep 1861, re-enlisted 2 Jan 1864,

transferred to Company A., Wounded 12 May 1864 Spottsylvania, Va.,

discharged 15 Jul 1865, died 28 Feb 1882 Millerstown Pa., Buried

Millerstown Pa.  Resided Millerstown Pa.

SEIBERT, ADAM, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, transferred to Company A,

detailed teamster, discharged 24 Oct 1864, expiration of term. 

Resided East Waterford, Pa.

SHOWERS, WILLIAM, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, discharged for disability 10

Nov 1862.  Resided Juniata Co. 

SMITH, ANDREW N., Enlisted 28 Aug 1862/63, age 31, transferred to

Company A, wounded 10 May 1864 at Spottsylvania Va., discharged 17

Jun 1865, died about 1878 in Illinois or Kansas.  Resided East

Waterford, Pa.

SMITH, ANDREW W., Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, age 18, killed 17 Sep 1862

Antietam Md. (informant: R.W. Work).  Resided East Waterford, Pa.

SNYDER, JAMES H., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, transferred to company A.,

re-enlisted 24 Dec 1863, deserted while on veteran's furlough,

returned under president's proclamation.

STAHL, WARREN, Enlisted 16/19 Sep 1861, age 18, died 27 Nov 1862 in

hospital at Hagerstown Md., buried Middletown, Pa.  Resided

Millerstown Pa.

STITT, W.A., Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, age 18, deserted from hospial at

Hagerstown Md., 30 Dec 1862.  Resided East Waterford, Pa.

SWAILS, JOHN M., Enlisted 9 Sep 1861, discharged 9 Mar 1862 for

disability.  Resided Juniata Co. 

SWAILS, W.C., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, died 28 Sep 1862 in hospital at

Philadelphia, buried Mt. Moriah cemetery, grave 159.  Resided

Juniata County, Pa.

TAYLOR, ROBERT H., Enlisted 26 Sep 1862, age 22, transferred to

Company A., discharged 17 Jun 1865, general order of war dept. 

Resided East Waterford, Pa. 

THOMPSON, HEZEKIAH, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, transferred to Company A,

discharged 24 Oct 1864, expiration of term.  Resided Juniata Co.

WASSON, JOHN, Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, transferred to Company A., was

cook to Captain Dewitt, transferred to Invalid corps.  Residing in

Dayton Ohio Home in 1886.  Resided Perrysville, Juniata Co.

WILLIAMS, JOHN H., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, discharged 6 Mar 1862 on

surgeon's certificate.  Died 15 Apr 1862 at home.  Resided Juniata

Co. Pa.

WILLIAMSON, ANDREW J., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, age 18, discharged 1

Nov 1862.  Resided East Waterford, Pa.

WILSON, GEORGE W., Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, age 21, transferred to

Company A., killed 7 Nov 1863 Rapsha'k Station, buring at Arlington

Va. grave 9255.  Resided East Waterford, Pa.

WORK, ROBERT A., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, transferred to Company A.,

discharged 24 Oct 1864, expiration of term.  Resided Juniata Co.

WORK, ROBERT A., Enlisted 3 Sep 1861, age 20, transferred to 

Company A., discharged 24 Oct 1864, expiration of term.  Resided

Juniata Co.

ZEIGLER, SAMUEL R., Enlisted 28 Aug 1862, age 20, transferred to 

Company A., wounded 5 May 1864 in foot at Wilderness Va., left foot

amputated,  discharged 10 Nov 1864.  Died 16 Nov 1897, Newville,

Cumberland Co. Pa.  Resided East Waterford, Pa.

Source: History of the 49th Pennsylvania Volunteers,  by Sgt.

Robert Westbrook,  1898.

Copyright 1998  Carl F. Breth II