by Mrs. Mary Grace Sieber of Mifflintown,
Juniata Historical Society.
contributed by Vi P. Limric

1806- 6 May, Moses McCoy to Kitty Burgh
21 Aug, Thomas Robison to Betsy Steele
28 Oct, John McAlister to Jane Thomson
25 Dec, George Elliot to Elizabeth Henry

1807-9 Apr, Thomas Wilson to Jane Martin
30 Jun, Samuel Bedford to Jane McCrum
14 Oct, Issac Green to Polly Davis
15 Dec, John Elliot to Jane Crawford
17 Dec, John Williams to Isabella McMullen.
17 Dec, James Hight to Mrs. Kitty Lyons.
25 Dec, William Shadden to Sarah Sharon

1808-7 Jan, Levi Henry to Sally Kennedy.
4 Feb, William Nisbet to Sally Mitbin.
15 Mar, Nathaniel Wilson to Mrs. Betsy Mitchell.
31 Mar. Robert Nelson to Martha Purdy.
3 May, Andrew Thomson to Rebecca Stuart.
31 May, Joseph Cookston to Polly Yost.

1809-14 Feb, Williams Barnhill to Peggy McCurdy.
18 Apr, Moses McClure to Peggy Hamilton
18 May, William Roberts to Polly Peacock
30 May, Charles Elliot to Jane Mitchel
3 Jun, John McPeters to Ann Brown
16 Nov, Abraham Kiser to June Lowry.
14 Dec, James Watson to Peggy Douglas

1810-30 Jan, John Reed to Peggy Nisbet
13 Feb, William McAlister to Polly McCully
16 Feb, David Griffith to Priscilla Cookston
6 Mar, William Bell to Sally Bryson
19 Mar, Levi Reynolds to Mrs. Nancy Purdy
22 Mar, John Rumbaugh to Sally McKay
14 Jun, Jacob Mingle to Polly Keez
22 Jun, James Wilson to Betsy Rice
6 Sep, Azzur Wright to Sally Cole
11 Oct, Joseph Morgan to Mrs. Polly Kinsloe
30 Oct, William Wright to Nancy Douglas
15 Nov, Paul Cox to Sally Boal
27 Nov, Joseph Leonard to Rebecca McCracken

1811-24 Jan, Robert Miller to Betsy Jackson
24 Jan, William W. Hamilton to Eleanor Riddle
14 Mar, Elijah Davis to Amy Pursie
26 Mar, John Hardy to Betsy Partner
23 May, Michael Kisinger to Hannah Meloy
28 May, Hannaniah Davis to Sally Cohen
4 Jun, Stephen Reynolds to Mrs. Betsy Kreider
22 Jun, David Crawford to Betsy Davidson
10 Oct, William McCamant to Isabella McMinn
14 Nov, Dr. Ezra Doty to Mrs Rebecca Lewis
26 Nov, Francis Kinsloe to Sally Davids
2 Dec, John Dust to Susan Reynolds
17 Dec, Col. William Beale to Mrs. Mary Lindsey.
23 Dec, Dr. Harris Bryson to Sally Davidson.

1812-4 Feb, Jesse Jacobs to Sally Douglas
6 Feb, John Patterson to Mary Irving
11 Feb, Joseph Douglas to Jane Henry
24 Mar, John Wilson to Tabita Wallace
16 Jun, William Cohan to Nancy Buyers/Beyers
30 Jun, Fleming Stuart to Kitty McCracken
31 Aug, Thomas Gallaher to Isabella Adams
14 Sep. Hugh McAlister to Sally McAlister
3 Dec, James Rhea to Sally Morris.
17 Dec, John McCamant to Mrs. Sally Wagner.

1813-11 Feb, John Lukens to Peggy Pursil
5 Apr, William Wilson to Betsy Davis
22 Apr, Benjamin Reynolds to Sally Burge
22 Apr, David Hardy to Lydia Metlin
25 May, Andrew Wallop to Sally Parsons
8 Jun, John Burge to Jane Logan
19 Oct, Robert Edminston to Nancy Ebbs

1814-3 Mar, Jesse Jacobs to Peggy Wright
22 Mar, John Vanormer to Betsy Haukhawout/Naukhawout
29 Mar, William Clark to Susan Griffith
19 Apr, William Wilson to Polly Stone
25 Apr, Robert Patton to Mrs. Mary Cottle
26 Apr, Jacob Horning to Mary McGargle
23 Jun, Robert Armstrong to Kitty Reynolds
1 Aug, William Henry to Maria Custard
10 Nov, Samuel Sharon to Sally Davis
6 Dec, Samuel Metlin to Sally Thompson
15 Dec, David Lusk to Kitty Junkins.

1815-19 Jan, Samuel Horning to Jane Wright
28 Feb, Joseph Hamlin to Elizabeth Mackey
9 Mar, William Kennedy to Sally Henry
9 Mar, James McCrum to Polly Johnston
18 Apr, Alexander Robison to Polly Haroy
15 Jun, William Reynolds to Eliza Robison
29 Jun, Charles Mony to Mary Barrowman
8 Aug, David Gibson to Margaret Henderson
10 Aug, Isaac Swailes to Nancy Wilman
10 Aug, Caleb Houston to Betsy Purdy
10 Aug, Amos Gustine to Ann Wood
14 Sep, John Wright to Elizabeth McCrum
19 Oct, John Kelley to Margaret Thompson
7 Nov, Patrick Duffy to Mrs. Osley Hardy

1816-4 Jan, James Kenney to Betsy Kinkead
20 Feb, David Lapp to Polly Riddle
9 Apr, John Lytle to Nelly Henderson
11 Apr, Peter Carlen to Phebe Martin
11 Apr, Moses Burge to Miss Pamelia Haukhawout
25 Apr, Dr. David Crawford to Peggy Brown
12 Sep, Michael McCrum to Catharine Kinsloe
24 Oct, George Crane to Jane Watt
24 Oct, Richard Reed to Mrs. Rebecca Worley
26 Nov, Alexander Scott to Tursy Been
10 Dec, John Hall to Hannah Jackson (people of color)

1817-4 Feb, James Kerr to Elizabeth Johnston
18 Feb, Alexander Sanderson to Nancy Davidson
20 Mar, James Stewart to Rebecca Bell
27 Mar, George Stockdon to Sally Kisbinger
1 Apr, Jacob McIntire to Polly Loudon, (Alexandria, Huntingdon Co.)
21 Apr, Jacob Zeigler to Kitty Wright
15 Jul, Mathew Brown to Rebecca Davis
11 Sep, John Wallace to Polly Wilson
16 Sep, Robert Crozier to Polly Rice
22 Nov, George Elliot to Nancy Ross Kinsloe
4 Dec, Samuel Meloy to Polly Warton
23 Dec, Caleb Copeland to Eleanor Henderson
30 Dec, James Martin to Catharine Carlen

1818-2 Jan, Joseph Meredith to Polly Hamilton
24 Feb, John Jeffers to Elizabeth Cunningham
17 Mar, Hugh Wilson to Martha Banks
23 Mar, John B. Freeborne to Rebecca Gustine
31 Mar, Nathaniel Wilson to Eleanor Hardy
2 Apr, William Doty to Elizabeth Kenny
9 Apr, Richard Vance to Sarah Gilfillen
13 Apr, George Taylor to Mary Ryan.
16 Apr, William Thompson to Hannah Mineer
23 Apr, Samuel Riddle to Sarah Jordan
26 May, Azzur Wright to Grizelda McCormick
28 May, Christian Hansberger to Betsy Crane
16 Jun, William Crozier to Sarah Wilson
27 Aug, Robert McCurdy to Nancy Summerville
29 Oct, Abraham Lukens to Ann Stuart
3 Nov, William Harmon to Elizabeth Richibaugh/Rickenbaugh

1819-28 Jan, John Robinson to Jane Kinkead
23 Feb, Philip Rapp to Margaret Warner
2 Mar, John Thornburg to Peggy Stackpole
11 Mar, David Cunningham to Nancy Lyon
25 May, Robert Aitken to Elizabeth Anderson
22 Jun, William Miller to Mrs Martha Tannyhill
24 Aug, James Woodward to Elizabeth Thomspon
2 Nov, Peter Naukawout/Haukhawout to Mary Fanormer/Van Ormer
4 Nov, Hugh McDonald to Kitty Sheets
30 Dec, John Wright to Nancy Leonard

1820-17 Feb, William Richey to Margaret McAfee
29 Feb, Evan Evans to Betsy Gingerich
14 Mar, John Jackson to Rachel Hill (colored people)
20 Apr, Christopher Hardy to Nancy Scott
26 May, John Clare to Polly Lutin
20 Jun, Samuel Custard to Mrs. Ann Douglas
7 Aug, Abraham Adams to Margaret Steel
12 Oct, Robert Levi to Catharine Fight
2 Nov, Reis Hench to Nelly Stephenson
21 Nov, James Anderson to Ruth McCahan
28 Nov, John Myers to Harriet Horning
7 Dec, Peter Carlin to Hannah Martin

1821-4 Jan, John Stuart to Rebecca Johnston
23 Jan, Samuel Sharon to Betsy Egley
15 Mar, Jesse Jacobs to Betsy Diviney
29 Mar, Nathaniel Bell to Hannah Gilmore
19 Apr, William Kirkpatrick to Grace Wallace
30 Apr, Jacob Packlin to Hannah Mark
10 May, William Meloy to Hannah Wilson
12 Jun, Henry Taylor to Priscilla Turbet
31 Jul, William Tibert (alias Kinsloe) to Dolly Kinsloe
23 Oct, Martin Webb to Jane McCurdy
30 Oct, William Richie to Sally McAlister

1822-7 Feb, William Ingram to Martha Cottle
27 Mar, Joseph VanOrmer to Sally Diviney
18 Apr, William Campbell to Nancy Roland
14 May, David Reynolds to Amelia Major
27 May, William Black to Anny Walker
1 Aug, Dr. John Smith to Lydia Barletz
1 Aug, William Kirk to Catharine Selheimer
17 Oct, William Wallace to Sarah Fowles
24 Oct, William Calderwood to Sally Patton
19 Nov, Thomas Robison to Nancy Marle
21 Nov, John North to Jane McAlister
12 Dec, Thomas Kern to Betsy Selheimer.

1823-6 Feb, Edward Harper to Mary Ann Martin
20 Feb, John Fowler to Rebecca Leonard
20 Feb, William Robison to Jane Vanorme
4 Mar, John Martin to Mary McCachren
25 Mar, William Marle to Jane McMullen
25 Mar, William Sando to Polly Patton
27 Mar, Hugh Knox to Anna Wright
17 Apr, Amos Vanormer to Matilda Hauchawout
23 Apr, Isaac Smith to Kate Gill (colored people)
29 Apr, Ephraim Burchfield to Jane Flemming
30 Apr, John Love to Priscilla Smith
8 May, Charles Hight to Nancy Parsons
8 May, Elias Cook to Kitty Lyon
8 May, Thomas McDonald to Jane Woods
3 Jun, George Crane to Betsy Griffy
12 Jun, John Stager to Jane Kennedy
19 Jun, Joseph McCrum to Mrs Eleanor Speddy
11 Jul, Robert Knox to Ann Banks
16 Sep, Joshua Vanormer to Mary Williams
16 Sep, Lewis M. Roberts to Betsy Wright
23 Oct, Moses Burge to Betsy Vanormer
27 Nov, John Anderson to Susan Stephenson
30 Dec, William Elliot to Martha Irwin

1824-5 Feb, John Young to Polly McCurdy
12 Feb, William Elliot to Margaret Linn
24 Feb, John Thomas to Susan Fasick
4 Mar, Enoch Banks to Polly Wilson
18 Mar, Samuel Markley to Margaret Smith
30 Mar, Stephen Reynolds to Mary Black
1 Apr, Isaac Neff to Susan Neff
20 May, Edward Fowles to Rachel Henry
27 May, Robert Metlin to Elizabeth Custer
10 Aug, William McCrum to Anna Wright
19 Aug, John Henry to Margaret Murray
9 Sep, George Wright to Mary ann Boner
4 Nov, William Love to Mary W. McCrum
12 Nov, Thomas Stewart to Elizabeth Rice
8 Dec, James McClure to Martha Linn
28 Dec, James Cummings to Mrs. Sally Reynolds

1825-3 Feb, N. Smith/Nasmith Williams to Julia Ann Rumbaugh
17 Mar, William McMeen to Margaret Banks
14 Apr, Daniel Westfall to Mrs Amelia Fowles
28 Apr, John Tennis to Jane Moore
5 May, Alexander Magonagle to Christiana Rice
12 May, Peter Kench to Mary Stuart
21 Jul, Samuel Carlin to Elizabeth Guss
26 Jul, John Reynolds to Harriette Gallaher
9 Aug, John Hench to Margaret Groninger
18 Oct, John Martin to Mary Rolin
2 Nov, Tobins Strock to Elizabeth Brackbill
8 Nov, Jonathan Hardy to Jane Metlin
24 Nov, John Partner to Margery Metlin
1 Dec, Isaac Thompson to Jane Boal
8 Dec, Roswell Wright to Betsy Scott

1826-23 Feb, George Jacobs to Sarah Foose
23 Feb, Robert McCracken to Margaret Lukens
13 Apr, John Fasick to Martha Maxwell
4 May, Everard Poles to Miss Polly Bell
8 Jun, David McClure to Margaret Jamison
27 Jun, Hugh Watt to Eliza Castle
18 Jul, Thomas McFalls to Jane Patton
27 Jul, John Johnston to Hannah Hill (colored people)
15 Aug, John Webb to Polly Wilson
24 Oct, John Guilliford to Hannah Wharton
23 Nov, Jacob Lukens to Elizabeth Staufer
28 Nov, David Kepner to Catharine Kepner
5 Dec, Robert Wilson to Sally Haukhawout

1827-9 Jan, Elias Horning to Isabella Scott
11 Jan, John Riddle to Margaret Lukens
22 Feb, William Robison to Polly Selheimer
12 Mar, Henry Rice to Polly McFadden
22 Mar, James McCoy to Eleanor Metlin
29 Mar, Barnard Vanormer to Mary Graham
10 Apr, David Banks to Jane McAlister
10 Apr, Laffert Kaukawout to Barbara Rothroak
2 May, Charles Vanormer to Becky Shields
3 May, Rev. James K. Stewart to Margaret S. Law
6 Nov, Jacob Adams to Margaret McMeen

1828-3 Jan, John Smith to Ann Powell
10 Jan, John McCrum to Margaret McCrum
29 Jan, Robert Wright to Eliza Horning
21 Feb, John Selheimer to Mary Carl
28 Feb, Robert Moore to Elizabeth E. McAlister
10 Apr, Jacob McLaughlin to Isabella Alexander
17 Apr, George Cohan to Peggy Powell
20 May, William K. Torbett to Nancy Brant
8 Jul, William Jones to Susan Miller
17 Aug, Louis Evans to Catharine Hare
14 Aug, James Flemming to Mrs. Leyman
14 Aug, Andrew McDonald to Barbara Sheetz
25 Sep, Robert Kennedy to Betsy Carlin
9 Oct, James McBridge to Elizabeth Patterson
4 Nov, David Snively to Hannah Kepner

1829-6 Jan, Samuel Jones to Margaret Wilson
13 Jan, Nathan Griffy to Margaret Patton
13 Jan, Joseph Carlen to Margaret Logan
12 Mar, James Crawford to Jane Marle
12 Mar, Samuel McMeen to Betsy Wilson
18 Mar, Isaac McCord to Hannah McClelland
24 Mar, David Kaufman to Margaret McBridge
24 Mar, James wright to Mary Ann Jacobs
31 Mar, James Davidson Egle to Nancy Wischaup
7 May, David Castle to Polly Sellers
12 May, James Mathews to Jane Hutchison
(Ceremony by Rev. John Coulter)
14 May, William Fowles to Elizabeth Watson
11 Jun, Stuart Laird to Eliza Coulter
18 Jun, Philo Hamlin to Rebecca North
29 Jul, Bernard Brady to Jane Granville (Macklin)
30 Jul, William Brackbill to Eleanor Hartman
6 Aug, Zachariah Weimer to Mary Brackbill
19 Aug, Samuel O'Keson to Barbara Keck
27 Aug, Armstrong Calhoun to Abigail Hench
12 Nov, David Stonesipher to Jane Kyle
19 Nov, William McCoy to Sally Crawford

1830-29 Apr, William Henderson to Catharine Ulerich
27 May, Henry B.D. Sahler to Jane Jamison
20 Jun, Charles Shields to Sally Myers
8 Jul, Jude Custer to Ann Watson.
11 Sep, John McCary Esq. to Elizabeth Smiley
16 Nov, John McCrum to Margaret Grier
23 Dec, John Robison to Margaret Davidson.

1831-10 Feb, Robert Thompson to Polly Lukens
10 Feb, John James to Margaret Shields
19 Apr, William Annan to Ann Eliza Hutchison
(Ceremony by Rev. James S. Woods)
26 Apr, Andrew Parker Esq. to Ann Eliza Doty
26 Apr, William Phillips to Sally Cunningham
5 May, John Wright to Betsy Maxwell
12 Aug, Nathaniel Steel Esq. to Susanna Davidson
22 Sep, Emory Morse to Elizabeth C. Law
13 Dec, John Dim to Susanna Cox (Turkey Valley)

1832-19 Jan, Hugh McCleary to Catharine Jordan
31 Jan, Abraham Lukens to Sarah Thompsom
15 Mar, William Curren to Lucretia Bratton
12 Apr, George Jacobs to Sally Christy
7 Jun, John Robison to Sally McCrum
7 Jun, Moses Kyle to Sally Watson
7 Jun, Wm. Martin Morton to Filucia Aggler
21 Jun, William Belford to Mary Kyle
19 Jul, William Kenny to Susan Beaty
29 Nov, William Moore to Polly McAlister
18 Dec, Robert Jordan to Martha Thompson
20 Dec, William Guss to Mary Foltz
25 Dec, John McMinn to Margaret McMeen
27 Dec, David Griffith to Barbara Saiger

1833- 29 Jan, Joseph Funk to Eliza Spangler
28 Feb, Mitchel Elliot to Polly Ann Linn (Both of Perry Co.)
28 Feb, Samuel Reed to Polly Townsy
19 Mar, William Horning to Jane Love
4 Jun, George Jacobs to Margaret Turbett
4 Jun, John E. Forster to Elizabeth Morse
11 Jun, Wm. L. Stephens to Jane Cameron (Kishacoquillas Valley)
27 Jun, Samuel Mathers to Hannah Knox
9 Jul, John Forster to Margaret S. Stewart
25 Jul, George Farley to Sarah Minen
7 Aug, James Frow to Jane McDonald
15 Aug, Cyrus McCurdy to Elizabeth Stewart
24 Oct, George Hoffman to Betsy Keiser
19 Nov, William Aitken to Mary Marley
19 Dec, David Wright to Elizabeth McCoy
26 Dec, William Reeder to Jane Bell McFadden

1834- 13 Feb, James Hardy to Jane H. McCrum
4 Mar, Charles McKee to Jane Isabella Kyser
6 Mar, William Henderson to Margaret Harket
6 Mar, James Robison to Elizabeth Kishinger
11 Mar, Charles Thompson to Mary Ann Cochran
13 Mar, John McNitt to Mary J. McNitt (Kishacoquillas Valley)
18 Mar, Philip Strouse to Euphenia North
18 Mar, Joseph Coffman to Sarah Bell
20 Mar, Benjamin Rice to Alice Stuart
17 Apr, Mathew B. Patterson to Sarah W. Hutchison
Ceremony by Rev. William Annan
13 May, William Horning to Mary Ann Stevenson
15 May, John Irwin to Miss Mary Stewart
27 May, Jacob Yeater to Polly Sellers
3 Jun, David Stewart to Elizabeth McAlister
12 Jun, Andrew Patterson to Eliza Walker
5 Sep, Robert Innis to Jane Madow
25 Sep, Thomas Jacobs to Ann Elder
2 Oct, William Siddens to Elizabeth Rumbaugh
21 Oct, Samuel Riddle to Margaret Stuart
23 Oct, Allen Bird to Mary Sellers
9 Dec, John Kerlin to Mary Ann Waldsmith

1835- 6 Jan, James Cochran to Lavinia Thompson
8 Jan, John Kepner to Elizabeth Leonard
15 Jan, James Logan to Catharine Kepner
3 Feb, Samuel McWilliams to Sarah Burchfield
5 Feb, Ellis Stayner to Sarah E. Law
24 Feb, William McFadden to Mary Robison
26 Mar, Isaac Hains to Polly Davis
2 Apr, Samuel Irwin to Jane Hamilton
30 Apr, Henry Groninger to Priscilla Morrow
Memoranda 12 Dec 1831, John Christy to Mary Reynolds of Lost
Creek Valley, at Lewistown.
1 Jul, Lewis North to Ellen McAlister
27 Jul, George Gray to Rebecca Robison
17 Sep, Henry McCachren to Sophia Stewart
1 Dec, John Coulter to Margaret Giffin
15 Dec, Robert Lukens to Sarah Ann McFadden

1836- 5 Jan, David Kerlin to Jane Hardy
16 Feb, James Alexander to Martha Allen
28 Apr, Alex. H. Oliner Esq. to Mary M. Bowsey
12 May, Amos Gustine, Esq. to Francisea Hamilton
12 May, F.C. Marklin to Ann Forrey
4 Aug, Michael Walker to Mary Kepner
15 Nov, John Law to Jane Selheimer
13 Dec, James Henry to Sarah Douglas
22 Dec, John Neisley to Mary Jones
22 Dec, Richard Worrell to Anetta Gillespay

1837- 7 Feb, Joseph McDonald to Nancy Harris
16 Feb, James A. Kinkaid to Eliza Reynolds
7 Mar, Jesse H. Alexander to Margaret Hamilton
12 Oct, Noah Elder to Margaret Armstrong

1838- 25 Jan, James Taylor to Margaret McCamant
29 Jan, John W. Smith to Elizabeth Snyder
1 Feb, Mahlon Kerlin to Margaret Schrefler
1 Mar, Michael Whitman to Volumnia Ann Knox
29 Mar, Divid Dressler to Mary McCrum
5 Apr, Benj. Oswald to Sophia Gallaher
24 May, Samuel Gooshorn to Dorcas Holt
21 Jun, Saml Speddy to Barbara Waldsmith
16 Aug, James Brice to Jane Snyder
6 Sep, Dr. John Irwin to Jane H. Bell
16 Oct, James Nathers Esq. to Amelia Evans
13 Nov, Nelson B. Longbury to Rachel Wright

1839- 5 Mar, Christian Emhieser to Sarah Davis
7 Feb, Thomas Barnard to Mrs Isabella Horning
6 Mar. Dr. Abiran C. Steel to Margaret Whiteside
11 Jun, John Sartin to Jane Alstaff
18 Jul, Jacob Forrey to Barbara Whitmer
26 Sep, George Bowers to Nancy McCachson?
17 Oct, James N. Caviney to Susan Yeater

1840- 24 Feb, Jacob A. Christy Esq. to Malinda Thornburg
12 Mar, Thomas S. Knox to Sophia Leonard
19 Mar, Lewis Cox to Mary Jane Cox
8 Apr, John Wildman to Nancy Most
9 Apr, R. Wilson Jamison to Sarah G. McAlister
23 Apr, Thos. Smith Blair to Catharine Wright Zeigler
8 Jun, Wm. Glen to Sarah Thompson, Spruce Creek, Huntingdon Co.
3 Sep, Joseph N. Riter to Margaretta Brown
29 Sep, Thomas B. Davis to Mary H. Stayner
1 Oct, Jerome N. Thompson to Jane Wright

1841- 11 Jan, Richard Doyle to Nancy Criswell
9 Feb, James Marley to Mary McCrum
23 Feb, Henry Mattocks to Elizabeth McDonald
2 Mar, Rev. Moses F. Coyd to Anitta Steely, Kishacaquillas Valley
18 Mar, Enoch Horning to Mary Reynolds
30 Mar, Samuel Metur? to Mary Marle
13 May, Wm. Edminston to Julian Beaver
25 May, David Kepner to Asinath Jeffries
24 Aug, Samuel Mills to Nancy W. Emory
2 Sep, Gail Kinzer to Nelly Moore

1842- 15 Mar, Joseph Brown to Rebecca Hight
17 Mar, Lucian Wilson to Jane W. Waterhouse
25 May, James Cummings to Mrs. Sarah Fanormer/Vanormer
27 Jul, Jacob A. Christy Esq. to Catharine Saiger
10 Aug, Boneparte Thompson to Mary Elizabeth Forerman
1 Sep, Thompson Valentine to Mary Bell
6 Sep, Wm. Caveny to Sarah Jane Vanormer
13 Sep, Daniel A. Okison to Susanna Emheizer
15 Sep, John Briner to Rebecca North
22 Sep, Amos Martz to Sarah Ost
27 Oct, Isaac Longacre to Carolina Cummings
3 Dec, Benjamin May to Margaret Watson
6 Dec, Napoleon D. Bratton to Catharine A. Brown

1843- 31 Jan, James S. Downing to Mary A. Valentine
23 May, John Wilson to Mary Dasher
24 Aug, David H. Barton to Sarah Jane Knox
26 Sep, Edmund S. Doty Esq. to Catharine N. Wilson
31 Oct, Isaac Tunis to Susan Criley?
31 Oct, Alexander McClure to Mary Aitken
21 Nov, James Butler to Eliza Jane Glen
30 Nov, Richard Henry Boyan to Eleanor Ann Campbell
26 Dec, Judson Hunt to Hannah Maria Jennison

1844- 12 Mar, Wm. Christy to Elizabeth Obes
4 Apr, Cyrus Morrison to Caroline Jackson (colored)
18 Apr, Joseph Lacy to Mary Dalton
22 Jul, Josiah Thompson to Eliza Phillips
2 Sep, Jacob Naers? to Elizabeth Crozier
10 Sep, John Henry to Mrs. Susan S. Steel
3 Oct, Adam Yeager to Margaret Haynes
3 Oct, Alexander Eisenbeis? to Mary Ann Skallon