
	I injoyed your web page on the 126th PA Infantry Regiment.

I am presently doing some research on the 134th PA, who were in the same

Brigade under Tyler. I have several dozen letters from James and Joseph

Reed of the 134th during the war, and I am in the process of transcribing

them. One letter of interest describes a presentation of horse,saddle

and Sword to Gen. Tyler which was presented to him buy the 126th,129th

and 134th regiments, soon after the presentation Gen Tyler was broughtup

on court marshal charges for cowardness but the letter does not state

the outcome.I believe he was found not guilty because he continued on

and was advanced soon afterwards. The help I need is any further

information about the 134th mainly any referances in letters from

members of the 126th about them no matter how minor.

				Very Respecfully

				Deral Heiland
