Wright's Town Township Property and Tax Records 1779

Eber Addis
Thomas Allibone
Tho's Allibone & Shep. Smith
Thomas Atkinson
Joseph Ballance
James Banon
Isaac Beal B.S.
Wm. Bennet
Wm. Chapman
John Chapman. Esq
Benja. Chapman
Abraham Chapman
Charles Chapman
Wm. Chapman G.M.
Benja. Chapman Jun.
Joseph Chapman
Wm. Clark
Benja. Clark
Wm. Clason
Benja. Coursan
Thomas Cunningham
Richard Dunn
John Fellow
Thomas Green
Benja. Hampton
Joesph Hampton
Jesse Heston
John Holmes
Andrew Hunter
John Hustin
Geo. Jewell B.S.
Joseph Johnson's Est.
Leonard Keisor
Samuel Kirk
Wm. Linton
Elizabeth Linton
John Lacey, Sen.,
Gen'l John Lacey
John Martin, Potter's Estate
Nathaniel McKinstry
Isachar Morrise, B.S.
David Nesbitt
George Newburn
Wm. Newman's Estate
Richard Parson's Est.
Wm. Pattin
John Rose
Joesph Sacket, Esq.
John Smith
Mary Smith
Robert Smith
Stephen Smith
John Stogdill's Est.
James Swiney
John Terry, Sen.
John Terry, Jun.
Wm. Thompson
Joseph Tombleson
Sarah Twining
Cornelious Vansant
Garrat Vansant
Robert Verree
John Warner
Thomas Warner
John Watson g.m., s.m.,
Thomas West
Mary White
John Wilkinson, Esq.
John Wilkinson, Ju., decas'd, est.
Cap't Ralph Williamson
Isaac Wilson
Geo. Wisnor
Single Men
Rob't Chapman
Michael Kelson
James Rose
John Sample
Michael Shannon
Joesph Terry
John Vanity
David Warner

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