Transcribed by Margie Erlebach

Name – Acres – Horses- Cattle – Servants

Nehemiah Adies’ est. 50-3-2-0
Widow Anderson – 140-0-0-0
Widow Baxter – 200-0-0-0
Wm. Beal – 50 – 0 – 0–0
John Beard – 106-1-8-0
Jessie Bewly’s Est. 200-4-4-0
James Bondin – 2-0-1-0
Widow Brady – 150-5-10-1
John Briggs – 140-4-6-0
Joseph Briggs – 98-4-4-0
Widow Carr –0-0-1-0
James Clemons, g.m. –152-4-2-0
Wm. Carver –100-2-3-0
Thomas Cravin –0-0-1-0
James Crawford –0-0-0-0
John Crawford - 150-2-2-0
James Cuming –120-2-2-0
Wm. Dear – 112-3-4-0
John Decoursey’s est. –100-4-7-0
Edward Doyle- 0-0-1-0
Jonathan Dungyan – 186-4-12-2
Joseph Dungyan, Sr. – 197-6-14-2
Joseph Dungan, Ju – 117-4-5-0
Wm. Dungyan – 30-0-0-0
Isaac Dunlap –0-0-2-0
Widow Fell – 0-0-1-0
John Fell – 157 –3-5-0
Johnathan Fell – 100-4-5-0
Henry Georges, B.S. – 90-2-6-0
Widow Gilbert – 10-0-1-0
Widow Gladen – 50 –3-5-0
Widow Graham’s est. –48-2-2-0
Mark Gregory’s est. – 60–2-2-0
John Grier – 220-8-13-1
Benja. Hair, B.S. – 120-5-5-0
Daniel Haistly’sest. –50-1-2-0
Benja. Hambleton – 126-4-6-0
Alexander Harvey’s est. –60-2-7-0
Widow Henderson – 30-0-0-0
Wm. Heston – 166-5-6-0
John Hough – 275-4-12-0
Joseph Hough – 175-3-10-0
Joseph Houghton’s est. –150-4-6-0
Widow Huston – 100-1-6-0
John Jamison – 250-6-15-1
Robert Jamison, Sen. – 170-3-10-0
Robert Jamison, Jr. – 150-5-8-0
David Johnson’sest –234-3-16-0
Robert Johnston – 0-2-3-0
Geo. Kerns 50-5-4-0
Wm. Klude’s est. – 192-7-6-0
Wm. Lee – 71-2-2-0
Andrew Long – 50-0-0-0
Widow Long – 250-4-8-0
John Longhead – 183-4-7-0
John Lough – 0-2-1-0
Hugh Manus g.m. – 100-5-11-1
Mary Marries –0-1-0-0
John Martin – 16-1-1-0
Jonathan Martin, cordw’r –0-0-2-0
James McCowin – 100-4-4-0
Margaret McFerrer – 0-0-1-0
Guayn McGrawdy – 150-2-3-0
Samuel McKinstry – 100-4-7-0
James McMichin – 0-2-1-0
Andrew McMickin – 190-3-9-0
Widow McMin’s est. –300-3-9-0
Martha McMin – 0-1-0-0
Robert Megill – 12-0-1-0
John Megrady – 50-4-5-0
Simon Meredith – 66-3-2-0
Thomas Meredith – 100-4-4-0
Geo. Miller , g.m. – 85-1-4-0
Mary Miller – 20-1-2-0
Alexander Nelson’s est. –139-2-5-0
Elias Nelson – 192-2-2-0
Wm. Nicholas – 0-0-0-0
Benj. Norrice’s est. – 45-2-2-0
James Paterson –0-0-1-0
Edward Pool – 40-3-3-0
Samuel Pouge’s est. –250-3-9-0
Rebeckah Poughe – 0-1-0-0
Hugh Ramsey’s est. – 40-1-2-0
Hugh Ramsey – 0-2-0-0
John Ramsey – 50-3-3-0
Wm. Ramsey – 200-5-9-1
Gilbert Rodman – 210-6-13-0
Jas.Rodman – 60-1-2-0
Jonathan Roberts – 118-3-6-2
John Roberts – 50-3-3-0
John Roney’s est – 40-0-0-0
Justice Rusbican – 0-0-2-0
John Scott – 137-4-8-0
Wm. Scott – 100-1-2-0
Samuel Shannon’s est. –¾-2-4-0
Hugh Shaw’s est. – 130-7-8-0
Wm. Simpson – 60-2-5-0
Benja. Snodgrass – 250-7-16-0
Ludwig Switzer – 100-4-9-0
Edward Taylor’s est. –48-1-2-0
Benja. Thomas’ est. – 2-2-2-0
Wm. Thompson, g.m.o.m.tanyard 75-2-7-0
Serich Titus’ est. –255-5-5-0
Francis Trombleson – 0-1-2-0
Eleazer Twining – 300-7-12-0
John Twining – 60-3-3-0
Joseph Twining – 227-5-6-0
Wm. Wakeham – 0-0-1-0
Charles Walker’s est.–200-3-5-0
Wm. Walker – 234-3-7-0
Widow Wallace – 34-3-7-0
John Warner – 160-3-7-0
James Watson –0-0-1-0
John Watson’s est – 7-0-2-0
Thomas West – 230-6-9-0
John Wilkinson,esq. – 81-0-0-0
Widow Wilkinson – 107-1-2-0
Isaac Worthington – 200-6-12-0

Single Men

Tho’s Allen
Wm. Brady
John Cleland
Lewis Corbitt
John Cotton
Watson Fell
Thomas Gladney
David Gray
Rob’t Harbison
John Hair
John Haston
John Henderson
Samuel Henderson
Hugh Huston
John Huston
Thomas Huston
Andres Marries
John McCatchlin
John McGee
Mathew McMin
John McMin
John McVickeers
Rob’t Morris
James Pouge
Thomas Powers
Wm. Ramsey
Wm. Smith
Elijah Tintson
Francis Tygart
John Tygart
Banja. Snodgras
Wm. Walker

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Web Page Developer
Nancy C. Janyszeski


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Eastern Counties


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