Lower Makefield Township Property and Tax List 1779

Joshua Anderson, Esq.
Edward Baily
Thomas Baily
Peter Barret
Issac Belford
John Bradfield
Jonathan Bradfield
David Brelford
John Browne
Mahlon Browne
John Buckman
Thomas Canby est. mill
Thomas Chapmman
Wheeler Clark
David Cutler
John Darbishire
Thomas Davis
John Dubree or Duree
Jacob Dush
Phillip Felty
Nathan Field
Wm. Field
Robert Fleming
Wm. French
Joseph Gillingham
Wm. Gold
Thomas Harvey
Robert Hillings
Henry Hugh
John Hunter
Josep Hutchinson
Michael Hutchinson
James Jolly
John Jones
Jonathan Kirkbride
Thomas Layton
John Lijaleer
Nicholas Lijaleer
Henry Logan
Samuel Lynton
Cornelius Mahon
Richard Marjoram
Benjamin Marhoram
Edward Marjoram
James Matthew
James Moon
Samuel Morgan
Joseph Neal
John Neal
Richard Neal
Ely Neal
Jonathan Palmer
Benja. Palmer
Abner Palmer
Elizabeth Palmer
Daniel Palmer
Richard Plummer
Henry Priston
Daniel Richardson
Thomas Richy
Thomas Richy
Wm. Richy
Peter Roberts
John Robins
Andrew Sanders
Stephens Sands
Wm. Satterthite
Wm. Satterthite, Jun.
Leonard Shafer
John Slack
Cornelius Slack
Thomas Slack
Joseph Slack
Abram Slack
James Slack
Abram Slack, Ju.
Richard Stillwell
Wm. Stockhouse
Joseph Taylor
Clemet Terry
James Thackary
Lamb Torbitt
Benja. Vanhorn
Jermiah Vanhorn
Peter Vansant
Isaiah Vansant
Elizabeth Warder
Abram Warner
Wm. Wartin. Sen.
Wm. Wartin Jun.
Joseph Watson
John Wetherhill
Daniel Whartin
Hannah White
George White
John White
Henry Whitson
John Winder
James Winder
Moses Winder
Thomas Winder
Benjamin Winder
John Winner
Matthias Wisner
Rachael Woodford
Sarah Yardly
Thomas Yardly
Richard Yardly

Single Men

John Blair
David Buckman
John Hugh
John Hutchinson
Mermil Hodggins
Daniel Linton
Caleb Palmer
Mark Palmer
Richard Plummer
Alexander Richy
John Sands
Timothy Slack
Phillip Slack
Cornelius Slack
John Stricklin
Amos Thackary
John White
Henry Whitson
Stephen Woodford

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Web Page Developer
Nancy C. Janyszeski


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Eastern Counties



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