Submitted by Amy who owns the bible but not related to the
Presented to Anna M Stover by her parents.
Watson Scarborough & Anna Maria Stover were married on the 1st day of January
AD 1868.
Henry Wismer Scarborough and Clara Hagerty were married on the 20th day of
July 1904
Jacob watson Scarborough and Elizabeth Ensworth were married on the 14th day
of February 1931
Henry H Scarborough and Marion Fischer Berry (?) were married on the 27th day
of September 1935
Joseph Francis Harring (Hamming?) were married on the 27th day of June 1935
Addison Jackson Allen and Marion Stover Scarborough were married on the ____
day of June 1931
Isaac Stover was born on the 13th of March AD 1806
Elizabeth Wismer was born on the 19th of January 1815
Isaac Scarborough was born on the 1st of July 1804
Mercie Scarborough was born on the 3rd of April AD 1910
Wilson Scarborough was born on the 24th of April AD 1839
Anna Maria Stover was born on the 1 of January 1837
Henry H Scarborough was born on the 24 of July 1876
Clara Hagerty was born on the 16th of June 1870
Jacob Watson Scarborough was born on the 30th day of April 1905
Marian Stover Scarborough was born on the 23rd day of Octber 1906
Mary Hagerty Scarborough was born on the 15th day of October 1908
Henry Wismer Scarborough, Jr was born on the 18th day of February 1910
Isaac Stover died January 21, 1876, age 69 yrs 10 mo, 8 days
Elizabeth Wismer Stover died April 25, 1889 age 74 yrs, 3 mo, 6 days
Isaac Scarborough died March 22, 1883, in the 79th year of his age
Mercie Wismer Scarborough ( might say PEARSON squeezed in there) died October
16, 1884 in the 75th year of her age, buried at Buckinham Mtg
Watson Scarborough died October 6, 1903 age 64 yrs 6 mo, 12 days
Anna M Stover Scarborough died December 15, 1910 age 73 yrs 11 mo, 15 days,
buried at Carversville, PA
Clara Hagerty Scarborough died October 3, 1932
Henry H Scarborough died Octoer 10, 1935
Buried at Doylestown
In the front leaf of the bible it is written:
This bible gien to Marian Stover Scarborough Allen by Elizabeth B Scarborough
and Watson Scarborough, executors of the will of Henry H Scarborough,
Deceased on...
(never completed)