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1. 1682, July 15. Deed for lands between the Falls of Delaware and Neshammonys Creek, confirmed by William Penn, October 24, 1682.
2. 1683, June 23. Deed for "lands lying betwixt Pemmapecka and Nesbemineb Creek *** and backward of the same, and to run two days journey with an horse, up into the country as the said River doth go"
3. 1683, June 25. Wingebone's release for lands "lying on the west side of the Schuylkill, beginning from the first falls *** and backward of the same as far as my right goeth."
4. 1683, July 14. Deed for lands between Schuylkill and Chester Rivers.
5. 1683, July 14. Deed for lands between Schuylkill and Pemmapecka Creeks.
6. 1683, September 10. Keketappan's deed "for his half of all his lands betwixt Susquehanna and Delaware which lieth on the Susquehanna side.
7. 1683, October 18. Machaloha's deed "for lands from the Delaware River and Chesapeak Bay, and up to the Falls of the Susquehanna.
8. 1684, June 3. Manghougsin's release "for all his land on Perkioming."
9. 1684, June 7. Richard Mettamicont's release "for lands on both sides Pemmapecka Creek on the Delaware."
10. 1685, July 30. Deed for lands "between Pemmapecka and Chester Creeks, and back *** as far as a man can go in two days" from a point on Conshohockin Hill.
11. 1685, October 2. Deed for lands between Duck and Chester Creeks, and backward from Delaware, "as far as a man could ride in two days with a horse."
12. 1692, June 15. Acknowledgment of satisfaction for land "lying between Neshamina and Poquessing *** and extending backwards to the utmost bounds of the Province."
13. 1696, January 13. Col. Thomas Dongan's, formerly Governor of New York, deed to William Penn for lands on both sides of Susquehanna, from the lakes to the "Chesapeak Bay."
14. 1697, July 5. Taminy's deed for the lands between Peminopeck and Neshaminy, and "as far back as a horse can travel in two summer days."
15. 1700, September 13. Deed of the Susquehanna Indians for the lands on "both sides of the Susquehanna and next adjoining the same and comprising Dongan's Deed." (No. 13)
16. 1701, April 23. Ratification of Dongan's Deed and the Deed of September 13, 1700 (No. 14), "by the Susquehanna, Shawona, Potowmack, and Conestogoe Indians."
17. 1718, September 17. Deed of release by the Delaware Indians for "the lands between the Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers, from Duck Creek *** to the Lehigh Hills."
18. 1720, December 16. Deed settling controversy respecting boundary of the lands arising from dispute concerning distance a man and a horse can each travel in a day.
19. 1726, May 31. Deed for lands on both sides of Brandywine Creek.
20. 1732, September 7. Deed for lands between Lechay Hills and Kekachtanemin Hills, "between Schuylkill and its branches, and the branches of Delaware."
21. 1736, October 11. Deed for all the said River Susquehanna with the lands lying on both sides thereof, "eastward to the head of the branches, or springs running into the Susquehanna, and westward "to the setting of the sun," and from its mouth northward "to the hills, or mountains called Kekachtanemin."
22. 1736, October 25. The preceding deed declared by the Indians to include the lands on the Delaware, and all the lands on both sides of the River Susquehanna from the mouth thereof as far northward, *** to the edge of Hills called Tyeninhaschta."
23. 1737, August 25. Deed comprising the "Walking Purchase" or, "as far as a man can go in one day and an half" from the westerly branch of Neshamony to the Delaware."
24. 1749, August 22. Deed for lands from the "Kekactany Hills to Maghonioy Mountain," and between Susquehanna and Delaware on the north side of "Lechawachsein Creek."
25. 1754, July 6. Deed at Albany for the lands on the west side of Susquehanna River, from Kittochanny Hills to a mile above the mouth of Penn's Creek, "thence northwest and by west, as far as the Province extends to its western lines, *** thence to the southern boundary, *** thence by the southern boundary to the *** Kittochtinny Hills, *** thence by the south side of the said Hills to the Beginning."
26. 1758, October 23. Deed of surrender of part of the Purchase of 1754, and new boundaries declared and confirmed.
27. 1768, September 5. The end of Nittany Mountain assumed as a station, per deed made, and surveys not usually made north thereof.
28. 1768, November 5. Deed at Fort Stanwix, commonly called the "New Purchase," extending from northeast to southwest corner of Commonwealth.
29. 1784, October 23. Deed explaining the boundary at the treaty at Fort Stanwix and Pine Creek declared to have been the boundary designated by the Indians, commonly called the "Last Purchase."
30. 1784, December 21. Deed declaring Lycoming to be the boundary.
31. 1785, January 21. Deed at Fort Stanwix and Fort McIntosh for the residue of the lands within the Commonwealth, made October 23, 1784, and January 21, 1785.
32. 1789, January 9. Indian cession of lands at Presque Isle including the Triangle.
33. 1792, March 3. On October 3, 1788, an Act was passed authorizing the Supreme Executive Council to draw on the State Treasurer for a sum of money for detraining the expense of purchasing from the Indians lands on Lake Erie. It is usually called the "Purchase of the Triangle." It contains 202,187 acres.