Retyped verbatim and kindly submitted by ... Sherryll Wallace

JAMES McCLOUD BROWN, a representative business man of New Alexandria, was born March 2, 1846, on his father’s farm in Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, a son of David and Maria (Beatty) Brown, and grandson of David Brown.  The Brown ancestor came from Scotland and  emigrated to Ireland under the “Confiscation act”.  There is in the possession of one branch of the family a sword that, tradition says, id service at Bothwell  bridge, and was last drawn in defense of Protestant liberty by Captain Matthew Brown, one of Colonel George Walker’s famous Derry regiment, who on that memorable first of July, 1689,on the hills of Meath, by the banks of the Boyne, fell in the struggle while leading the regiment to victory.  Matthew Brown, a descendant, came to America with his family in 1774, and settled in Green Castle, Franklin county.  One of the sons, David, was the grandfather of James M. Brown.


David Brown (grandfather) came to this country with his parents from Ireland, in 1774.  In 1802 he located near New Alexandria, on what is now known as the old Brown homestead, on the White Thorn Run.  He was the father of three sons – Thomas, David and James – also three daughters – Mary (Mrs. Nathaniel Alexander), of North Washington; Margaret (Mrs. John Coleman), of Elders Ridge; and Elizabeth (Mrs. Thomas Gayley), of Elders Ridge.  This family connected by marriage with the Erskines, and the following true story is of interest and shows how often the plans of the wicked are overturned and good results where only even was intended.  Mrs. Erskine (Marian Halcro) having died, an unscrupulous undertaker noted upon her finger a valuable ring which excited his cupidity.  At night he opened the grave and coffin to secure it. Finding it could not be removed from the finger of Mrs. Erskine, he took his knife and attempted to sever the finger.  To his horror and surprise blood flowed freely from the cut, and he fled in terror from the spot.  Mrs. Erskine, regaining consciousness, freed herself from her surroundings and made her way to her home.  Here she was received indeed “as one from the dead”.  She afterward became the mother of two sons, Ebenezer and Ralph, both of whom became eminent ministers, and one the author of “Erskine’s Sermons”.  Their father was the Rev. Henry Erskine, a minister of Cornhill, England.  They were also distinguished as the founders of the Secession church.  Their mother was Marian Halcro, of Orkney, Denmark.  Her family was descended from Halcro, Prince of Denmark.  Her great-grandmother was lady Stuart, daughter of Robert Stuart,  Earl of Orkney, a son of James V., of Scotland.  The grandmother of James McC. Brown was an Oliver, and her mother was an Erskine, from whom they trace direct descendent.


David Brown, son of David Brown, was a farmer by occupation.  He was a man of quiet habits and strong religious convictions.  He was of the Covenanter faith and a member of the church at New Alexandria, one of the charges presided over by the Rev. A.M. Milligan, whose sketch appears in the historical volume of this work.  There were three churches in the circuit, and preaching in each every third Sabbath.  Mr. Brown, with others, would walk to Greensburg (nine miles) to hear the Word expounded, when there was no preaching at his own church.  He married in 1835, Maria Beatty, daughter of Robert Beatty, of Knockbracken parish, county down, Ireland, came to America in 1826, and settled at New Alexandria, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.  There were born of this marriage the following children: Matilda W., 1836, wife of D.P. Marshall, of Arkansas City, Kansas.  Robert Erskine, 1837, a veteran of the civil war, with the One Hundred and Tenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, serving until the close of the war, when he received an honorable discharge.  He was for many years a merchant of Latrobe.   He married Elizabeth Elliott, daughter of Stinson Elliott, a farmer of Butler county.  Their children were:  Martha Emma, Edwin S., a chemist; Robert E., died in 1889, aged fifty two years; James C., died in childhood; Emmeline, died in 1871, in the full bloom of womanhood, aged twenty-five years, John Oliver, a veteran of the civil war, belonging to Company G, Twenty-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. He served throughout the last three years of the war and was honorably discharged at its close. He died in 1868.  James McCloud,  of whom later.  Maria J., the mother of one son, Robert Lloyd, who with his mother resides in New Alexandria.  Maria (Beatty) Brown died in 1849, aged forty-three years.  David Brown married a second wife, Nancy McClellan, of Salem township, a daughter of John McClellan. By her he had three children:  Elizabeth M., an instructor, having taught in all four states, Pennsylvania, Washington, California, and now teaching in Selma, Alabama.  Mary, wife of Hugh Wilson, of Armstrong county.  She is the mother of two sons:  Ira and Ralph.  Andrew C., a carpenter of New Alexandria.  Nancy (McClellan) Brown, died February 9, 1874, aged fifty-four years. David Brown, her husband, died April 29, 1879, aged seventy-five years.


James McCloud Brown, son of David and Maria (Beatty) Brown, attended the public schools during the winter months, and was apprenticed to William Nicholson to learn the trade of carpenter.  After serving his time and mastering the building business, Mr. Brown became a contractor and carried on a successful business for twenty-five years.  In 1901 he withdrew from that line of industry and opened a store in New Alexandria for the sale of shoes, clothing, etc., which business he still continues.  He is a member of the church of his fathers, the Reformed Presbyterian or Covenanter church.


Source:  History of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania – Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III, pgs. 139-140

                 Published by The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906


HUGH WALLACE LOVE, M.D., an eminent and leading physician of Harrison City, Pennsylvania, was born in Fairfield township, Ligonier valley, Westmoreland county, December 11, 1853, a son of James R. and Sarah (Wallace) Love.


Alexander Love, the grandfather of Dr. Hugh Love, was the progenitor of the family in America.  He was a native of county Tyrone, Ireland, and emigrated to the United States in 1807, settling in Fairfield township, where he engaged in agricultural pursuits all his active working life.  He married Sarah Hill, of county Tyrone, Ireland, and they were the parents of fourteen children, twelve of whom grew to maturity:  Thomas, Mary J., John, Matilda, Joseph C., Robert H., Alexander M., James R., William M., Sarah D., Margaret E., and Martha A.  Mr. Love was a Democrat in politics and a member of the Presbyterian church.  He died at the age of seventy-seven years, his wife passing away at the advanced age of eighty-six years.


James R. Love, eighth child of Alexander and Sarah (Hill) Love, and father of Hugh W. Love, was reared on the home farm and acquired a common school education.  Like his father he followed the quiet but useful occupation of farmer, in which he met with success.  Early in life Mr. Love affiliated with the Democratic party, but about the time of the beginning of the civil war became a supporter of the Republican party.  He was a soldier in the civil war and a member of Company I, Two Hundred Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers.  In church relations he affiliated with the Presbyterian faith.  James R. Love married  in 1853 Sarah Wallace, who was born in Fairfield township, 1832, the daughter rof Hugh and Martha (McWherter) Wallace.  The following children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Love:  Hugh W., Joseph C., James R., Jr., Martha M. Sarah M., William A., deceased, David M., and one that died in infancy.  The father of these children met with an accident, being kicked by a colt, which caused his death May 13, 1903.


Hugh Wallace Love acquired his education in the common schools of Fairfield township, Fairfield Academy, and Indiana State Normal school.  He studied for his profession in the Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania, receiving his degree in 1880, and in 1884 took a post-graduate course at the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City.  In 1880 he engaged in the practice of his profession in Harrison City, where he has taken his place among the leading physicians.  Dr. Love is a Republican in politics, and holds membership in the State Medical Protective Society, and has served as president of the Irwin Medical Society.  He is a member and elder of the Presbyterian church.  Dr. Love married, May 12, 1881, Sadie Menoher, who was born in Fairfield township, December 25, 1855, a daughter of Joseph A. and Sara (Curry) Menoher, both natives of the Ligonier valley.  Their children were:  James R., John G., died at the age of twenty months; Della B., and Irene G.  The mother of these children died December 26, 1901.


Source:  History of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania – Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III, pgs. 518-519

                 Published by The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906


THOMAS TILLBROOK McCUNE was born in Sewickley township, Westmoreland county, September 24, 1851, one of the five children still living of John and Martha (Tillbrook) McCune.  These are:  Jane, wife of Archie M. Boyd, of Sewickley township; Emma, wife of John M. Miller, of Madison, Pennsylvania; Ida, wife of William Strickler, of Scottdale, Pennsylvania; James, of Adamsburg, Westmoreland county; and Thomas, of whom later.  John McCune was the son of James and Rosanna (Graham) McCune, and was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, in 1822.  James McCune was also born in Allegheny county, his father having come into Allegheny county from Cumberland county, Maryland, in an early day of the country’s history.  He died at the age of forty-five, leaving seven children, four of whom are still living:  Gilbert, residing at Buena Vista, Pa.; Samuel, Shenandoah Valley, Va.; Robert, Mendon, Pa.; Elvira, the wife of Wilson Smith, of Elizabeth, Pa.  His son,  John, settled in Westmoreland county soon after his marriage, and although he made several removals for short periods resided in the county during the greater part of his life and died in Jeannette on the 24th of April, 1899.  In politics he was a Republican, and in his religious faith was a regular attendant, although not a member, of the Presbyterian Church.


Thomas T. McCune lived at home and attended the public schools until his twentieth year, when he went to his maternal grandfather, Thomas Tillbrook, and lived with him for three years.  Shortly after his marriage, which occurred in 1874, he located on a farm near the Hermanie coal mines, then the property of his mother, and engaged in agricultural pursuits for seven years.  In 1882 he rented the farm where he now lives of his father and mother, farming as a renter until 1888, when he purchased it of them.  This farm was the homestead of Thomas Tillbrook.  In connection with his farming he deals extensively in horses and mules, buying at the various markets.  In politics his sympathies are Republican, but he has never been actively engaged in political issues.  Mr. McCune married, November 12, 1874, Martha Gant, a daughter of John Gant, of South Huntingdon township, Westmoreland county.  Five children were born of this marriage, four of whom are still living:  John E. a farmer of Sewickley township; Abbay L., an engineer at the Company, Herminie, Pa.; Martha J., living at home.  They are members of the United Presbyterian Church.


Source:  History of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania – Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III, pg. 272

                 Published by The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906




GEARY L. McINTYRE.  The family of which Geary L. McIntyre, of Greensburg, is a worthy representative, is one well known in that place.  Mr. McIntyre is a son of John and Sarah (Wentzell) McInyre, and was born November 22, 1869, in Hempfield  township.


In boyhood he attended the common schools of his native township, and at the age of sixteen began to work in the coal works there situated.  After being thus employed for five years he became in July, 1890, a letter carrier at Greensburg.  He is still employed in the postal service in the same capacity, and has proved himself a faithful servant of the United States government.  Mr. McIntyre married, October 29, 1891, Luella Ambrose, and their children are:  Bessie, born July 30, 1892; George T., born October 30, 1894; Mary, born January 21, 1897; and Rebecca, born May 29, 1899.  Mrs. McIntyre is a daughter of George and Rebecca  A. Ambrose, and was born February 7, 1872, in Greensburg.  At the time of her marriage she was a resident of Greensburg, Pennsylvania.


Source:  History of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania – Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III, pg. 273

                 Published by The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906




WILLIAM McLAREN MOORE, a merchant of New Alexandria and a member of the firm of Denholm & Moore, is a son of Matthew McClaren and Louis (Tweedy) Moore, who were married February 3, 1859.


MATTHEW MCLAREN MOORE, son of Elder Moore, a large land owner of the county, was born March 31, 1819.  He was a farmer all his life.


Source:  History of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania – Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III, pg. 140

                 Published by The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906




JOHN K. SAXMAN.  Among the active and progressive citizens of Greensburg may be mentioned the name of John K. Saxman, a native of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, the date of his birth being July 12, 1864.  His parents, Henry and Mary (Brinker) Saxman, natives of Armstrong county and Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, respectively, reared a family of six children, namely:  Samuel Alexander, who lost his life by drowning at Sitka, Alaska; Simon George, married Ella Uber, and resides at Salt Lake City, Utah, where he is engaged in mercantile pursuits; Jennie, married James C. Clements, and resides at Markle, Pennsylvania; John K., mentioned hereinafter; William Henry; and Mary Elizabeth, married James R. Ramsay, of Delta, Pennsylvania.


                John K. Saxman received his preliminary education in the common schools of his neighborhood, and then pursued advanced studies at Dayton Academy for two years.  For one term he was a student in the Pittsburg School of Pharmacy, being called home by the illness of his father. He then took up his residence in Congruity, Westmoreland county, where his father conducted a general store, assisting in this, and until the fall of 1891 devoted his attention to the cultivation and tilling of the soil, at which place his father was one of the progressive farmers.  He then took up his abode in Greensburg and engaged in the livery business, following the same until 1903, in which year he disposed of it and went on the road as salesman, in which capacity he is still serving.  He is a lover of fine horses and considered one of the best horsemen in Westmoreland county.  He is a man of unquestioned character and wide-spread popularity, and a staunch Republican in politics.  Mr. Saxman married, October 28, 1896, Laura S. Mechling, born in West Sunbury, Butler county, Pennsylvania, daughter of William S. Mechling, who died in Dayton, Armstrong county, in 1893, and Mary R. (Stewart) Mechling, who is living at the present time (1905) in Dayton, Armstrong county.  Their children are as follows:  John K., Jr., born October 18, 1897; William Mechling, born August 21, 1899; and Mary Angelyne, born July 10, 1903.


Source:  History of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania – Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III, pg. 273

                 Published by The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906




            MASON RASH WELTY, prominently identified with the quarrying industry in Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, is a member of one of the oldest families in the state.      


Henry K. Welty,  grandfather of Mason Rash Welty, was born in Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in 1820, died October 9, 1898, in his seventy-eighth year.  Was a farmer by occupation.  He was a member of the Lutheran church, and a Republican.  He married Maria Sarver, and they  had children:  Susan, married Oliver Rowe, who met his death on the Pennsylvania railroad; Philip S., of whom later; Sarah, married John Zimmerman, of Greensburg, Pennsylvania; William, a farmer of Unity township, married Amanda Ruff, daughter of Samuel Ruff, Esq., a retired farmer, and resides at Greensburg; John, died in 1889; Elizabeth, married James T. Newmyer; Charles, married Elizabeth Ankeny, and they had three children:  John, Paul, and Lewis.


                Philip S. Welty, second child and eldest son of Henry K. and Maria (Sarver) Welty, was born in Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, 1844.  He is a prosperous carpenter and builder of Greensburg, is a member of the Lutheran church, and a Republican.  He married, June 2, 1870, Rebecca Eteck, born August 1, 1849, daughter of Frederick and Lisetta (Zimmerman) Eteck, and they had children:  Mason Rash, of whom later; and Henry Sarver, born March 17, 1873, one of the leading butchers of Greensburg, Pennsylvania.


Source:  History of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania – Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III, pgs. 519-520

                 Published by The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906




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