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To the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Pennsylvania:

GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the directions of the act of assembly, approved the 25th day of May, A.D. 1889, creating the same, the Commission having in charge the "children in the soldiers' orphan schools and other institutions employed as soldiers' orphan homes and schools," respectfully reports:

That it has now under its care three different schools, Chester Springs, Harford and Uniontown. Also children in the Church Home, at Angora; Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble-Minded Children, at Elwyn, Delaware county; St. John's Orphan Asylum, at Philadelphia; St. Paul's Orphans' Home, at Butler; Tressler Orphans' Home, at Loysville, and the Industrial School, Philadelphia.
The aggregate number of children under the care of the Commission at date of last report, May 31, 1891, was 860. The number at this date is 638. In the schools under the direct care of the Commission there are 623 children, and in the various other homes and schools, fifteen.
By resolution of the Commission, at its last quarterly meeting, in April, it was decided to transfer the soldiers' orphans in the Tressler Orphans' Home, at Loysville, to the schools in charge of the Commission, the distribution being made as follows: Chester Springs, thirty-three, Harford, two and Uniontown, eleven.
The number of children in the schools is rapidly decreasing. No children can be admitted, while those arriving at the age of sixteen years are discharged by law, and in addition to these discharges some are discharged upon application of parents or guardians before arriving at sixteen years, for good and sufficient reasons.
There were at one time throughout the state forty-four of these schools, homes and other institutions. At the organization of the Commission there were eleven under its immediate supervision. Of these, Mercer, McAlistersville, Chester Springs and Mansfield were closed at once, Mount Joy and White Hall in the year 1890, Soldiers' Orphan Institute and St. Paul's Home in 1891, and the Tressler Home on May 31, 1892. The Chester Springs school was reopened in 1890.
The health of the children has been excellent, no cases of serious illness having occurred during the year. The closest attention and care has been given the sanitary condition of all the buildings, ventilation, drainage and heating having received the especial attention of the executive committee, and to this, coupled with the location of the schools and the out-door exercises of the children, is doubtless to a great extent due the fact that nowhere in the state can be found a healthier and happier body of little ones.
The appropriation for the two years, ending May 31, 1892, and May 31, 1893, was two hundred and eighty five thousand eight hundred and eight dollars and eight-one cents ($285,808.81), this includes one hundred and sixty-two thousand eight hundred and eight dollars and eighty-one cents ($162,808.81), an unexpended balance from former appropriations. There has been expended of this appropriation, for the year ending May 31, 1892, one hundred sixteen thousand two hundred and seventy-two dollars and eighty-eight cents ($116,272.88). The amount available for the year ending May 31, 1893, is one hundred and sixty-nine thousand five hundred and thirty-five dollars and ninety-three cents ($169,535.93). The rapid decrease in the population of the schools, together with the legal restrictions, that not more than one hundred and forty dollars ($140.00) per capita can be expended, will leave a large unexpended balance at the close of the year ending May 31, 1893, and which will materially reduce the appropriation required for the continuance of the schools. Of the one hundred and forty dollars per capita appropriated there has been expended for the care, maintenance and education of the children, one hundred and thirty-nine dollars and ninety-two cents ($139.92) per capita.
The Commission submit the following as a statement of appropriations needed for the years ending May 31, 1894 and May 31, 1895:
Approximate unexpended balance, May 31, 1893, $67,000.00
Estimated expenses, year ending May 31, 1894, . . . . . 75,000.00
Estimated expenses, year ending May 31, 1895, . . . . . 55,000.00
$ 130,000.00
Less unexpended balance as above, . . . . . . . . . . . . 67,000.00
Additional appropriation required, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 63,000.00

The public press, the comrades of the grand army, the parents and friends of the children, and the neighbors of the various schools, have united in one common expression of content and satisfaction. As there has been no case of illness, so there has been no infraction of discipline, beyond the minor faults attributable to the inexperience and restlessness of youth, and easily controlled by those in immediate charge. The examination of the scholars, by the different members of the Commission, has developed the important fact, that, added to the learning from text-books, they are also taught to think. These examinations, gratifying and interesting in the extreme, were attended by hundreds of neighbors and friends, and the different managers and the faculties under their respective care are deserving of the highest commendation for the successful result, evidencing, as it does, continuous and conscientious work on all the lines laid down for them. The moral, mental and physical condition of the scholars is the best evidence of duty well performed, and is the highest commendation that could be bestowed, where all are so meritorious.
The three schools under the charge of the Commission are located as follows: Chester Springs, Chester county, on line of the Pickering Valley railroad; at Jumonville on mountain near Uniontown, Fayette county, and at Harford, Susquehanna county. While these schools are not in the immediate vicinity of the great centers of population, they are easy of access and each a community within itself. The health of he children is probably the best evidence of the healthfulness of the locations.
In the last report it was said, "It is suggested that a weak spot in the system is found in the graduation of the scholars when they arrive at the age of sixteen years." This assertion is repeated and emphasized. This is a tender age, and one full of difficulties and temptations. And yet these scholars are discharged from the schools and sent forth into life, inexperienced as to its troubles, and unequipped for the hard battles before them. It is to the credit of these schools, that those who enjoyed their benefits are among the most thrifty and respected of our citizens.
But it is suggested the state might increase her influence over these wards and help them in the struggle for their future maintenance.
For the care of the soldiers' orphans the state has expended a vast amount of money, but she has received a rich return in the advanced and reputable citizenship of those who were her wards but who now do her honor. Proud as the commonwealth may be of all she has done for the soldier and the soldiers' orphans, is there not something yet to be done? Are there not other soldiers and their children entitled to her bounty? Shall not the soldier who brought honor to her standard in war, and for more than a quarter of a century has contributed to her progress and her citizenship in peace, be entitled to the same consideration as those who enjoyed her bounty, with no greater claim upon her?
The infirmities of war, and of years in many cases, render the veteran unable to care for and educate his family. It will not be argued that there exists any necessity or demand for the general opening of the schools, but cases do exist where vagrancy will be the lot of the soldiers' orphan or his children unless the state shall exercise a watchful and paternal care over them. Happily the cases are but few. It seems easy to decide as to whether vagrancy or honorable citizenship conduces to the honor of the state. Why not provide for a system of education--industrial or otherwise as may be determined upon--limit the admission to said schools or institutions to a fixed minimum and provide that preference in admission thereto shall be given to the soldiers' orphan and after that admission be given to the necessitous and deserving orphans other than soldiers' orphans. Teach them trades or rudiments of business that will equip them to go into the world and maintain themselves; teach them thrift instead of idleness.
These thoughts are submitted for the serious consideration of your honorable body in the hope that such legislation may be had as will give the full measure of justice to the soldier and his children while guarding with the utmost care the honor and integrity of the state.
For the minutia of the work and its itemized detail, your honorable bodies are respectfully referred to the annexed tables, and the reports of the inspectors, also attached, which, together, will more conclusively show the work of the year, and some, at least, of the results thereof.
Very respectfully,


[The above information was transcribed from pages 7-10.]



WRIGHTSVILLE, PA., August 1, 1892.
To the Commission of Soldiers' Orphan Schools, Harrisburg, Pa.:

GENTLEMEN: I have the honor to submit my report for the year ending June 30 last. Pursuant to directions of the Commission, at the time of my appointment, I have visited and inspected each school, not less than once every month and made report of the same, which are of record in the department. In consequence of such monthly returns, much that may be contained herein, will be found a reiteration of matter found in said communications.
My visitations included a thorough inspection of the school buildings and the grounds and outbuildings appurtenant thereto, a careful observation of everything appertaining to the dining rooms, kitchens, dormitories and lavatories, an examination of the food furnished and the manner of its preparation, a close scrutiny of the appearance of the children and condition of the clothing worn by them, visits to class and study rooms, observing minutely the methods of instruction and disciplinary work on part of those employed for these important duties, and attention to all matters conducive to the best interests of the schools. These frequent visitations had a salutary effect and prompted such are, watchfulness and the exercise of every effort on part of those immediately connected with the school so as to avoid adverse criticism after the most exacting inspection. The year just closed has been a gratifying one and has repaid to a very great degree the earnest labors of the Commission and those they have associated with them in the management of the schools. I am confident that the advancement in every particular, made during the year, far surpasses that of any previous year.
Eminently satisfactory as the result of the year's work has been, I cannot but regret that the mandates of laws, governing and providing for these institutions, requires the dismissal of the children at the age of sixteen years. A great number of them have no homes and a greater number still must return to the care of those who are ill adapted to take proper care and charge of them. Sixteen years is rather a tender age to throw children upon their own resources to begin life's battle or to be remanded to the custody of those whose lives are at variance with the salutary instructions and training imparted to them in these schools.
I am glad to say, however, during the yea a number of children so circumstanced, through the efforts of the members of the Commission and friends, secured good homes, but not all have been so fortunate. Was the term of their stay at school fixed at eighteen, and two years of the period devoted to instruction in industrial or manual training, it would prove of incalculable advantage to them, when obliged to depart the schools, and they would be much better equipped to confront the perils of life and the more readily secure remunerative employement.
During the year I have received numerous letters from different parts of the state, seeking admission for children, of lately deceased veterans of the war, to the schools. The provisions of the latest laws, relative to soldiers' orphan schools, suggested like replies to all such communications. Many statements contained in a number of these petitions certainly appeal very forcibly to the generous and patriotic spirit which the restrictions now existing and continue its fostering care over these fatherless children, that they may be rescued from the cold charity of the world, and perhaps, from vagrancy and crime. The State of Pennsylvania has nobly and justly fulfilled her duty, in past years, to the orphans of deceased soldiers and the children of those veterans who, through adversities, became indigent and destitute; the same justice, strong, inflexible and enduring, to-day, appeals for a continuance of like care, treatment and protection to the children of veterans of the late war, who for many years battled with adversity and have lately died leaving little children in penury and want. The exercise of justice by the commonwealth to this class of destitute children, in years past, made thousands of citizens who are at present found leading useful and honorable lives. Poverty and ignorance tend to increase every species of crime. Truly, therefore, it would be the strictest economy and exhibit the highest wisdom, that the commonwealth should continue to provide for its destitute children and enact such laws that every child so circumstanced, within its limits, should receive the benefits of an education.
The Commission was indeed fortunate in the selection and appointment of managers, teachers and employes at the different institutions under their immediate control and supervision. Almost without exception their respective duties and employment were discharged with honesty and fidelity to the best interest of all concerned. The managers of the different schools are eminently qualified for the high and responsible positions occupied by them and exhibit a proper appreciation of the weighty obligations incumbent upon them, in assuming charge of the many children, looking after their comfort, intellectual, moral and religious training, and exacting from those engaged with and under them a like interest in everything appertaining to the welfare and proper education of the children. The teachers have been faithful in the discharge of their duties; earnest, industrious and painstaking they have achieved the most gratifying results and contributed very much to the happiness and contentment of the children under their charge. The government of the schools has been considerate, judicious and kind, and in but few instances has it been necessary, during the year, to inflict corporal punishment meted out to two incorrigible boys by action of Commission in the early part of term, had a most salutary effect and no attempt at escape have since been made. The children are happy and contented, thus testifying that they are kindly cared for and that every endeavor is made that their stay at school may be pleasant and homelike. I do not think that there can be found in any institution a more joyous, happier and brighter class of children, than to be seen at these orphan schools. The educational features receive the most careful attention; every school is systematically graded and studies allotted to meet the capacities of the pupils of each grade. I always found a desire on part of the teachers to impart thorough instruction and take time to give the pupils an intelligent understanding of the subject under consideration, and to these facts I attribute the very excellent showing of the pupils at the annual examinations, that elicited from prominent educators present surprise and commendation. The curriculum prepared for the highest or most advanced grade includes algebra, geometry, civil government, natural philosophy, grammar, book-keeping and physical geography, and in these branches many of the children at the closing exercises, displayed a knowledge not frequently equaled by children of like ages in other institutions of learning. Vocal music and other branches form always a part of the course of each grade.
Physical education has also received deserved attention. The girls receive careful instruction in this particular. Calisthenic drills are systematically kept up and the precision, grace and vim they exhibit generally in this work, show excellent training. The boys are now drilled in the "New Infantry Regulations," and already have made commendable progress. The "setting-up exercises" as laid down in the new tactics are more varied than in the old, but the boys generally have mastered them and perform the most difficult with apparent ease.
The moral and religious training of the children at all the schools receive merited attention. Morning and evening exercises consisting of singing, prayer and reading of the scriptures, are daily held in the chapel. Sunday schools and preaching are attended on Sunday. Sectarian instructions has been carefully avoided.
The deportment of the children, whether on the play-grounds or in the buildings, has generally deserved commendation. Although watchful, I failed during the year, to hear any profanity or improper language from any of the children. Almost without exception they are found to be polite and good-mannered, and meeting with friends or strangers pass the usual courtesies in a proper manner. The residents of the neighborhood, in which the schools are located speak highly of the conduct of the children and say they are entirely free from the annoyance to which they were subjected in years gone by and many of these people have become warmly interested in the schools. It is certainly a very great pleasure to make mention of these facts, as an evidence that the children are obedient and at all times respect the rights and property of others, when not accompanied by those having authority over them.
The health of the children at all schools, throughout the year, was remarkably good. There was comparatively but little sickness and that of a mild character, yielding readily to medical treatment. How thankful one should feel to be able to so report, as during the year, in localities adjoining some of the schools, diphtheria and other epidemics were prevalent and very many children fell victims to such diseases.
The amount of the per capita allowance for each child, set aside to purchase clothing, has never been so wisely and judiciously expended as during the year. The very best was obtained for the limited amount, and each child was possessed of an outfit at the close of year, never before equaled in quality and quantity since the existence of the orphan schools. The amount of clothing possessed by each girl was ample to furnish changes for detail, school and Sunday wear, and sufficient at all times for the purpose of cleanliness. The same can be said of the clothing furnished the boys. The dress material purchased for the girls was generally of various colors,--the uniformity of past years in this particular abandoned,--was tastefully made and fitted with much care, so also a greater variety in style in head-gear for the girls was introduced. The clothing furnished to the boys continued to be of uniform style and color, but more more satisfactory in make-up.
The food furnished was varied, plentiful and healthful. The preparation of the same was given much attention, was generally well cooked and served in a manner to be inviting. A full list of edibles furnished at every meal each day, is required from the managers of the schools at the end of the week. The Commission thus kept informed in this particular.
Examination day at all institutions of learning is generally hailed by the students with joyous welcome. The pupils of the soldiers' orphan schools are no exception to the rule. When the time appointed for the examinations at the different schools arrived, a hearty greeting awaited the members of the Commission, friends and visitors at each school.
Owing to the rapid diminution of soldiers' orphans in the schools, and the provisions of the law looking to the final closing of these schools, the Commission decided to transfer the children at Tressler's Home, Loysville, that would be there at end of the school term, June 30th last, to other schools under their immediate control, hence the examination was fixed to take place on May 17 and 18. Messrs. George G. Boyer and Thomas J. Stewart were the only members of the Commission present at the examination of this school. Among the prominent visitors attending were Rev. W.H. Dunbar and Mr. F.C. Fink, of the trustees, and Prof. L.O. Foose, superintendent of Harrisburg school district. The examinations passed off very creditably, reflecting much credit upon Prof. Millar and his assistants for efficient work. The others connected with this institution deserving the highest commendation are Miss E. Epply, as matron, and Mr. C. A. Widle, manager. Much of the improvement noticed at this school is due to their intelligent administration.
The examination at Chester Springs was held on June 22 and 23. There were bright and joyous days for every one connected with this school. The early train, June 22, brought the following members of the commission: Governor Robert E. Pattison, Thomas J. Stewart, George G. Boyer, George W. Skinner, G. Harry Davis, Thomas G. Sample and William F. Stewart, also distinguished visitors and friends. The battalion of soldiers' orphans accompanied by band, composed of pupils of the school, awaited the arrival of the party at the station and escorted the Governor to the school. After a short service of song by the children, the examinations were commenced and continued until noon, resumed in the afternoon and on the morning of the 23d. In these examinations, Rev. Dr. Leak, of Harrisburg; Prof. Thos. May Pierce, Rev. John W. Sayers, General B.F. Fisher and others took a prominent part with members of the Commission. The children acquitted themselves very creditably, surprising their inquistitors by readiness in responding and degree of their attainments. In the evening the visitors were delightfully entertained by the children at an exhibition consisting of vocal music, declamations and other exercises, that received much applause. During the day every apartment was open to inspection of visitors, and general commendation was expressed at the order, completeness and cleanliness everywhere found. In the early evening a drill in calisthenics by the girls, and one by the boys in the new infantry drill tactics were given, both of which were exceedingly well done and exhibited close attention to detailed instruction. Much praise is due to Manager J. H. Smith, Prof. M. L. Thounhurst, the assistant teachers and others connected with the institution, for their earnest discharge of duties. Almost without exception they have proved eminently satisfactory. I unhesitatingly say that this school has made most wonderful progress during the year.
June 24 and 25 was the time appointed for examination of Harford school. Thomas J. Stewart, George G. Boyer, Ezra H. Ripple, William F. Stewart and G. Harry Davis, of the Commission, were present. Upon arrival upon the campus of the school the members of the Commission were welcomed with music, the pupils in military array and a large assemblage of visitors. The first in the order of exercises was a song of welcome, and the raising of a beautiful national flag to the top of a stately staff. The examinations were then commenced, conducted by members of the Commission and assisted by Superintendent of Commons Schools B.E. James. The pupils throughout the entire examination acquitted themselves in a highly satisfactory manner, displaying the results of a careful, conscientious and intelligent instruction and fully sustaining the past record of the institution. Manager J. M. Clark and his able faculty deserve commendation for their earnest and painstaking work of the past year. The entertainment in the evening in which the pupils alone participated, proved delightfully interesting and throughout received merited approbation. The military drill of the boys, and the other drill exercises by the girls, were exceedingly well performed. The school in all its departments was found in excellent condition.
The final examination of the schools, took place, June 27th and 28th, at Uniontown. Members of the Commission present were Thomas J. Stewart, George G. Boyer, Ezra H. Ripple, Michael B. Lemon and Thomas G. Sample. A large number of visitors also attended the closing exercises. The examinations were conducted by members of the Commission and although they proved in the main very satisfactory, yet there seemed to be a lack of enthusiasm on part of pupils in a number of the grades. Rev. J.A. Waters, manager, Prof. M.L. Dartt and his assistants have labored very assiduously during the year and in the educational features of the school, the marked improvement shows that their zeal and industry have been crowned with much success. The buildings throughout were closely inspected and their adaption and condition were favorably commented upon. The military drill proved far superior to that of former years, also the same may be said of the drill exercises of the girls. The exhibition exercises of the evening by the children, was enjoyed by the audience.
In giving the foregoing summary of the final examinations, I do not wish to create the impression that at any of the schools perfection has been attained. There is still room for further improvement at the schools. The general summing up of the work during the year at the different schools however show a disparity in grand results, some achieving greater success than others. That there may be no retrogression during the ensuing year, earnestness, industry, and persistency must be exercised by every one having aught to do with the schools,
In conclusion, allow me to tender my congratulations to you for the excellent condition of the soldiers' orphan schools, which all acknowledge to be due to your unselfish and untiring administration of affairs connected therewith; and for the many kindnesses and courtesies received from the members of the Commission and the respect and welcome greetings always extended me by the managers, teachers and employes when visiting the schools in my official capacity, I am indeed grateful.
Respectfully submitted.
[The above was extracted from pages 31-36.]


DAYTON, July 13, 1892.
To the Commission of Soldiers' Orphan Schools:
GENTLEMEN: I have the honor of submitting my third annual report. Another year with its multiplied responsibilities has passed away, and the future alone can tell the full results of its arduous labors and care.
For myself I have found the duties entrusted to me sometimes wearisome, often trying, yet pleasant withal. A consciousness of the nobleness of the work and its possible effects well repay me for all the pains and trials necessary to its accomplishment.
My visits during the year have been as regular as possible and without omission--once a month--my single motive has been the support of the Commission and the welfare of the schools.
The monthly reports being more specific, I propose in this to be more summary and general.


In view of the number of children in the schools, these seem to be now amply sufficient to meet all requirements. At Chester Springs the buildings are in excellent condition, and of late the chapel and dining room have been handsomely papered and the walls ornamented with pictures. The lavatory and bathing arrangements here, of the girls, will compare favorably with that of the best hotels. At Uniontown, the buildings have been repainted, with additional repairs. At Harford a new lavatory was fitted up for the girls, and each school seems to take a laudable pleasure in striving to have the buildings and grounds kept in a profitable, cleanly and comfortable condition and as well ornamented as may be.


While it is true that a number of the pupils have, at times, required attention, and even careful nursing, yet all have been spared and the health of the school has been remarkably good during the year and although epidemics of diphtheria, scarlet and typhoid fevers, etc., prevailed in the immediate neighborhood of some of the schools, nothing of a contagious nature entered their doors.
One girl, from Chester Springs, was treated at Will's hospital, Philadelphia, for sore eyes, and one from Uniontown was treated at Connellsville for the same disease. Both these cases are chronic, and although the partial cure may not prove lasting, yet much benefit seems to have been derived from this special treatment.
Dr. Philipps, of Connellsville, who makes a specialty of the eye, is deserving of all praise for much kind and gratuitous attention to the children at Uniontown.


Teachers and pupils have seemed alike interested, and I feel that good, honest efforts have been put forth in the different schools an a good year's work has been accomplished. As no additional pupils have been admitted since 1887, what has heretofore been known as the primary department will be classed as intermediate work.
Uniontown far excels the other schools in prospective and free-hand drawing, oil painting, water colors, crayon work and designing in oilcloth and wall paper. Miss La Rue, of Philadelphia, has had charge of this department for several years, and her efforts reflect much credit on herself and the school.
In a previous report I recommended a uniformity of text-books, as nearly as possible; also that Prof. Thounhurt's course of study, as used at Chester Springs, be adopted in all the schools. I would still like to respectfully urge this change upon the attention of those concerned.
The literary societies (of which each school has one) and such exercises seem to be well kept up.
Colonel Ripple, of Scranton, remembered the Harford children with quite an addition of volumes to their library. The books were carefully selected and will do much toward establishing a correct literary taste among the children.
Through the kindness of Mr. Sample, of Allegheny, the Uniontown children are made glad many times.

Vocal music is taught in all the schools, and quite a number are taking lessons in instrumental music. Harford and Chester Springs have brass bands and Uniontown a drum corps.


The boys are taught military drill and the girls take calisthenics.
Colonel Magee's close examination of the educational department and his inspection of the drill during his visitations has been very beneficial.


The regular routine detail system, of each child working two hours during the day, has been kept up all year. I trust another year will bring still more satisfactory results in the industrial department of the schools.


The clothing is carefully selected by Mr. Boyer, and is of good material, neat, abundant and tasty and usually well made up. Indeed, I think no reasonable person could ask for more. I wish to add that I endeavored to take extra pains to see that the children and their clothing should be specially well prepared for their vacation, so as to be a commendation of all of the schools.


The food has been of good quality, sufficient in quantity, of nice variety and usually well prepared. The bread was not always what it should have been, but arrangements are being made by which this will doubtless be improved. The conveniences for cooking, the supply of food and the table furnishings are annually improving and (with perhaps a single exception), will now compare favorably with those of the normal schools of the state. I venture to add that I would like to see more of the feeling, "we are all of one family," and the children, teachers, employes, visitors and all connected with the schools being served at table without the unpleasant distinction which I find, in some places, prevalent.


Attention is given to religious instructions in all the schools. At Chester Springs distance prevents a regular attendance in winter, and I hope more effort will be made to supply (at least occasionally) this lack. Matters of religion, of course, are delicate things to touch upon, but no one can doubt that these children ought to be religiously trained so as to lead moral, useful and sober lives, nor can any one fear they can, or are likely to be trained overmuch.


The several examinations took place at the time appointed and were well attended. They were conducted by the Commission, assisted by principals, teachers and such others as might be called upon. Among these examiners mention might well be made of Governor Pattison, Thomas J. Stewart, Frank J. Magee, George G. Boyer, G. Harry Davis, Michael B. Lemon, Ezra H. Ripple, George W. Skinner, William F. Stewart, Thomas G. Sample, Jacob Crouse, Chaplain Sayers and Prof. Pierce, of Philadelphia.
Among the visitors were Captain Boyer's mother, Mrs. Thomas J. Stewart, Mrs. George G. Boyer, Mrs. Frank J. Magee, David and Mrs. McClure, Chaplain J. W. Sayers, Mr. and Mrs. Garwood, of Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Lovett, Major Spicer, Joseph Pomeroy, of Harrisburg, and sister, of Norristown.
Chester Springs was the only school honored with the presence of Governor Pattison, who gave an address in reply to welcome of Miss Daisy Grimes, who spoke in behalf of the school. The Governor expressed himself as being well pleased with what he saw and heard.
I cannot close this report without once again giving utterance to my deep sense of obligation to the Commission, one and all, and I would indeed be ungrateful if I failed to acknowledge the valuable assistance freely given, whenever called upon, by Captain Boyer and Colonel Stewart, that I might the better discharge the duties which rested upon me. I am also indebted to clerks, Messrs. Pomeroy and Patterson, who have at all times promptly and willingly responded to all inquiries made for information.

Very Respectfully,



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